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#159 - Always one more cigar to smoke!

Be Raw Podcast

Release Date: 08/10/2024

#160 - Nora Jones was the waitress! show art #160 - Nora Jones was the waitress!

Be Raw Podcast

It is the early 70s and the music scene is really heavy in New York City. Jay is deep in that scene and has some incredible knowledge of music production from that time period and the stories, man the stories! Enjoy! Jay - Mentions: Composure - Use the code RAW for a discount - HighSpeed Daddy - Live Rishi - Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - Me: 'til next time! The rock and roll music scene in New York City during the 1970s was an explosive and transformative era that shaped not only the genre but the entire music world. The city, known for its diversity and...

#160 - Back to regular scheduled programming! show art #160 - Back to regular scheduled programming!

Be Raw Podcast

This is me, the mic, ya'll listening, no notes and whatever is on my mind. Thanks for listening, take what you want, leave the rest. I am back from the summer off and getting back to "regular scheduled programming" and happy to be. Over the summer (and quite often) I got asked a lot about working out, why, what do I do, what do I listen to, what do I take. So I thought it would be fun to answer these questions and knocking the rust off getting back at it. Also it goes with welcoming the newest member to the nation. Composure. Check these guys out and drop them a note welcoming them to the...

#159 - Always one more cigar to smoke! show art #159 - Always one more cigar to smoke!

Be Raw Podcast

When I started this project I had a type of guest in mind to have on. They needto have thier soul on fire for what they are doing, be able to laugh at just about everything, tell stories, be engaged. Contribute and listen to learn. Nico hit all of these and then some. Great time, enjoy! Mentions:  Nico: HighSpeed Daddy: Live Rishi: Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - B- Word Media Group - Me: 'tile next time! The history of cigars is rich and spans centuries, intertwined with cultural, social, and economic developments across the globe. The cigar, a product...

#158 - My thoughts on AI! show art #158 - My thoughts on AI!

Be Raw Podcast

This is me, the mic, ya'll listening, no notes and whatever is on my mind. Thanks for listening, take what you want, leave the rest. In this episode I give my thoughts that have been rumbling through my mind over the last couple weeks on AI, enjoy! Mentions:  Live Rishi - Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - HighSpeed Daddy -  Dead Rock Stars -  'til next time! Pros of AI 1. Efficiency and Productivity AI systems can process large amounts of data and perform complex calculations much faster than humans. This capability can significantly enhance...

#157 - You're a Hallmark movie plot line my friend! show art #157 - You're a Hallmark movie plot line my friend!

Be Raw Podcast

Jay and Kyle came up with a very unique concept for a book. Imagine if all your favorite Rockstars from the past where still alive and fought crime...right! We also talk about pop culture, movies, Nashville and yes Hallmark movies, enjoy! Mentions: Jay and Kyle: Live Rishi: Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - Highspeeddaddy: Me: 'til next time! Pop culture, short for popular culture, encompasses the set of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images, and phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture. It is perpetuated through the most immediate and...

#156 - Recovery from a spinal cord injury! show art #156 - Recovery from a spinal cord injury!

Be Raw Podcast

This is me, the mic, ya'll listening, no notes and whatever is on my mind. Thanks for listening, take what you want, leave the rest. 8 years ago I woke up with no feelings from my waiste down. In this episdoe I tell the story of what happened and how I am 8 years later, enjoy! Mentions: Highspeed Daddy: Live Rishi: Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - Me: 'til next time! Recovery from a spinal injury is a multifaceted journey that requires a combination of immediate medical care, surgical intervention, rehabilitation, and long-term management. The recovery process...

#155 - My roots are Hillbilly! show art #155 - My roots are Hillbilly!

Be Raw Podcast

Hunter took a crazy life stayle and one night the door crashed in...literally! He did a 180, works hard supporting his family and chasing his dreams, enjoy!  Mentions: Hunter: Highspeed Daddy: Live Rishi: Use the code TABLE50 and get 50% off your entire order - Me: 'til next time! The notion that drug dealers are good entrepreneurs is a contentious one, as it inherently involves the discussion of illegal activities and their impact on society. However, if we were to analyze the characteristics and strategies commonly associated with successful entrepreneurship, it's possible to draw...

#154 - DAMN, must be nice! show art #154 - DAMN, must be nice!

Be Raw Podcast

This is me, the mic, ya'll listening, no notes and whatever is on my mind. Thanks for listening, take what you want, leave the rest. Today I vent about acouple things. Next time you say "damn, must be nice" you might want to understand a lifestyle that made it possible! 8-5 didn't make it. Parking on the couch to watch TV didnt make it. Sleeping in on Saturdays didnt make it. Calling in when sick didnt make it. Leaving early every chance you get, didn’t make it. Being content with where we're at didnt make it. Folding because they talked about you… It came from some 12-16 hour days. It...

