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How I attract soulmate clients and make more money by using astrology in business

Creative Magic Club

Release Date: 08/24/2023

🎙️New Podcast Ep: How I attract soulmate clients and make more money by using astrology in business

How I attract soulmate clients using astrology in business. ✨

Do you ever hold yourself back from sharing what you REALLY want to say in your content?

Which part of your story do you have a burning intuition to be talking more about, but you’re scared to, or believe it might turn people off or attract criticism?

Imagine a world where you get to talk about the things you’re most EXCITED by… AND you discover how to make more money online by attracting amazing clients as a result?

When I started using my astrology chart in my business and content strategy,my messaging attracted soulmate clients into my high ticket coaching offers with more ease and alignment than ever before.

I share how I use astrology for business success to make more money online in this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast.

If you’re a soul-led creative who leads with integrity, authenticity and a deep desire to ENJOY your life and work while leaving a positive legacy that uplifts your community… you are going to LOVE this approach to simple, powerful, money-making messaging.

Whether you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by how to find clients online, doubting your intuition, holding back, or thinking that your story isn’t good enough, this episode will help you to see how diving into your astrology chart can give you the clarity and confidence to make the money and impact you’re destined for.

Let’s dive in!