People's City Propaganda
A podcast about Los Angeles politics, pigs, pork chops, organizing, and the movement. All Power To The People.
Tip of The Spear w/ Orisanmi Burton
Tip of The Spear w/ Orisanmi Burton
We were fortunate to have Orisanmi Burton join us to discuss his highly acclaimed book - Tip of the Spear: Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt. We breakdown archival war, the methodological approach Orisanmi developed for writing Tip of the Spear, delve into counterinsurgency and its use by the carceral warfare state, learn how letter writing is a language of liberation, and explore why Attica has loomed so large in the public consciousness for so long. Orisanmi Burton is an Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology at American University and the author of Tip of the Spear: Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt. You can pick up a copy NOW from Workshops for Gaza, a collective committed to the liberation of Palestine. All proceeds will directly support solidarity efforts in Gaza Follow Orisanmi Burton on Twitter @orisanmi Follow us on Twitter @pplscityprop and IG @peoplescitypropaganda Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn PCP theme song: Adam Smith Recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E Edited by Albert Corado and Jason Reedy Mixed by Phillip Kim Mentions of Al Pacino: 4
LAPD Killed My Twin Brother w/ Yin Yang
LAPD Killed My Twin Brother w/ Yin Yang
On the night of May 2, 2024 a 40 year old man named Yong Yang was suffering a mental health crisis in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles. His parents, scared for their son, called LA County mental health services to get him help but instead of rendering aid they called the LAPD who killed Yong Yang within minutes of their arrival. Albert, whose sister Mely was killed by the LAPD in 2018, sat down with Yong's brother to talk about who his brother was, what happened on the night of May 2nd, and how his family is continuing to fight for jusitice in the name of Yong.
LASD Gangs Googled Us w/ Cerise Castle
LASD Gangs Googled Us w/ Cerise Castle
For episode 19, we sat down with Cerise Castle to speak on one of her latest offerings “I wrote the history of LASD gangs. Then the sheriff’s department started surveilling me”. We also get some insight on how the catalyst for their surveillance “A Tradition of Violence - The History of Deputy Gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department” came to be. Other subjects discussed include what comes with being surveilled by the pigs, the 29 page dossier on Ricci Sergienko that included coverage on his college baseball career, and the power of public records act (PRA) requests. You won’t want to miss this one! Cerise Castle is a LA-based journalist specializing in arts & culture, civil rights, criminal justice, and human interest stories. She wrote the first history of deputy gangs inside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. She also created, produced and hosted A Tradition of Violence, a podcast detailing the history and criminal activity of deputy gangs. That reporting earned her the 2022 International Women in Media Foundation’s Courage Award, the American Journalism Online Award for the Best Use of Public Records, and the American Mosaic Journalism Prize. In 2024, Castle was a Poynter Fellow at Yale University. episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy and Ricci Sergienko follow Cerise Castle on Twitter @cerisecastle and on IG @yourmajestee follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our host Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E twitter: @RobinsonSpaceLA IG: @therobinsonspace editing by Jason Reedy sound mixing by Phillip Kim mentions of ricci’s college baseball career: 3
Student Intifada
Student Intifada
We’re back off hiatus! For our 18th episode, we kept the conversation in-house for what we are calling People’s City Corner. You’ll hear from People’s City Council organizers Jason Reedy, Albert Corado and Ricci Sergienko as we recap what they witnessed at the USC, UCLA and CSULA encampments. We also get into why you should shut the fuck up when it comes to the pigs and what might be on the horizon for the student intifada. episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy, Albert Corado, and Ricci Sergienko. follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie + Albert Corado @digitalurn PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E @RobinsonSpaceLA
Black Migrants w/ Maraky Alemseged
Black Migrants w/ Maraky Alemseged
For our 17th episode, it’s an ALL Blackity Black pod. We chop it up with Maraky Alemseged from Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) and speak on a wide variety of topics centered on Blackness. This pod covers some of BAJI's groundbreaking reports on CBP’s policing of the George Floyd uprising and the Darien Gap. We also speak on the difference between a sanctuary city and a freedom city, the relationship between abolition and mushrooms, and why Black people should care about Palestine (and beyond) Maraky Alemseged is a queer nonbinary Black woman (yes, both) and BAJI’s Los Angeles Organizer. They are a first generation Ethiopian-American abolitionist & Pan-Africanist organizer passionate about approaching social justice from an intersectional lens. BAJI fights for the rights of Black migrants and African Americans through organizing, legal advocacy, research, policy, and narrative building to improve the conditions of Black communities by advancing racial justice and migrant rights. episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy follow BAJI @BAJItweet and @InstaBAJI on IG follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our host Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E @RobinsonSpaceLA editing by Jason Reedy sound mixing by Phillip Kim mentions of mushrooms: clusters and troops!
