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Centre Stage with 64 Media

Welcome to 64 Media's brand new podcast Centre Stage. This is the first in our series of podcasts. Over the next few months, we'll be talking about how to take your company center stage, whether you're part of a large corporation or running your own show. We'll also be talking to some of our clients and other industry commentators to hear their thoughts about big picture issues affecting their businesses today and what they're doing to have their opinions heard, but a little bit more.

info_outline Centre Stage with Vanessa Stoykov 12/05/2022
info_outline An interview with Astute Wheel 10/10/2022
info_outline Off the Record with Peter Sobels 09/19/2022
info_outline In the Media Spotlight with Neil Macdonald 09/05/2022
info_outline Talking to the Media with Julia Newbould 08/18/2022
info_outline Introducing Centre Stage with 64 Media 07/25/2022