Arc Bending
Arc Bending
Following the unrestrained first week of President Trump’s second term, Rev. Marti raises the example of prophetic Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, a 19th-century abolitionist and social reformer, who first stated that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice. As the new government seeks to deny the basic human rights of so many, Rev. Marti calls on us to help bend the arc of justice. The sermon was preached on January 26, 2025. Melanie Rains assisted with the service. The Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF) in Auburn, Alabama, is a faith community of shared values: love, equity, justice, pluralism, interdependence, generosity, and transformation. We believe each of us has the right to seek spiritual truth and develop a personal theology. Our members come from all religious and non-religious beliefs. AUUF is one of more than 1,000 Unitarian Universalist congregations around the U.S. We invite you to attend our services, Sunday mornings at 10. Our theme music for the podcast is A Call to the Soul by Folk Acoustic Music, from Pixabay.