Slettens Abroad
Slettens Abroad
“Slettens Abroad” is the final installment of a series of conversations between siblings Phyllis Dalager 88 and Wayne Sletten 90, Wayne’s wife Karen Sletten 87, and I guess me 58, that took place in Rapid City, South Dakota in October of 2022. Here, the group reminisces about their travels through the years. While not exhaustive of all of their travels, we get a good sense of how the children of Philip and Anna Sletten were not exactly home-bodies. It’s also interesting to note what is remembered of such experiences from this distance. It’s the moments of high anxiety that are etched most deeply into the grey matter, it seems. The sibling’s younger sister Joanne, her husband Fred and their children spent Fred’s sabbatical abroad in 1980-81, so naturally Phyllis and her mother, Anna, hit the road. We begin on our way to Damascus.