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34: Let's Do Clowns Tonight

Zero Percent Scared

Release Date: 10/31/2019

65: Mummies and their cursed bacteria show art 65: Mummies and their cursed bacteria

Zero Percent Scared

We've resurfaced - just in time for Halloween.  Welcome friends, as Sarah and Dr. Kelly discuss all things mummy -- the hotness in the movies, how mummies were made, why they're so cool, and the curses those hilariously macabre victorians inevitably unleashed upon our earth.    REFERENCES: - the first horror movie? episode!  in the British Museum (where else) Nautilus article on the .   (why is it so hard to say tho) , the best preserved mummy ever. Warning, the photos are very real.    Find us Online! If you like Zero Percent Scared, help us...

64: Halloween stories, expertly judged show art 64: Halloween stories, expertly judged

Zero Percent Scared

Join us for a dope selection of scary and bizarre halloween stories! Dr. Kelly Ruggles, our resident skeptical scientist judges these tales and assigns scores, just to get a little math up in here. Learn about one Alabama town's very weird child-harassing specter, and hear the terror that inhabits the most haunted road in England! IF YOU DARE!!!! Find us Online! If you like Zero Percent Scared, help us grow by spreading the word on (@ZeroScared), , or ! Struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? We understand, it's ok to struggle. But please, ask for help. Or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)...

63: Sasquatch don't play show art 63: Sasquatch don't play

Zero Percent Scared

The promised third episode of our mega Bigfoot series! In this episode, we go through the strangest stories of Sasquatches attacking, acting creepy as sh!t, or even showing INTERDIMENSIONAL talents!!  Join us, and rate the stories right along with Dr. Kelly.

62: Bigfoot deserves a parade show art 62: Bigfoot deserves a parade

Zero Percent Scared

Hey folks! Here is the much anticipated second installment of our Bigfoot series -- and this is all about the evidence that even Dr. Kelly (the Scully in the relationship) will admit is compelling.

61: Re-release of SCARY CLOWNS for halloween! show art 61: Re-release of SCARY CLOWNS for halloween!

Zero Percent Scared

Hey all! Listen, we know we've been gone a long time, but we ARE BACK!! Tonight for Halloween, please enjoy this special re-release of our clowns episode. And join us next week for new content about bigfoot!

60: Bigfoot and the Scientists Who Love Her show art 60: Bigfoot and the Scientists Who Love Her

Zero Percent Scared

Friends, hear me out -- there are lots of legit actual scientists who believe in Bigfoot! No, seriously. Welcome the one the only Dr. Kelly back as we do a dive into scientists that believe Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Yeti, whatever you might call it, is REAL. I'M BEING SERIOUS HERE! In this episode Kelly and Sarah discuss the scientists who believe in bigfoot, and the amazing book SASQUATCH: LEGEND MEETS SCIENCE. Let us know what you think! Email! FYI: The best way to support the pod is by telling a friend to subscribe, you can use this link to make it cray easy: Find us Online! If you like...

59: Roman Candles Made of People show art 59: Roman Candles Made of People

Zero Percent Scared

Oh my god, you guys, did you know people just burst into flame for no reason? And then burn all the way up in a crazy weird way that makes no logical sense? It's true! And its OUR NEW WORST FEAR! Today we discuss the insane stories behind some very strange cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion. Sarah tells the crazy stories, and Dr. Mysterface talks about Autobrewery Syndrome, the wick effect, and why being a crossfitter is a recipe for becoming a fireball! Let us know what you think! Email! FYI: The best way to support the pod is by telling a friend to subscribe, you can use this link to...


Zero Percent Scared

Hey folks, we've decided to bring back the tradition of telling ghost stories on Christmas! Join us for some "true" ghost stories that take place during Christmas, and stay for some interesting science about FEAR! PS -- the Covid vaccine is safe, GET IT GUYS Let us know what you think! Email! FYI: The best way to support the pod is by telling a friend to subscribe, you can use this link to make it cray easy: REFERENCES: Find us Online! If you like Zero Percent Scared, help us grow by spreading the word on (@ZeroScared), , or !

57: Decapitation makes ya cranky show art 57: Decapitation makes ya cranky

Zero Percent Scared

Firstly: If you're struggling with drug or alcohol addiction please seek help -- you are loved and we want you to stay with us, fam. Or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) Full show notes and links at This episode we get into the nitty gritty of the TRUE TALES behind the various legends of headless horsemen! Horsepeople? Whatever! Then we discuss the super gross scientific world of DECAPITATION! We cover animals that wreak headless revenge (and or sex), the nutbag crazy world of head transplants, and we discover how long a head can live after it's been cut off! Its longer than you think!! Let us know...

BONUS: Your Halloween Astrological forecast (feat. Kristina Semos) show art BONUS: Your Halloween Astrological forecast (feat. Kristina Semos)

Zero Percent Scared

Hello! As a thank you to our dedicated listeners, we recorded a Halloween astrological intervention with Zero Percent Scared's resident astrologer, Kristina Semos!  You can find Kristina in all her glory at ! Join us as Kristina breaks down exactly how craptastic this Halloween will be for us all. BEWARE, ALL THOSE WHO DON'T LISTEN!! Let us know what you think! Email! FYI: The best way to support the pod is by telling a friend to subscribe, you can use this link to make it cray easy:

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Second: It’s unanimous, nobody likes clowns. Or Disney World. OK fine that last one is just Kelly, but the clown thing is real. Especially when they’re trying to murder you. Let’s phase out the clowns, people. Phase them out.

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