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The Pillars: Jerusalem, Athens, and the Western Mind

Welcome to The Pillars: Jerusalem, Athens, and the Western Mind, a podcast that tells the story of the prophets, philosophers, and poets who created the West. In this podcast, Rabbi Dr. Mitchell Rocklin guides listeners through more than 3,000 years of Western history, offering a coherent, civilizational story of how the West came to be—along with a deepened understanding of the challenges it now faces. While many of the texts discussed will be familiar to students of the humanities, Rabbi Rocklin offers a new framework for understanding them—a framework in which the teachings of the Jewish religious tradition play a central role. For, as Rabbi Rocklin explains, Western civilization can only be understood as the product of a transformative and ongoing collision between the great traditions of Jerusalem and Athens—between the religious spirit of the Jews and the philosophical spirit of the Greeks.

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info_outline The Iliad II: An Epic for the Ages 11/19/2024
info_outline Saga and Song: An Introduction to Homer and the Iliad 11/14/2024
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info_outline D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths II: The Meaning of Covenant and Sacrifice 11/07/2024
info_outline D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths I: The Gods and the Creation of Man 11/05/2024
info_outline Hesiod: Theogony and Works and Days 10/31/2024
info_outline Early Greek History: The Mycenaeans to the Archaic Age 10/29/2024
info_outline Jews and Greeks: A Match Made in Heaven? 10/27/2024
info_outline The Hebrew Bible: A Covenantal Walk-Through 10/22/2024
info_outline The Bible on Government: How a Nation Should be Ruled and Redeemed 10/20/2024
info_outline Back to the Beginning: Biblical Creation as Covenantal Partnership 10/15/2024
info_outline Myth and Mentality: The Bible vs. the Epic of Gilgamesh 10/10/2024
info_outline The Iron Age: Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires 10/08/2024
info_outline From Hebrews to Jews: The Development of a Covenantal People 10/06/2024
info_outline The Hebrew Neighborhood: The Concert of Powers, Phoenicians, and Canaan 10/01/2024
info_outline Egypt Through the Middle Kingdom: Memphite Theology and The Story of Sinuhe 09/26/2024
info_outline Eastern Origins and Biblical Clash: The West’s Roots in the Ancient Near East 09/24/2024
info_outline Revitalizing the West by Rediscovering Its Jewish Roots 09/19/2024
info_outline The Jew in the West: His Covenant, Place, Influence, and Responsibility 09/16/2024
info_outline Cult and Culture 09/12/2024
info_outline Why the West? Its Greatness and Openness to Culture 09/10/2024
info_outline An Introduction to The Pillars 09/03/2024