Art & The Movement w/ Zen Sekizawa and Mario Correa
Art & The Movement w/ Zen Sekizawa and Mario Correa
For our 16th episode, we conversed with the powerful duo of Zen Sekizawa and Mario Correa, organizers and artists with the collective, J-Town Action and Solidarity. We cover the genesis of J-Town Action and Solidarity, their efforts to fight back against gentrification in Little Tokyo, and the role art can play within the movement. Our candid conversation delves into the Atomic Cafe, Zen’s famed family restaurant, how art undergirds Zen and Mario's organizing and what it’s like being in a relationship in movement space! Zen Sekizawa has been working as a photographer, director and artist in her hometown of Los Angeles. She is a second generation Angeleno and fourth generation Japanese Amerikan. Since earning her BFA in Photography from the Art Center College of Design in 1999, Zen’s practice has grown into exploring, critiquing and acting on the intersection of art, politics and community care. Mario Correa is an artist based in Los Angeles. In 2001, he received an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts. Mario maintains a practice that encompasses drawing, painting, printmaking and woodworking. Enlisting a wide variety of techniques and materials, he moves through genres of abstraction, still life, and portraiture with an emphasis on mark making and its relationship to the body. In 2020, Mario and Zen helped establish J-Town Action and Solidarity, a grassroots collective dedicated to revolutionary organizing and building collective power in Little Tokyo. JAS has a weekly mutual event every Saturday afternoon in Little Tokyo with We the Unhoused as well as facilitating political education study groups, organizing direct actions, sweep defense support, self defense and art workshops episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy follow our guests Zen and Mario @JTOWNACTION follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our host Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E @RobinsonSpaceLA editing by Jason Reedy & sound mixing by Phillip Kim mentions of Jason Bourne: too many!
Shitty Council Races w/ Rob Quan
Shitty Council Races w/ Rob Quan
For our 15th episode, we chopped it up with Rob Quan to breakdown every Los Angeles City Council race for this Tuesday's primary. Paul Krekorian is termed out, so who’s in the running to replace him? Will Nithya Raman withstand a well funded challenger in Ethan Weaver? Does Heather Hutt actually have what it takes to win an election? Will Staffer B aka John Lee survive a late challenger in Serena Oberstein? Will racist Kevin de Leon make it past the primary or will CD14 decide it’s time for him to move on? We answer all these questions and more during this special City Council primary episode! Rob Quan is a recovering cynic. He got started in politics working his way onto the Obama campaign in 2008 and after working on a few more campaigns found it was hard to find candidates worth electing, even harder to get them elected, and then once in office they'd be stuck in a corrupted system. He's been organizing Unrig LA since 2018, which serves as a local watchdog advocating for a better LA City Hall that represents the many, and not just the moneyed. episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy and Ricci Sergienko follow our guest Rob Quan @unrigla follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our host Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E @RobinsonSpaceLA number of Lakers fans on this pod: 2
Move Left L.A. w/ Kris Rehl
Move Left L.A. w/ Kris Rehl
For our 14th episode, we talked with writer and organizer Kris Rehl about the upcoming March 5th primary. We dive into the 3 Board of Supervisors races, the District Attorney’s race, and why you should VOTE NO ON PROP 1 with recommendations from Kris’ outstanding and thorough voter guide that covers every race and measure for LA voters with an emphasis on local issues. Kris Rehl is a writer and organizer. as a Writers Guild captain during last year’s strike, they worked to amplify political education. during lockdown, Kris began organizing with unhoused neighbors and has since co-founded LA Street Care, an abolitionist mutual aid collective that works to meet survival needs, monitor sweeps, and hold city officials accountable. Link to Kris's voter guide: Check back next week for a pod on the Los Angeles City Council races! episode credits: hosted by Jason Reedy, Albert Corado, and Ricci Sergienko. follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie + Albert Corado @digitalurn follow our guest Kris Rehl: @krisrehl PCP theme song: Adam Smith @AdamOfTheSmiths recorded at the Robinson S.P.A.C.E @RobinsonSpaceLA how many times drake is mentioned: 1
52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 2
52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 2
