Awaken Your Wise Woman
Happy New Year! In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast host Elizabeth Cush shares her take on New Year’s resolutions and offers listeners a guided meditation. “How I can bring more of the good and the positive into my life from last year to this year, and what I can either eliminate or set boundaries around in the past year that didn't sit right with me.” — Biz Cush Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Set intentions? Or dive into the new year figuring it out as you go? No matter how you approach it, the new year can be a good time to reflect on what’s...
info_outline The Gifts of SensitivityAwaken Your Wise Woman
Do you put others’ needs before your own? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes back April Snow, host of the Sensitive Stories podcast, for a talk about finding your hidden strengths and the gifts of sensitivity. “Would I change the fact that I'm sensitive? No way.” — April Snow When your environment sounds too loud, or the fabrics you’re wearing don’t feel right or you’re exhausted from trying to keep everyone around you happy, you might find yourself wishing that you weren’t highly sensitive. But if you weren’t highly sensitive, you...
info_outline Challenges and Treasures of SensitivityAwaken Your Wise Woman
Do you view being highly sensitive as a negative? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes back Keri Nola—matriarch of the Receptivity Portal for Healing Entrepreneurs—to talk about her journey from struggling with sensitivity to embracing it as a gift. “I used to really curse my sensitivity. It felt like such a negative thing, because it made navigating the world so hard.” — Keri Nola For so many women, being highly sensitive can feel like a burden, like a barrier to navigating the world. It doesn’t have to be. We don’t have to be at odds with...
info_outline Living an Aligned Life as a Highly Sensitive WomanAwaken Your Wise Woman
If the thought about taking care of yourself first doesn’t feel right, listen in on this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, as host Elizabeth Cush shares how she learned to live an aligned life that prioritizes her highly sensitive needs without feeling selfish. “I needed a path to go from here to the rest of my life.” — Biz Cush Are you living a life that meets your needs? Or are you consumed with meeting everyone else’s? Who—or what—are you living for? And why? Does it serve you? Or is it a way of hiding from something? For highly sensitive women, these questions...
info_outline Embracing Your SensitivityAwaken Your Wise Woman
If you often feel that being a highly sensitive person is a handicap, listen to this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush talks with Brooke Neilsen Yang about embracing your sensitivity and coming home to yourself. “We tend to have abandoned ourselves by the time we're adults.” — Brooke Neilsen Yang If you grew up feeling ashamed of your sensitivity, you’re not alone. Chances are that you may have gotten signals from others, and maybe even those closes to you, that you were too sensitive, that you were overreacting, that what you were feeling wasn’t real....
info_outline People Pleasing and SensitivityAwaken Your Wise Woman
Are you a people pleaser? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth Cush talks about what happened when her people pleasing part was activated on a recent family vacation—and how she managed it. “I was noticing that my feelings of overwhelm were just building and building. But the reality was, I didn't really have a whole lot to be stressed about.” — Biz Cush Imagine that you’re on a vacation in a great place surrounded by loved ones. Yet, you feel stressed and unable to enjoy the experience because you’re constantly worrying about whether everyone...
info_outline Growing up with Narcissistic ParentsAwaken Your Wise Woman
Are highly sensitive people more their environment? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host talks with Phoenix Gould about the profound impact of narcissistic parents on highly sensitive children and adults. “The narcissist demands that we pay attention to them. Our way of survival is to be highly attuned to their needs.” — Phoenix Gould If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP), did you ever wonder how your childhood affected you and your sensitivities? Why does it seem so much easier to tune into others’ needs rather than your own? Why do emotions feel so...
info_outline How to Keep Overwhelm at BayAwaken Your Wise Woman
Navigating overstimulating environments can be a challenge for highly sensitive people. In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush talks with Martina Williams about coping strategies to manage your nervous system and walk comfortably in the world. “If you end up being in a really highly stimulating environment, make sure that you create space for quiet so you can begin to down-regulate.” — Martina Williams If you’re a highly sensitive person, you may have grown up feeling different. You may have been told that you’re too “too.” You may have had experiences...
info_outline Sensitivity & Sacred SupportAwaken Your Wise Woman
Welcome back to the new season of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast! This week, host Elizabeth Cush reflects on her journey, talks about what’s in store for listeners and shares a guided meditation to help you get grounded. “I am really excited to welcome sensitive women to this sacred support circle.” — Biz Cush Where does time go? The summer flies by, you celebrate another birthday…. Now here you are, another year older and maybe another year wiser. Have you settled into your wisdom, or do you often feel overwhelmed? In this first episode of the brand-new season of the Awaken...
info_outline Deepening Parts Work — ReplayAwaken Your Wise Woman
This week we’re replaying an episode from season one. Biz also gives updates on the group that starts this fall! You can find the .
info_outlineAre highly sensitive people more their environment? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush talks with Phoenix Gould about the profound impact of narcissistic parents on highly sensitive children and adults.
“The narcissist demands that we pay attention to them. Our way of survival is to be highly attuned to their needs.”
— Phoenix Gould
If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP), did you ever wonder how your childhood affected you and your sensitivities? Why does it seem so much easier to tune into others’ needs rather than your own? Why do emotions feel so overwhelming—if you can feel them at all? How did your parent’s struggles affect you? And, most important, how can you heal those hurts, increase self-awareness and build a loving and trusting relationship with yourself? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes Phoenix Gould, a coach and highly sensitive woman who combines bodywork and radical self-love to help clients experience the unconditional love that they did not receive as children. They talk about growing up as highly sensitive children, they share their healing journeys, and they offer hope and inspiration that you, too, can feel your emotions without overwhelm and experience the core of who you truly are.
You can find all the resources mentioned in this and all episodes podcast, and full show notes here.