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Antisemitism, U.S.A.: A History

Antisemitism has deep roots in American history. Yet in the United States, we often talk about it as if it were something new. We’re shocked when events happen like the Tree of Life Shootings in Pittsburgh or the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, but also surprised. We ask, “Where did this come from?” as if it came out of nowhere. But antisemitism in the United States has a history. A long, complicated history. A history easy to overlook. Join us on Antisemitism, U.S.A., a limited podcast series hosted by Mark Oppenheimer, to learn just how deep those roots go.

info_outline Episode 10: Between Hate and Hope 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 9: David and Goliath 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 8: The Synagogue of Satan 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 7: The Houses We Live In 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 6: Lower than Animals 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 5: Conspiracies 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 4: Exclusion 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 3: Merchants and Money 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 2: Moral Citizens 07/11/2024
info_outline Episode 1: No Sanction to Bigotry 07/11/2024
info_outline Introducing Antisemitism, U.S.A.: A History 05/17/2024