#153 - I am not dating, I'm hunting! show art #153 - I am not dating, I'm hunting!

Be Raw Podcast

A blast talking with Miss Liz around dating and she drops a few bombs on me around her past! Commendable for her getting through it and how she is helping people these days through her experiences.  There will be a follow episode to this because I still have many questions. And her story about her ex husband... well she will tell you all about it, enjoy! Mentions: Miss Liz: HighSpeed Daddy: Live Rishi: Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order 'til next time! Domestic violence is a scourge that pervades every corner of society, regardless of race, class, or creed. It...

#152 - Teach them to win! show art #152 - Teach them to win!

Be Raw Podcast

This is me, the mic, ya'll listening, no notes and whatever is on my mind. Thanks for listening, take what you want, leave the rest. I rant about how I got kicked off of Social Media for 4 days posting about teaching my son how to win and how I want to stay in shape so I can kick the shit out of him in any competition! Mentions: Live Rishi: use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order! HighSpeed Daddy: Aaron and I had to say it podcast: James the Biking Viking: Keep Kickin ass, 'til next time! Teaching our kids to win is a complex and nuanced endeavor. It's about fostering...

More Episodes

When I started this project I had a type of guest in mind to have on. They needto have thier soul on fire for what they are doing, be able to laugh at just about everything, tell stories, be engaged. Contribute and listen to learn. Nico hit all of these and then some. Great time, enjoy!


Nico: https://www.instagram.com/realnicolagan/?hl=en

HighSpeed Daddy: https://www.highspeeddaddy.com/?rfsn=7178368.317ce6

Live Rishi: Use the code "TABLE50" and get 50% off your entire order - https://liverishi.com/

B- Word Media Group - https://www.instagram.com/bwordmediagrp/?hl=en

Me: https://berawpodcast.com/

'tile next time!

The history of cigars is rich and spans centuries, intertwined with cultural, social, and economic developments across the globe. The cigar, a product made from the tightly rolled and fermented leaves of the tobacco plant, has origins that trace back to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Early Beginnings: The Indigenous Peoples and Tobacco

The use of tobacco can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of the Americas, including the Mayans and the Tainos. These indigenous peoples smoked tobacco in various forms, often for ceremonial or medicinal purposes. The Mayans, for instance, are believed to have rolled tobacco leaves together, possibly creating the earliest versions of what we now recognize as cigars. The practice was deeply embedded in their spiritual and social rituals.

When Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492, he and his crew encountered tobacco smoking for the first time. The indigenous people of Cuba introduced the Europeans to the habit, which they initially found strange. Nonetheless, the Spanish explorers quickly adopted the practice and brought tobacco back to Europe, where its popularity began to spread.

The Spread of Tobacco and the Rise of Cigars in Europe

Tobacco quickly became a lucrative commodity in Europe, primarily due to its perceived medicinal properties. By the 16th century, tobacco smoking had spread across the continent, with Spain and Portugal becoming major players in the tobacco trade. The Spanish, in particular, established tobacco plantations in their colonies, such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic, which later became central to the cigar industry.

The rolling of cigars as we know them today began to take shape in the 17th and 18th centuries. During this period, cigars were handcrafted, and their production was labor-intensive. The tobacco used in cigars underwent a fermentation process, which enhanced its flavor and made it more enjoyable to smoke. Cigars quickly became a status symbol among the European elite, who viewed them as a luxury item.

The Golden Age of Cigars

The 19th century is often referred to as the Golden Age of cigars. During this period, the cigar industry flourished, particularly in Cuba, which became the epicenter of cigar production. Cuban cigars gained an international reputation for their quality and craftsmanship, with brands like H. Upmann, Partagas, and Cohiba becoming synonymous with excellence.

The popularity of cigars spread beyond Europe to North America. In the United States, cigar smoking became a widespread habit among men, often associated with power, sophistication, and leisure. The establishment of cigar factories in cities like Tampa, Florida, and Key West further solidified the cigar's place in American culture.

Modern Era and Cultural Significance

The 20th century saw significant changes in the cigar industry. The Cuban Revolution in 1959 and the subsequent U.S. trade embargo against Cuba in 1962 drastically impacted the availability of Cuban cigars in the United States. This led to the rise of other cigar-producing regions, such as the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, which became renowned for their high-quality cigars.

Despite the fluctuations in popularity due to health concerns and changes in smoking habits, cigars have maintained their cultural significance. They continue to be associated with celebration, luxury, and status. Cigar lounges and clubs have become popular in many parts of the world, offering enthusiasts a place to enjoy cigars in a social setting.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in premium cigars, driven by a new generation of aficionados who appreciate the craftsmanship and tradition behind them. Today, cigars remain a symbol of refinement and leisure, deeply rooted in centuries of history and cultural evolution.