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Wake Up Podcast with Viv Trader

Welcome to "Wake up podcast with Viv Trader" I named the podcast "Wake up" as I am a curious person with the desire to discuss a topic from different perspectives. Different experts and people have different opinions and knowledge about a topic. What is right and what is wrong? I like to explore different viewpoints. I want to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about our environment, health and well-being. I am also the founder of Vivalicious Food which produces vegan baby food with added omega-3 from an algae oil (www.vivaliciousfood.com) Instagram: @wakeupwithviv

info_outline Vad är sköldkörtelrubbning? Om sköldkörteln inte fungerar som den ska kan det orsaka en mängd olika hälsoproblem såsom trötthet, viktökning eller viktminskning mm med naturläkare Zarah Öberg 03/01/2024
info_outline How to create happy wealth and attract limitless money into your life with Ken Honda Japan's best selling millionaire 02/10/2024
info_outline Autoimmuna sjukdomar, histamintolerans, sömnproblem och sköldkörtelproblem med Zarah Öberg 02/06/2024
info_outline How to become awesome and thrive in life with Peter DeBenedittis 01/12/2024
info_outline What is going on on our Mother Earth, why are we having so much suffering right now? Is there a war between good and bad energies? YES - How can we raise our awareness? with Sharon Sanada 12/29/2023
info_outline We all have an insecure attachment in love and what are triggers with Susan Anderson 12/20/2023
info_outline Become 226% smarter by SMELLING essential oils and how to prevent Alzheimers disease and dementia with Dr. and Professor Micheal Leon 12/18/2023
info_outline The meaning of life and the Swedenborg Foundation with Curtis Childs 11/30/2023
info_outline The one reason behind eating disorders including obesity with professor Michael Leon 11/17/2023
info_outline Afterlife with psychic medium Sharon Sanada Kumara 11/15/2023
info_outline Bridging the gap between science and soul in medicine with Dr. Lotte Valentin 11/09/2023
info_outline How to achieve the best birth experience for you and your baby weather it is holistic or clinical with Shelley Rahim 11/07/2023
info_outline What is unconditional love and how that would create peace on our planet with Franco Romero 11/06/2023
info_outline Find your true life purpose and mission through recalling your past lives with Dr. Toni Reilly who is Australia’s foremost past life, reincarnation and afterlife specialist. 11/01/2023
info_outline How to spot and prevent food addiction in your child with Dr. Vera Tarman a food addiction expert! 10/30/2023
info_outline The food system needs to undergo a HUGE transformation so we can all achieve improved health and well-being with Johan Jörgensen co-founder of SwedenFoodTech.com 10/23/2023
info_outline Scientist reveals urgent message governments and leaders must take action NOW. Climate change is real with Dr. Howard Eisenberg 10/19/2023
info_outline What is unconsciousness with Dr. and Author Edi Bilimoria 10/16/2023
info_outline The meaning of life with Julie Ryan a businesswoman, an inventor, an author and a serial entrepreneur. 10/12/2023
info_outline Why inner healing is the key to joy, freedom and happiness! Step into the 5th dimension living with Jan Christenson 10/05/2023
info_outline Reactions to people with facial disfigurement and why does racism exist with Dr. Anna Stone 10/04/2023
info_outline What is the meaning of life? it is just an "Earth game"! with Christian Thagard 09/28/2023
info_outline How I healed sexual abuse and breaking generational trauma with Shaman Desjanée 09/22/2023
info_outline MASSIVE MASSIVE REVEAL WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MANKIND IN 2025! With Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH 09/20/2023
info_outline How to develop brain health in your child and how to spot sugar addiction in your toddler with Dr. and professor Nicole Avena 09/14/2023
info_outline How grief will profoundly impact our lives and our true self. An insight to the rawness of life on earth with Colin Campbell 09/13/2023
info_outline What life really is about, profound insights with Doctor (Dr.) Rod Chelberg 09/07/2023
info_outline Rev. Daniel Neusom is a channel for the Holy Spirit of God and Angelic Realms. He has served as a professional channel and spiritual teacher for thirty six years. 09/05/2023
info_outline Message from Josef. We hope you will forge ahead with us on this journey of love, peace, and well-being for all of humanity. Channeled by Cindy Edison 09/01/2023