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21. the write life 10 & 1 class all in one episode

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Release Date: 05/27/2019

37. what to do show art 37. what to do

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Wondering what to do? Feeling guilty for doing things you enjoy? Feeling stuck? Tell me, how are you? Today just a few thoughts on moving 'forward' when it feels like the whole world has been locked shut. As always I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a dm on Insta @kimklassen or pop over to HTTP://kimklassen.com/ep37

36. the power of audio for All of Us show art 36. the power of audio for All of Us

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Today, I received the loveliest audio messages in my Instagram DM's. They made me cry. (in a good way) Thank you to Rosa @ and Jo @ for inspiring this podcast and allowing me to share a little snippet of your message here. ♡  

35. checking in and flipping the what-ifs show art 35. checking in and flipping the what-ifs

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

How are you? In this upside down, social distancing world... I'm not sure I've ever felt so connected. Just me? Today, I wanted to check in, ramble a little and share a writing practice you might wanna try on. and if you care to check and tell me true 'how are you?' pop over to the site xxx


WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

I wrote a blog post about losing my voice and elastic waist pants. In this episode, I wanna share this and a little more with you. How are you? I love you. ♡ https://kimklassen.com/during-times-like-this-i-tend-to-get-quiet-or-i-ramble/ xxx  

33. Time Well Spent and other Rambles show art 33. Time Well Spent and other Rambles

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Need a little gentle encouragement. I hope ... that is what this is. ♡ and part way in.... the little whimper in the background is Benny ... dreaming of squirrels... if you'd like to connect, pop over to the blog as well and say hello. with love   xx   today's music ♡

32. are you quitting on yourself show art 32. are you quitting on yourself

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

in this episode... Oh my word, why oh why do we do this?
October hits and we put our goals, dreams and desires on hold...
cause you know... 'it's the holiday!' 3 months of the year. Poof. Gone! Today have a listen. I truly believe this is a message so many of us need to hear. In today's episode: First a recap from last week's all the things.
It seemed to resonate deeply with so many of you. Thank you for your messages. The podcast name will be changing soon...and the content will be expanding.
Not to worry, WRITE will still be a big part of this and much more. All the...

31. all the things show art 31. all the things

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

in this episode... I'm talking: 'all the things.' (which I say on repeat in this episode.) Honoring the seasons of life, creativity... plans for the podcast moving forward. Did I mention 'all the things'? so happy to be HERE with you. you are amazing.    xxx   show notes ... soon on my site. ♡

30. think-ing as if show art 30. think-ing as if

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  ― Harriet Tubman i'm excited to share this idea with you...think-ing as if. practical, doable... life change-able. we're continually think-ing as if... thinking as if we can or thinking as if we can't. our thoughts determine our actions and ultimately our results. LET'S CHECK IN How are your thoughts around a write practice serving you? how are your thoughts around that thing you want to...

29. when someone you love is hurting show art 29. when someone you love is hurting

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

when the world comes crashing at your feet it’s okay to let others help pick up the pieces if we’re present to take part in your happiness when your circumstances are great we are more than capable of sharing your pain” —Rupi Kaur   Someone I love is hurting. It's not my story to tell.  But oh my, how I wish I could help heal her heart. I wish for the right words. Something to ease the pain. All that I have, all that I know... 'i love you. i'm so sorry. i'm here. i love you.' Pain ... no shortcuts or easy outs. But oh how I wish I could give that to her.   ♡

28. falling in love with your world show art 28. falling in love with your world

WRITE life podcast with Kim Klassen

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." ― Benjamin Franklin Oh life. How I love you. One thing, one moment, leads to the next and so begins a whole other journey. I wouldn't change a thing. This week a story of falling down and eventually falling in love with the world around me. This story was originally shared in my photography class, a month of multiples, but still applicable to the 'write life' practice.   LINKS REFERENCED LET'S CHECK IN Can you relate? At the top of the page... I'm grateful for: Lean in. List...

More Episodes

Oh my word, it's been such an amazing few weeks.
Ups, downs, and in-betweens.

But...wow...just wow...
I'm feeling so blessed.

Today's episode is inspired by Karen - one of the lovely WRITE life 10 & 1 students
After reading Karen's note, I decided to bundle up the 5-day WRITE life class into this week's podcast episode.

Here's the message Karen shared.

Kim this course has been so amazing! I woke my husband up this morning after I'd been working on my 10 & 1 page and he said, "You're different. You're so.....happy! You look so beautiful." Oh, my heart! I told him I was going to save my pennies (even though we don't have them anymore lol) so I could sign up for Write Your Heart's Desire sometime in the future. When he got home from work he told me he'd figured out how we could afford it now. So....I'm signed up!! Can't wait to get started. The exercises this week have changed my whole outlook on my life. I can only imagine what WYHD will do for me. Thank you and God bless.

So beautiful ... Right! 


Ok, so no excuses... 
walk, run, drive, do your dishes...and have a listen.

Then set aside a little time to put this practice into place.

What if, THIS could be that THING, that changes all the things for you?


Grab 'em all including access to the full guided 'me in three' visualization and the companion pages HERE

If you decide you'd like to experience the full class for FREE, I've got you covered too. 
(this is a limited time offer.)

Click HERE to join the WRITE life 10 & 1 Self-study class for FREE.

WRITE your heart's desire

What if 5 weeks could change everything for you?

It's possible.

Come join WRITE your heart's desire for $50 off.  (a 2 payment plan is also available.)

Click HERE for all the info.


What if you could experience a significant shift in life... like Karen?
Would you?

The biggest block to change is our brain. It's quite happy when we do the same things, day after day.... safe, comfortable (and boring).

Change stirs up resistance.
But that doesn't mean we can't decide to take a leap, lean in and trust that something new is waiting for us.

I always love hearing from you. Feel free to share in the comments below.

