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0044 WWC Sales, Growth, and Recessions - James Rores Interview

Wrestling With Chaos

Release Date: 01/14/2020

0063 WWC Urko Wood: Jobs To Be Done show art 0063 WWC Urko Wood: Jobs To Be Done

Wrestling With Chaos

In this episode Urko Wood, with Reveal Growth Consultants, discusses how business-to-business (B2B) companies can grow in a predictable manner using a method — Jobs-To-Be-Done — which also sustains value and profitability. The process is described in the seminal book, Jobs to be Done: From Theory to Practice, by Anthony W. Ulwick. Urko also has a free white paper, 3 Steps to Consistently Fill Your New Product Pipeline with Only Good Ideas, you may find quite beneficial for developing new products. The discussion opens with the reality one can’t just prepare to do Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD)...

0062 WWC Kent Johnson: Family-owned Business show art 0062 WWC Kent Johnson: Family-owned Business

Wrestling With Chaos

In this episode Kent Johnson, CEO of Highlights for Children, a family-owned business with a majority of independent Board members, discusses a series of topics ranging from his sudden take-over of the CEO position at age 36 due to the death of the incumbent to how the company started to the different avenues of childhood development Highlights pursues. To compound the situation he actually did not want the position since he was working successfully in biotech. Kent refers to the great mentorship he received from the Board of Directors which helped insure assuming the CEO position would be...

0061 WWC Jim Bruner: Child Development - STEM vs STEAM show art 0061 WWC Jim Bruner: Child Development - STEM vs STEAM

Wrestling With Chaos

In this episode I talk with Jim Bruner who works in child development and who draws on his long history of mentorship to develop diversity, specifically combining the arts with technology. We started with Jim introducing the importance of diversity - turning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). He and his husband bought a farm and with is half Jim dedicated it to gardening and technology. He realized without diversity technology is a destructive component causing isolation and destruction. With diversity technology can...

0060 WWC Recession Prep - processes and employees show art 0060 WWC Recession Prep - processes and employees

Wrestling With Chaos

This episode is the first in a series on preparing for the next recession, “Recession Preparation - Processes and Employees.” The entire teamCMC contributes their expertise: • Gary Monti: change management, business analysis/planning, people & politics, project management • John Riley, Agility expert • Jeffrey Cochran, Human Resource expert

0059 WWC Influence People by Brian Ahearn - Book Review show art 0059 WWC Influence People by Brian Ahearn - Book Review

Wrestling With Chaos

In this episode I review “Influence People: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade That Are Lasting and Ethical,” written by Brian Ahearn. In addition to influencing people in general, information is provided for those who need to improve their sales cycle. His approach is very practical, laying out key principles and associated acronyms that can be used to practice sharpening you ability to influence people.

0058 WWC Coaching vs Therapy - Dr. Katherine Barteck, PsyD, Interview show art 0058 WWC Coaching vs Therapy - Dr. Katherine Barteck, PsyD, Interview

Wrestling With Chaos

This episode is an interview with Dr. Katherine Barteck, PsyD, about the differences between counseling and coaching. She starts with definitions of therapy and coaching. Counseling, or therapy, is about taking an in-depth look at what is creating the current problems. The person can benefit from psychotherapy without necessarily having a diagnosis. Simply having the desire to explore one's past is efficient to gain benefits from psychotherapy.

0057 WWC Address Fear, Organize Your Business - Britanny Dixon Interview show art 0057 WWC Address Fear, Organize Your Business - Britanny Dixon Interview

Wrestling With Chaos

This episode is an interview with Brittany Dixon of Process for Profit. and continues our look at the relationship between fear and bad habits (see the previous article, Fear and Bad Habits - Give Yourself A Break and/or listen to the previous podcast of the same title) . Specifically, we dive into addressing obstacles fear creates which leads to wasting time, lowered efficiency, and an aimlessness in terms of moving one’s business forward.

0056 WWC Fear and Bad Habits - Give Yourself a Break show art 0056 WWC Fear and Bad Habits - Give Yourself a Break

Wrestling With Chaos

In this episode the relationship between fear and bad habits and the importance of going easy on yourself are covered. You may notice that when trying to break a bad habit resolution fades and suddenly you're back to the bad habit maybe even more so than before the resolution. There's a good reason for that in this podcast is going to cover that issue.

0055 WWC 12 Steps To Flow - Ch 12 - Small Steps to An Agile Strategy show art 0055 WWC 12 Steps To Flow - Ch 12 - Small Steps to An Agile Strategy

Wrestling With Chaos

This podcast covers Chapter 12, “Small Steps To An Agile Strategy” of “12 Steps to Flow: The New Framework for Business Agility,” by Haydn Shaughnessy and Fin Goulding. The authors start the chapter by stating a good Flow workplace is one that challenges the idea of big strategy and grand plans. The new method is to build strategy from small steps.

0054 WWC 12 Steps To Flow - Ch 11 - Broadening Your Personal Development Goals show art 0054 WWC 12 Steps To Flow - Ch 11 - Broadening Your Personal Development Goals

Wrestling With Chaos

This podcast covers Chapter 11, “Broadening Your Personal Development Goals” of “12 Steps to Flow: The New Framework for Business Agility,” by Haydn Shaughnessy and Fin Goulding. I would have to say if I had a favorite chapter so far this might be it! To quote from the authors, "Flow stands for empowerment. Real empowerment puts responsibilities onto your shoulders. It gives you more liberty, more uncertainty and more need to challenge yourself to grow. You are in charge of more than you realized."

