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Surprising God

A podcast about open theism and being children of a kenotic God.

info_outline What Does the Worst Movie Line Ever Say About Calvinism? 12/10/2024
info_outline Open Theism in the Church Fathers? 08/01/2024
info_outline A Courage Worse than Cowardice? 07/17/2024
info_outline Does Plausibility and Beauty Matter in Our Doctrine of God? 06/26/2024
info_outline Greg Boyd: Evolving as an Open Theist 05/03/2024
info_outline If Love Requires Free Choice, How Could a Baby Get Into Heaven? 04/02/2024
info_outline Alan Rhoda on Open Theism 03/09/2024
info_outline Is Power Fundamentally Social? 03/07/2024
info_outline Can BOTH God AND God's People Exert Power in Creation? Digging in to Thomas Oord's New Book 02/24/2024
info_outline Does Open Theism "Bring God Down to the Human Level"? 02/21/2024
info_outline The Improvisational God. What Improv Might Teach Us About God's Creation. The Samuel Tanner Interview. 02/11/2024
info_outline Anthropomorphism Problems: Do We Learn Anything About God From Jesus? 11/30/2023
info_outline Deep Questions with Joshua L Rasmussen 10/28/2023
info_outline The Direction of Piety 09/08/2023
info_outline A Response to John Piper's Irresistible Grace Thought Experiment 07/08/2023
info_outline What Did C.S. Lewis Think About Open Theism? 06/23/2023
info_outline On Open Theism and Experiencing God, with Jesse Birkey 06/17/2023
info_outline Is Evil and Suffering Inherently Pointless for Open Theists? 06/09/2023
info_outline Reflections on Providence in a Pagan Milieu 05/29/2023
info_outline Does God Trust Us? The Curtis Holtzen Conversation 01/29/2023
info_outline Paul Anleitner Talks About Leaving Open Theism and His New Book: Dis-ordered 01/11/2023
info_outline Thomas Oord on God's Uncontrolling Love, Process Theism, and the Limitations of Open Theism 10/07/2022
info_outline Paul Eddy on Confronting John Piper and Rescuing Greg Boyd from Calvinism 09/11/2022
info_outline How Does Our View of God Shape Our Healing? A Discussion with Kurt Willems 07/29/2022
info_outline What's the Oldest Book on Open Theism? How about One from the 1800s! 07/08/2022
info_outline How Open Theism Relates to Calvinism and Arminianism 06/29/2022
info_outline The Surprising God Podcast Starts... Now! 06/21/2022