For our 13th episode, we conclude our candid conversation with veteran organizer and movement elder Baba Akili. We speak about his time as National Organizer for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign, the lessons learned as field coordinator for Harvey Gantt’s Senate campaign and his time working in Carol Moseley Braun Senatorial Campaign who would become the first Black women ever elected to US Senate. We also explore his time as a Special Assistant to California Assembly Speakers, his organizing with SEIU and the NAACP, and how he came to join Black Lives Matter. We cap the conversation by hearing why is running for the 57th Assembly District in the State of California. Be sure to listen to the first part of this pod if you missed it: (INSERT LINK) This episode was hosted by Jason Reedy, Albert Corado, and Ricci Sergienko. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn and follow our guest Baba Akili @akili4thepeople Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths APPLE LINK FOR PT 1: SPOTIFY LINK FOR PT 1:
52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 1
52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 1
For our 12th episode, we sat down with veteran organizer and movement elder Baba Akili to discuss his 52 YEARS of organizing. We cover the first organization he ever joined - NIA and his time organizing with Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers. He would later co-found the United Domestic Workers Union, one of the few unions started by people of color. We also examined his time with Neighbor to Neighbor and the Farm Labor Organizing Committee during the 1980s. Tune back in for the final part of this podcast this Friday where we’ll dive into Akili’s time as a National Organizer for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign, his time on other notable senate campaigns, his organizing with SEIU, Black Lives Matter, and more. We cap the conversation by hearing why he’s running for the 57th Assembly District in the State of California. This episode was hosted by Jason Reedy, Albert Corado, and Ricci Sergienko. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn and follow our guest Baba Akili @akili4thepeople Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Grief w/ Melissa Acedera
Grief w/ Melissa Acedera
For our 11th episode, Albert sits down with the founder of Polo's Pantry, Melissa Acedera, to talk about both of them losing a parent at a young age and then losing a sibling later in life. They also get into grief, loss, and how it effects and inspires the work they do in movement spaces. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow Albert on twitter: @digitalurn Follow Melissa and Polo's Pantry: @mellemusic and @polospantry Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Inside "Safe" w/ Ndindi, Carla, and Bunny
Inside "Safe" w/ Ndindi, Carla, and Bunny
For our 10th episode we're joined by Ndindi, Carla, and Bunny to discuss LA mayor Karen Bass's homelessness program/pr stunt, "Inside Safe" and all of its failures. This episode was hosted by Ricci Sergienko and Albert Corado. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Close Men's Central Jail w/ Ambrose Brooks S. and Janet Asante
Close Men's Central Jail w/ Ambrose Brooks S. and Janet Asante
For our 9th episode we are joined by Ambrose Brooks S. and Janet Asante from Justice LA to discuss the fight to close Men's Central Jail, the LA County Board of Supervisors, and the human rights abuses and deaths that have taken place at Men's Central Jail over the years. This episode was hosted by Ricci Sergienko, Phillip Kim, and Albert Corado. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
LA's War on Public Housing Pt. 2 w/ Jacob Woocher
LA's War on Public Housing Pt. 2 w/ Jacob Woocher
For our eighth episode, we finish our insightful conversation with Jacob Woocher, author of the groundbreaking series LA’s War on Public Housing. In this final segment, we discuss the last 5 parts of his series exploring the public housing projects of Rancho San Pedro, Dana Strand, and Jordan Downs. We also ask our guest some general questions about public housing. Be sure to check out the first part of our conversation here: Apple Podcasts Spotify Jacob Woocher is a tenant lawyer who organizes with the Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU) and is the author of the series LA’s War on Public Housing. Check it out now on Knock LA! This episode was hosted by Jason Reedy and Albert Corado. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn and follow our guest Jacob Woocher @jacobwooch Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
LA's War on Public Housing Pt.1 w/ Jacob Woocher
LA's War on Public Housing Pt.1 w/ Jacob Woocher
For our seventh episode, we sat down with Jacob Woocher, author of the groundbreaking series LA’s War on Public Housing and dove into one of Los Angeles’s most important (and some would say forgotten) battlefields - public housing. We ask Jacob some background questions on the series and explore the first 5 parts of it including public housing projects in Jordan Downs, Pico Aliso, and Normont Terrace. This conversation was chock full of vital information so we split this pod into two parts - look out for the second part next week! Jacob Woocher is a tenant lawyer who organizes with the Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU) and is the author of the series LA’s War on Public Housing. Check it out now on Knock LA! This episode was hosted by Jason Reedy and Albert Corado. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn and follow our guest Jacob Woocher @jacobwooch Did you like our theme song? That's the homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
