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Blessings Galore!

Zion's Lion Podcast

Release Date: 01/08/2024

Lineal Logic show art Lineal Logic

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #7: Deciphering the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Who was he? Why him? Many scholars have had disparate thoughts on this Pharaoh’s name. Did you know that the Bible has a definitive clue that enables us to go back in time to the date of the Exodus? Today we will focus on the Pharaoh of the Exodus utilizing that clue for our timeline. 

Anointing & Consecration show art Anointing & Consecration

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #6: Moses and a Presidential candidate. The recent attempted assassination of a presidential candidate has given rise to much talk about ‘a miracle of God.’ Join us today as we take a little look at this current claim in relation to ones whom God chooses and anoints and consecrates.

Murder and Exile show art Murder and Exile

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #5: Moses’ Desert experience while on the run from an edict to eliminate him for murder forces him to a place of emptiness and loneliness and with a mark on his head. How could there be any redeeming value for him in this 40-year desert exile? ‘Ahh,’ but there was. Join me for the 5th in a series that takes an unconventional path utilizing historical, traditional, and conjectural ideas to promote thoughtful background to the Biblical record of Moses.

General Moshe the 1st show art General Moshe the 1st

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #4: Moses the Military Man who led battles for Egypt including a documented account by the Historian Josephus. We’ll look at this battle and some of the strategies used AND also talk about his 1st wife? WHO??? This is the 4th in a series that takes an unconventional path utilizing historical, traditional, and conjectural ideas to promote thoughtful background to the Biblical story of Moses.

Taught Like an Egyptian show art Taught Like an Egyptian

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #3: Moses’ Early Years. Baby Moses was so cute and charming that as Pharaoh cuddled him on his lap, he reached up and snatched Pharaoh’s crown off of his head. ‘Uh, oh,’ was that a foreshadowing of a ‘power-grab’ for Pharaoh’s throne? Today we will look at the young life of Moses as he grows up royal in Pharaoh’s palace as an Egyptian. Join me for the 3rd in a series that takes an unconventional path utilizing historical, traditional, and conjectural ideas to promote thoughtful background to the story of Moses.

Princess Gone Rogue show art Princess Gone Rogue

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #2: Moses’ Egyptian Mother who raised him and then converted to Judaism. WHAT??? We’ll look at the potential name(s) of the Egyptian Princess who adopted Moses and raised him as her own son AND also talk about her mentioned conversion. This is the second in a series that takes an unconventional path utilizing historical, traditional, and conjectural ideas to promote thoughtful background to the Biblical story of Moses. 

ThutMose(s) show art ThutMose(s)

Zion's Lion Podcast

Session #1: Moses’ Egyptian Name. Join me for the first in a series that will take an unconventional path utilizing historical, traditional, and conjectural ideas to promote thoughtful background to the story of Moses. Today we will look at the etymology of Moses’ name in relation to it being given by an Egyptian Princess. 

Lovely show art Lovely

Zion's Lion Podcast

‘Ahh,’ cliché ahead…who doesn’t want to celebrate ‘love’ in the month of February?

Blessings Galore! show art Blessings Galore!

Zion's Lion Podcast

Everyone seems to desire ‘blessings;’ however, it seems that the focus is only on the happy connotation of the word. Is there a different way to have blessings even when our circumstances are not?

Simple show art Simple

Zion's Lion Podcast

The most important decision of our life has been made to seem so complicated; however, it’s really so simple that even a child can do it. John 3:3 – “…Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” 

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Everyone seems to desire ‘blessings;’ however, it seems that the focus is only on the happy connotation of the word. Is there a different way to have blessings even when our circumstances are not?