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People's City Propaganda

A podcast about Los Angeles politics, pigs, pork chops, organizing, and the movement. All Power To The People.

info_outline Tip of The Spear w/ Orisanmi Burton 02/14/2025
info_outline LAPD Killed My Twin Brother w/ Yin Yang 11/15/2024
info_outline LASD Gangs Googled Us w/ Cerise Castle 09/03/2024
info_outline Student Intifada 07/19/2024
info_outline Black Migrants w/ Maraky Alemseged 04/05/2024
info_outline Art & The Movement w/ Zen Sekizawa and Mario Correa 03/15/2024
info_outline Shitty Council Races w/ Rob Quan 02/29/2024
info_outline Move Left L.A. w/ Kris Rehl 02/20/2024
info_outline 52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 2 11/18/2023
info_outline 52 Years of Organizing w/ Baba Akili Pt. 1 11/13/2023
info_outline Grief w/ Melissa Acedera 11/02/2023
info_outline Inside "Safe" w/ Ndindi, Carla, and Bunny 10/25/2023
info_outline Close Men's Central Jail w/ Ambrose Brooks S. and Janet Asante 10/18/2023
info_outline LA's War on Public Housing Pt. 2 w/ Jacob Woocher 10/11/2023
info_outline LA's War on Public Housing Pt.1 w/ Jacob Woocher 10/05/2023
info_outline September Pig Roast 09/14/2023
info_outline Debt Abolition with The Debt Collective 09/06/2023
info_outline Cruz Becerra and the Chicano Movement 08/29/2023
info_outline Hamid Khan and the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition 08/08/2023
info_outline WGA Strike w/ Kyra Jones and Olga Lexell 07/25/2023
info_outline People's City Propaganda Pilot Episode: The Robinson Space w/ Melissa Acedera and Dr. Robin Petering 07/18/2023