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One Degree Podcast

A one degree shift in your actions today will make a significant difference in who you become in the long run. What is the long game and how do I play it? How do I know what God’s calling me to do? What’s the best way to handle conflict in my relationships? How important is my career? What is a healthy, biblical view of sex? How can reading my Bible not be so dull? Our goal is to give you practical tools to be faithful to every role in your life to which God has called you. Weekly episodes will dig deep into questions and topics you’re asking as you navigate life while following Jesus. Grab a seat on Nathaniel and Xan’s virtual cozy couch and join the conversation. Then make that one-degree shift today. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a show. Hang with us on thesibleys.co and at @thesibleys.co on Instagram

info_outline No. 113: Sharing Your Faith Authentically (Pt. 2) 03/10/2025
info_outline No. 112: Where to Start with Sharing Your Faith (Pt. 1) 02/25/2025
info_outline No. 111: Is Your Phone Empowering You or Enslaving You? (ft. Adam Magnuson) 02/02/2025
info_outline Ep. 110: Why We Homeschool; a Q&A with Nathaniel & Xan 01/21/2025
info_outline No. 109: New Year's Resolutions are Still Cool 01/06/2025
info_outline No. 108: Is it Sinful Not to Sabbath? 12/10/2024
info_outline No. 107: OMG...GD...What's the big deal? 11/25/2024
info_outline No. 106: What Idols Have You Made for Yourself? 11/11/2024
info_outline No. 105: What Does “God First” Look Like in Everyday Life? 10/21/2024
info_outline No. 104: The Ten Commandments: Laws to Live By 10/02/2024
info_outline No. 103: Living Life Backwards (In Light of The Fact You Will Die One Day) 09/18/2024
info_outline No. 102: Are You *Really* Content? 09/05/2024
info_outline No. 101: One Degree Shifts Change Your Life 08/19/2024
info_outline No. 100: The Past, Present, and Future of One Degree Co. 08/05/2024
info_outline No. 99: How to Get Out of a Spiritual Rut 06/10/2024
info_outline No. 98: Choosing a Bible Translation 05/28/2024
info_outline No. 97: Our Summer Bucket List 05/06/2024
info_outline No. 96: Fostering an Eternal Mindset in the Mundane Tasks of Life 04/22/2024
info_outline No. 95: Preparing for Marriage in Dating 04/08/2024
info_outline No. 94: Rebuilding Trust in Marriage 04/01/2024
info_outline No. 93: How to Read More Books 03/26/2024
info_outline No. 92: Marriage in the Newborn Season 03/18/2024
info_outline No. 91: Purgatory: Views on Hell Series 03/13/2024
info_outline No. 90: Ultimate Reconciliation: Views on Hell Series 03/05/2024
info_outline No. 89: Annihilationism/Terminal Punishment: Views on Hell Series 02/26/2024
info_outline No. 88: Eternal Conscious Torment: Views on Hell Series 02/19/2024
info_outline No. 87: What is Sanctification? 02/05/2024
info_outline No. 86: Handling Conflict in Marriage 01/29/2024
info_outline No. 85: Calvinism vs. Arminianism 01/15/2024
info_outline No. 84: Love Your Spouse Based on Their Love Language 01/08/2024