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Color Me Thankful

From Nana's Back Porch

Release Date: 04/27/2020

It is time to come sink back into a big old wicker chair, settle in and get comfy, and let’s talk a while! Just you and me, the birds, leaf blowers, dogs barking, neighborhood children yelling...and the ubiquitous “long mower” droning in the background! I have stories to tell, confessions to make and a way to color me thankful for this past month of “sheltering in place!” Come on, let’s lean in together and talk!  ❤️Nana


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Show Notes:

Nana is passionate about helping you realize you ARE an artist! Not only an artist with chalk pastels but with homeschooling, creative spaces, favorite family recipes and more. Nana also enjoys chatting – especially about art. If you have followed along with any of her You ARE an Artist video art lessons, you know that. She also enjoys sharing photos and thoughts on topics while she is being creative in her studio space on her back porch. That is where she will be chatting with you – from her back porch. It’s Nana’s You ARE an Artist Podcast!