September Pig Roast
September Pig Roast
For our sixth episode, we decided to keep it in house and recorded an all People’s City Council episode. PCC organizers Jason Reedy, Albert Corado and Phillip Kim dove into a wide variety of topics from the fake abolitionist Hugo Soto-Martinez to racist Kevin de Leon. We got some clarity on KDL’s assault on Jason on December 9th and discussed the ongoing targeting by the LAPD of Jason and what many consider to be the most famous baby in Los Angeles. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn Did you like our theme song? That jam was from our homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Debt Abolition with The Debt Collective
Debt Abolition with The Debt Collective
For our fifth episode, we sat down with Debt Collective organizers Dr. Richelle Brooks, Manny Galindo, and Sparky Abraham. The Debt Collective has it’s roots in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Since then (2012), Debt Collective has focused on building a “debtors union” with the intent of wielding our collective power to abolish debt. You may have some questions “what is debt abolition?” What kind of debts do people have? (Ex: student loans, medical, carceral debt..) We get into all of that. Also, student loans turn on this month!! We talk about going on debt strike and what your options are. This episode was hosted by Ricci Sergienko. Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Let us know what you thought of the episode in the comments below and be sure to subscribe/share! PS: STOP COP CITY! Did you like our theme song? The homie Adam Smith made it!. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Cruz Becerra and the Chicano Movement
Cruz Becerra and the Chicano Movement
For our fourth episode, we sat down with renowned Chicano organizer, Cruz Becerra. Cruz co-founded the Brown Berets and La Junta, is a Vietnam War veteran, and a Chicano through and through. He helped organize the Chicano Blowouts in March 1968 and was part of the East LA 13 who beat felony conspiracy charges as a result of them. We cover a wide variety of elements within the Chicano movement from someone who was on the frontlines! Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn Did you like our theme song? The homie Adam Smith made it!. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
Hamid Khan and the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
Hamid Khan and the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
For our third episode, we sat down with the legend Hamid Khan to discuss his upbringing, his early days as an organizer, and the organization he founded, the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition. The Stop LAPD Spying Coalition is a community organization that works to build community power toward abolishing police surveillance. Tap in with the work of the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition by following them on socials @stoplapdspying or sending an email their way [email protected] Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn Did you like our theme song? That magic was from our homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
WGA Strike w/ Kyra Jones and Olga Lexell
WGA Strike w/ Kyra Jones and Olga Lexell
Our second episode is on the WGA Strike. The Writers Guild of America has a little over 11,500 members who write and produce the TV and films that entertain the world. They are in the midst of their 6th strike and we dive into why they are on strike, what’s at stake, and why they need your support! This episode was hosted by Jason Reedy and Phillip Kim and we were joined by Olga Lexell and Kyra Jones from the Writers Guild of America. Olga Lexell is a writer for Cobra Kai on Netflix and is a WGA captain. Kyra has written on shows like Woke on Hulu and Queens on ABC Tap in with Olga Lexell @possumlives and Kyra Jones @blkassfeminist. Let us know what you thought of the episode in the comments and be sure to subscribe/share! Follow us on twitter @pplscityprop and @pplscitycouncil. Follow our hosts Jason Reedy @AxumSelassie and Albert Corado @digitalurn Did you like our theme song? That magic was from our homie Adam Smith. We are so thankful for this gift. Please support Adam on all them social networks. You can find him at @AdamOfTheSmiths
People's City Propaganda Pilot Episode: The Robinson Space w/ Melissa Acedera and Dr. Robin Petering
People's City Propaganda Pilot Episode: The Robinson Space w/ Melissa Acedera and Dr. Robin Petering
Welcome to People's City Propaganda, a podcast about LA politics! On our first episode we are joined by Melissa Acedera, founder of Polo's Pantry, and Dr. Robin Petering, founder of Lens Co, to discuss the history of The Robinson Space, a mutual aid and political education space that we all helped found.