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Infinitely Finite

The Jesse Mecham Show

Release Date: 11/18/2024

Am I Spendy or Spendful? show art Am I Spendy or Spendful?

The Jesse Mecham Show

Jesse relates a story of a couple looking at a piece of gym equipment posted for sale at their local gym. It was expensive, and Emily's gut reaction was "no, it seems spendy." After some reflection she told her husband they should talk about it more, because maybe it was really a spendful purchase.   We are faced with decisions like these all the time. Without a plan, anything can seem spendy, even good things we want to spend our money on. Likewise, we can end up spending on things we don't really care about. Then there's the question "can I afford it?" that plagues us. These swirling,...

These 5 Questions Will Rewrite Your Financial Future show art These 5 Questions Will Rewrite Your Financial Future

The Jesse Mecham Show

YNAB only has one "rule" for managing your money, and that's to give every dollar a job. This is easier said than done, however, so to help with this task, Jesse presents 5 questions to clarify what you want to do with your money: Reality: What does this money need to do before I’m paid again? Stability: What larger, less frequent spending do I need to prepare for? Resilience: What can I set aside for next month’s spending? Creation: What goals, large or small, do I want to prioritize? Flexibility: What changes do I need to make, if any?     Watch The Jesse Mecham Show on...

You're Already Talking to Your Kids About Money show art You're Already Talking to Your Kids About Money

The Jesse Mecham Show

You've heard the term "monkey see, monkey do," and it's true of kids and money too -- and probably not in the ways you expect! Jesse shares a couple lessons about kids and money he's learned from parenting seven children, and how kids often learn as much or more from the things you do with your money rather than what you say about money. What you say matters too, however! The main takeaway is to be thoughtful about how you engage with money, becuase your kids are listening (and watching).   Watch The Jesse Mecham Show on Youtube:   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an...

I Regret Paying Off My Mortgage show art I Regret Paying Off My Mortgage

The Jesse Mecham Show

When Jesse was 25, he wrote down a goal on a notecard: to live in a paid-off house by the time he was 30. He thought that owning his house free and clear would make things feel different, give him a sense of security and freedom. At the end of the day, though, the mortgage really wasn't that big of a deal -- it was just another bill to pay. There was less satisfaction to owning his home outright than he thought there would be, and some regret when he realzied he could have invested the extra mortgage payments somewhere else and made far more return.   You may not have the same outlook on...

Your Money = You show art Your Money = You

The Jesse Mecham Show

Welcome to the first episode of The Jesse Mecham Show! To kick off the new show, Jesse asks the question: what is money anyway? You might point to the cash in your wallet, you might say it's the number in your bank account, you might even say it's a medium of exchange, or a store of value. While these answers aren't wrong, they really don't capture the fullness of what money is and what it means to us.   Instead of thinking of money as merely a medium of exchange, Jesse prompts you think of it as medium of energy. You expend energy to acquire money, and then you spend that money on all...

Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition Part Drei show art Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition Part Drei

The Jesse Mecham Show

Jesse finishes his Q&A session from his inbox with one of the longer episodes in recent memory. He also announces a big change coming to the podcast!   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at   Follow YNAB on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter/X: Tik Tok:     Tickets to YNAB Fan Fest 2025 are on sale now! Coming to San Diego, Minneapolis, and NYC:  

Spendfulness  Isn't... Spendfulness Is show art Spendfulness Isn't... Spendfulness Is

The Jesse Mecham Show

Spendfulness is the new word in town, but don't be fooled! It's not just a portmanteau of "spending" and "mindfulness." Spendfulness isn't spending on the "right" or "correct" things. It doesn't mean spending on health or self-improvement, or even treating yourself. Although it certainly could include these things, limiting the definition to them is too small. Paying your electric bill is spendfulness, just like paying for a day at a health spa or a membership to a yoga studio.   Spendfulness is that feeling of never having to second guess about your money, or being able to replace a...

Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition Part Deux show art Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition Part Deux

The Jesse Mecham Show

Jesse continues his Q&A session from his inbox, addressing questions such as: whether an investment advisor is worth it and what to do with an inheritance windfall. Jesse also teases some upcoming changes to the podcast!   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at   Follow YNAB on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter/X: Tik Tok:     Tickets to YNAB Fan Fest 2025 are on sale now! Coming to San Diego, Minneapolis, and NYC:  

Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition show art Ask Jesse: 2025 Edition

The Jesse Mecham Show

Jesse cracks open his inbox for another round of Ask Jesse. In today's episode he fields questions about YNAB'ing through job loss, financing a car and investing the float, and what personal finance books he recommends for kids.   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at   Follow YNAB on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter/X: Tik Tok:     Tickets to YNAB Fan Fest 2025 are on sale now! Coming to San Diego, Minneapolis, and NYC:  

Spendfulness show art Spendfulness

The Jesse Mecham Show

People have been doing it for years by following the YNAB method -- self-actualizing by aligning their spending with themselves. Now the YNAB team has come up with a word to describe it. It's not a budget, it's not a set of rules.   It's spendfulness.   Tickets to YNAB Fan Fest 2025 are on sale now! Coming to San Diego, Minneapolis, and NYC:   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at   Follow YNAB on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter/X: Tik Tok:

More Episodes

Most folks do a lot of mental math with their money. They see something they want to buy, they check their bank balance, and start doing some mental math on what other things that balance needs to be able to pay for before they buy the thing. The problem is, mental math gets very sloppy very quickly! Life is often just too complex, with too many variables to be able to hold all your future spending needs in your head at all times. It's too easy to spend the same dollar many times over when you rely on mental math.


YNAB helps you do money differently. YNAB gives you a simple four step method for identifying all the things your money needs to do for you now, the major things it needs to do for you in the future, and, over time, getting you to start paying next month's bills with today's money so you can finally get ahead.


Get your tickets to YNAB Fan Fest 2025! Coming to San Diego, Minneapolis, and NYC. Tickets will go on sale on 11/18/2024 here:



Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:

[email protected]


Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at www.youneedabudget.com


Follow YNAB on social media:

Facebook: @ynabofficial

Instagram: @ynab.official

Twitter/X: @ynab

Tik Tok: @ynabofficial