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The Last Billionaires

How we end this Gilded Age. Hosted by earlyworm's Jason Sattler AKA @LOLGOP.

info_outline Next Comes What? 11/17/2024
info_outline “What Most Americans Want” with Andrea Pitzer 11/01/2024
info_outline “Donald Trump’s Lickspittle” with Ian Haney López 10/25/2024
info_outline “We’re going to win by 10,000 votes” with Billy Wimsatt 10/17/2024
info_outline "Why Young Men are Feeling Trumpy" with Jessica Calarco 10/12/2024
info_outline "They Don't Know They Can Vote" with Democrats Abroad 10/04/2024
info_outline “Women Saving Democracy” with Dan Shafer of The Recombobulation Area 09/24/2024
info_outline “A few voters in a handful of states” with Zo Tobi of the Movement Voter Project 09/14/2024
info_outline “Project 2025 was tested by Alabama” with Robin Marty 09/06/2024
info_outline “The Ultimate Victim” with Kevin M. Kruse 08/29/2024
info_outline "JD Vance, Nerd Führer?" with Gil Duran 08/22/2024
info_outline "The good, the bad, and the weird" with Jennifer Mercieca 08/12/2024
info_outline “We've been obeying in advance” with Michele Hornish 08/03/2024
info_outline “The People v. Originalism” with Madiba K. Dennie 07/27/2024
info_outline “Trump's racism as a strategy” with Ian Haney López 07/18/2024
info_outline “This is a Christian Nationalist platform” with Sarah Posner 07/12/2024
info_outline “Explaining Project 2025” with Don Moynihan 07/06/2024
info_outline “The art of taming a racist troll” with Seth Cotlar 06/30/2024
info_outline “How we forgot Trump” with Melissa Ryan 06/23/2024
info_outline "Among the very fine people" with A.R. Moxon 06/14/2024
info_outline "Freedom at last" with Anat Shenker-Osorio 06/07/2024
info_outline “Terrified of becoming the next Wisconsin” with David Pepper 05/31/2024
info_outline “Not a PAC” with Charles Gaba 05/24/2024
info_outline "Taking Project 2025 personally" with Andra Watkins 05/16/2024
info_outline "Civility is a tactic, not a virtue" with Robert Mann 05/10/2024
info_outline "Imperfectly perfect" with Eva Burch 05/02/2024
info_outline "Who are you talking about?" with Jessica Valenti 04/25/2024
info_outline "Here's what you can do about it" with Melissa Walker 04/18/2024
info_outline "Surviving the Post-Roe South" with Robin Marty 04/12/2024
info_outline "Thank you, Project 2025" with Thomas Zimmer 04/05/2024