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Út að hlaupa

Létt spjall um hlaup og hlaupasenuna á Íslandi og víðar sem tilvalið er að hlusta á í rólegum hlaupatúr!

Asteroid FM

60 years in the future, Earth is collapsing. Those with the means to do so have escaped to a burgeoning solar empire. In a remote section of the Asteroid Belt lives a colony of miners, who run the machines that harvest all the materials our solar empire is built from. One former miner, DJ Corry, moved back to the Belt and started a radio station, where he could entertain his fellow miners, inform them, and keep them from going insane. Tune in for the latest news from across the solar system and for the finest vaporware and lo-fi tracks DJ Corry can get his hands on. Welcome to Asteroid FM. Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/AsteroidFM


The world's first ever podcast on Earth by the writer and fool James Thomas, a.k.a. Astonishing Sod. If you're looking for something to laugh at, then point your head at this podcast until chuckles fall out of your mouth tube. Huzzah!

Astral Codex Ten Podcast

The official audio version of Astral Codex Ten, with an archive of posts from Slate Star Codex. It's just me reading Scott Alexander's blog posts.

Astreya Book 3: The Wanderer's Curse

The conclusion of The Astreya Trilogy. Lindey takes Astreya, Cam, Damon, and Arneb to Matris, only to discover that much has changed since she left home. Suspicion and distrust surround them. Astreya and Lindey begin to resolve their difficulties, but a gossipy old man on a horse misrepresents the past, and all five must flee aboard Arneb's boat. Once outside the shelter of the hills surrounding Matris, the group discovers that the Men of the Sea are searching for their navigation stones, and they think the Village where Astreya was born has them. Astreya must arrive in time to avert a massacre. When the great black ship reaches the headlands of the fjord, Astreya must confront the worst and the best aspects of his inheritance before he can unravel his past and lift The Wanderer's Curse.

Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South

Armed with his father's knife, a riddling notebook, and a bracelet with a green stone, Astreya sails south with an adventurous fisherman, hoping that in the world beyond, he can find his father and discover the mystery of his enigmatic gifts. They voyage to a village where all the inhabitants have met a grisly end, and fearing this may be the work of the legendary sailors cursed to sail forever, they dare the open ocean. The journey is dangerous, and Astreya must navigate through betrayal and an escape from slavery before he finds companions he can learn to trust: Gar, an itinerant painter, and his assistant, Lindey, who can take care of herself with the occasional shrewd blow from her quarterstaff. Astreya is just imagining a new destiny with Lindey when an unknown man from the past alters the course of his life, forcing Astreya out to the sea again. Praise for Astreya, The Voyage South “Hamilton has an intuitive grasp of story... Astreya is a work of great power, insight, and ferocious imagination... I recommend it unreservedly.” -- Spider Robinson, Nebula and Three-time Hugo Award Winner, Recipient of the Heinlein Lifetime Achievement Award "...a trilogy that will fascinate all those who have the sea in their blood and yearn for those days of sail. This is a sailor's yarn brilliantly told... I could not put this book down." -- Commander David Newing, LVO, Royal Navy retired.

Astreya: Book 2. The Men of the Sea

In The Astreya Trilogy, Book 2: The Men of the Sea, Astreya learns from his grandfather Oron how to control his power over the shipstones aboard the great ship Cygnus. He still yearns for Lindey, left on shore against her will. Trying to purge a nagging guilt, Roaring Jack sails the Mollie south again, and this time Astreya’s friend Cam is a stowaway. Astreya’s cousin Adramin tries to make Astreya fail. At The City of the Sea, the lawful meeting place of the great ships, family politics turn violent, with tragic consequences. Astreya must hurry to protect Lindey from his marauding uncle Mufrid, who wants the stone Gar gave her. A day-and-night sailing duel, a battle at sea, a shipwreck, a fight in a pub, escapes by sea and secret passage, help from unexpected allies and treachery from family all take their toll on Astreya and his friends. Astreya and Lindey will face even more dangers and deceptions in the last book in The Astreya Trilogy, Book 3: The Wanderer's Curse.

Astrid Mueller Talks

Welcome to Astrid Mueller TALKS - a show where you can get inspired to grow your dream business, claim your power, and create quantum possibility. Astrid Mueller, soul-preneur of “sparkle, play, and possibility,” transforms women’s lives around the world with soulful transformation coaching, into inner power, flow, a fulfilled live, and possibility. If you want to re-connect with your soul as you expand your business dream, tune in, and listen to how you too can turn challenges to possibility! Astrid interviews inspiring women business owners around the world and shares tons of soulful stories, business tips, and soul-empowerment, so you too can find access to your true soul shine, brand magic, and quantum possibility.

Astridologie with Astrid Kastenberg

Find your best strength with certified life and spiritual coach, yoga teacher, and sound healing practitioner Astrid Kastenberg. A gifted teacher for more than two decades, Astrid has a natural ability to help people heal mentally, physically, and energetically. In each episode of Astridologie, she shares wisdom, drawn from both traditional and alternative modalities, that can help you change and elevate your life. Maya Angelou once said, "When you learn, teach. When you get, give." Astrid has lived by these words with earnest throughout her life and career.


Astro-Insight with Kathy Biehl

Short and sassy weekly forecast by astrologer Kathy Biehl of EmpowermentUnlimited.net, featuring a homing thought, song and image of the week. Follow me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/empowermentunlimited.

Astrologie für dich und mich mit Daniela Hruschka und Daniela Schwarz.

Astrologie für dich und mich ist ein Podcast mit Daniela Hruschka. Die Astrologie gibt Dir eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, dich selbst besser kennenzulernen. Über das Leben, die Liebe und die Zeichen der Sterne. Du erfährst in diesem Podcast wie du Zeitqualitäten effizienter nützen kannst. Sie hilft dir deine persönlichen Zeitpunkte in deinem Leben zu erkennen, zu verstehen und im täglichen Leben umzusetzen. Dazu gehört dein Tierkreiszeichen, ebenso dazu, wie die Zeiten des Mondes. Dein Horoskop zeigt dir deine Geschichte, über Gesundheit, Erfolg und hilft dir auch deine Persönlichkeit besser zu verstehen. Wie Selbstfindung und Spiritualität. Positives Denken ist hilfreich für deine Eigenverantwortung und Spiritualität ebenso wie die Fragen der Liebe und der Partnerschaft. Dieser Podcast hilft dir, die Symbolsprache der Astrologie besser zu verstehen. Was Mond Tage über die Liebe, der Partnerschaft, deines Erfolgs verraten. Du erhältst mehr Energie, Persönlichkeit und Freude im Leben und lernst Dinge besser zu verstehen. Astrologie ist eine seit über dreitausend Jahren praktizierte Wissenschaft. Du erfährst in inspirierenden Interviews und Storys, welche Bedeutung die Zeichen der Sterne für diese Menschen hat. Der Umgang mit Erfolg und Niederlagen und warum die Astrologie ihnen geholfen hat. Hier erhältst du das richtige Mindset für deinen Erfolg und Glück. (www.danielahruschka.at) Als Moderatorin und Produzentin fungiert Daniela Schwarz (www.del-weddings.com) Hochzeitsplanerin, Englisch und Deutsch. Spezialisiert auf internationale Brautpaare. Für die grafische Umsetzung der Produkte im Onlineshop ist u.a. Ines Eschbacher von punkt & komma (www.punkt-komma.at) verantwortlich. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle. https://www.instagram.com/ieschbacher.