More Episodes

In this podcast I interviewed James Rores, founder of the Floriss Group and who is a consultant who specializes as a growth multiplier by practicing and teaching sales as a leadership competency - essentially sales transformation. We discuss Sales, business growth, and dealing with recessions. He started his career working with venture-backed groups, learning how to sell items people didn't know existed for problems they did not know they had. What became transformational was his realization is inside life had to match his outside life. He set out on a path of personal transformation.


Learning to live with vulnerability while pushing forward to be successful was a key lesson learned if he was to achieve his goal of creating change.


The conversation shifted to a very key question, “When do people buy?" Answer, "When they are willing to change." So, instead of focusing on the transaction good salesperson focuses on determining where the prospect "is" with regards to willingness to make the change. Is their willingness to change large enough and does it align with the product or service the salesperson is bringing to the table. This context James believes everyone has something to sell, e.g., apparent convincing a child to wear a bike helmet when it isn't cool. It is similar to an IT unit selling their ideas/products internally.


The challenge is creating a conversation which supports exploring whether or not the product or service is valuable for the prospective client. If the opportunity is not present then the salesperson needs to have the courage to move on.


In order to be fully present to see if that conversation can be created is critical to move away from thinking about what one can do (this is especially important for organizations overall) to thinking about the "why" that is driving the buyer to consider a purchase. Selling the "what" (the specific product) is a misdirection. It’s determining what the "want" is that is motivating the buyer which needs to be determined and connected with. The challenge can be present when objections get in the way of making the connection, e.g., having the child see for themselves it's best to wear the bike helmet when they initially don't feel it's very cool, e.g., showing them that if they have a concussion they won't be able to engage in all the other activities they enjoy. It all revolves around the question, "Why change?"


Essentially, this means an authoritative approach will fail. In other words, it's better for a manager to work with the employee to show how it's in their best interest to make the needed change rather than use the weight of their authority to force it on the employee.


James presses home the important point that leadership is earned if effective change is to be brought out through the sales process.


The conversation shifted to the next recession and how to maintain a growth frame of mind. A delicate balancing act is required between the growth and preserving what's already in place. James responded by saying it's important to always maintain a curiosity even during difficult times. This is the path to change. He goes on to say that there are two ways we can change:

- have it forced upon us due to complacency and have decisions forced upon us while in crisis, or;

- walk the path of curiosity so the decisions can be made with clarity. This is the path to growth.


Making decisions based on curiosity even when times are difficult is the key to growth. Market leaders have cultures built around innovation which is based on curiosity.


This led to a discussion focusing on culture and its relationship to recessions. This included the mission statement (the customer and their problem that needs solved) and the vision statement (our internal goals and how we plan to reach them). Leaders must have the ability to see what's on the horizon and plan accordingly. This means finding a balance between having an abundance-oriented frame of mind while being realistic as to business realities associated with the recession. From this balance point employees need to be scored according to their level of performance. This means that regardless of the external economic realities leaders are curious and always looking for ways to innovate even when there is a temptation to fall into the fear associated with the recession. Healthy leaders score their employees based on innovation rather than conformance with the past.


So the abundance-oriented leader when going into a recession must:

- allow employees to innovate and make mistakes that come at some cost

- conserve resources sufficient to make it through the recession


James refer to one of the mantras on his website, "We solve sales problems and we build growth cultures."


The conversation then turned to a cautionary tale regarding strengths. One of the ways a leader can hide is by focusing only on strengths and failing to address weaknesses. This, essentially, this can be the kiss of death during a recession. In order to innovate one must address your vulnerabilities in order to grow.


Gary presents the model used by Center for Managing Change to delineate the three types of change environments and the conversation shifted to how important it is to be honest about vulnerabilities and weaknesses in order to maneuver through the changes and establish a new state of stability via innovation. In line with this, adrenaline and testosterone mask fears and can actually accelerate failure.


In order to achieve growth through innovation James teaches sales as a leadership competency. In line with this the conversation shifted again to an aspect of Gary's coaching course for dissolving fears and achieving abundance, i.e., in addition to identifying the fear one must also identify the habits that protect that fear and choose a new way of being so that the fear can be dissolved and innovation introduced and supported. An example is provided revolving around fear of public speaking. The leader can work on addressing their fears by risking performing a "360."


In line with this James brought up the famous quote, "What brought you here won't get you where you want to go." Which needed to stop plateauing or even shrinking is having the courage to look and see what the leader doesn't know and generate the insight needed to move forward. This requires leaning into the fears and vulnerabilities. James then moves on to say that in doing this work is critical to pay attention to the classic S shaped growth curve and work on innovation before the growth plateaus. This is where the use of third-party consultants, outsiders who can be objective, is beneficial.


Working in this manner then requires performing risk management in an objective way in order to move away from the emotionality associated with fear and complacency.


Gary provides a cautionary tale from the past regarding the now-defunct automobile manufacturer Studebaker which originally made wagons for moving westward in the late 19th century. They woke up to the transition to the internal combustion engine too late and were able to only grab a small segment of the market and, even though they were great innovators in the automotive market, they went out of business because they were too slow to move when the time was right.


James astutely pointed out the mistake Studebaker made was being product-centric rather than customer-centric. This leads to the reality that the leader needs to pay attention to whether they are being truly customer-centric or if they are fooling themselves by doing more of what they are already good at doing. Innovation is always customer-centric. This mistake in the leader’s belief system can be reflected in continual use of various consultants without making genuine progress.


The conversation concludes with the awareness that consultants must first determine the belief system present within the leader and the organization to see if it aligns with and innovative frame of mind that is customer-centric, then work on skillset, then work on toolsets.


In line with dealing with complex situations, you can download CMC’s free e-book MINDSET – 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO LOOK AT COMPLEX PROBLEMS and learn how to find a simple vantage point from which you can resolve challenges.


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