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Convo's with Centroid

Welcome to the Convo's with Centroid podcast, where you can tune in for expert tech insights, tips, and trends! Centroid is a cloud services and technology company that provides digital transformation, consulting, and managed services across multiple cloud platforms. Our podcast is designed to help businesses stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing landscape of cloud computing. Each episode will feature expert guests who will share their insights and success stories on how to utilize cloud technology and transformational services for ultimate success.

info_outline Minds in the Cloud: Chronicles of Transformation with Edward C. Levy 05/01/2024
info_outline The Evolving Cloudscape: AI, ML, Oracle 19c, and Beyond 01/15/2024
info_outline Cloud Chronicles: BODi’s Innovation Unveiled with a 30% Performance Leap 12/18/2023
info_outline Kubernetes vs. VM: Making the Right Choice for Your Business 10/23/2023
info_outline ProfitCast: Mastering Game-Changing Cloud Solutions for Growth & Bottom Line! 09/25/2023