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This is the special annotated audio edition of The Book of Last Resort - The Book of Last Resort: A Subversive Guide for Artists in the Digital Economy. The main audio version provided here is narrated by Rajeer Alford. Jon Reed may add special annotations over time as well. This book is exactly what it says: a Book of Last Resort. But if you're an artist toiling without traction, it may be time for something different. The goal? Turning hard truths about the digital economy into a methodology that artists can use. And yes, this book does address the impact of AI on your creative pursuits. AI is an unfolding part of this story that will pose additional obstacles to creators, both in terms of finding audiences and monetization. Is free content a potent marketing tactic, or a trap? How do you effectively build an online audience, as exclusionary algorithms cater to deep pockets or push vacantly viral memes? Until you unravel your creative identity, success is a trap. But your true creative power is found in your scars - and imperfections - that you might try to mask over. The episodes will get into all these topics and more - and fuse them into an action plan of sorts, that artists can appropriate and apply to their own lives.
A daily podcast for the youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The goal of this podcast is to help children and young adults grow closer to the Savior through a daily study of the Book of Mormon. The podcast contains interviews with youth throughout the world as well as "True Tales from the Book of Mormon" - Stories told in a fun and easy-to-understand way.
Book of the Mouse Club is an Unofficial Disney podcast that explores books about Disney, its history, films, theme parks and more. Join us for discussions about books, interviews with authors and broader topics that relate to the literary realm of Disney. Disclaimer: Book of the Mouse Club has no affiliation with The Walt Disney Company. The views and opinions expressed by hosts and participants are theirs and theirs alone and do not represent the organizations or companies they happen to work for.
The Book Thingo podcast features lively discussions between readers, academics, and bestselling authors about romance books, culture, and Tim Tams. Find out about upcoming romance titles and old favourites. Discover how the romance genre reflects feminism, sexuality, morality, and culture. Happy endings are mandatory. Hosted by Kat Mayo and produced in Australia.
Book Vs. Movie is the podcast that asks the questions "Which was better...the book or the movie?" Spoiler Alert! We give away the main details, uncover the plot points, discuss casting choices and shower with praise (or pummel with snark) as we see fit. Hosts are Margo P. (She's Nacho Mama's Blog) and Margo D. (Creator of Brooklyn Fit and we are not afraid to tell it like it is!