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Super Story - Inside Education

Welcome to Super Story, a podcast where we share informal conversations from within public education. I'm Maria Libby, superintendent of schools in a small coastal community in Maine. I'm excited to share real stories from people on the ground: students, teachers, bus drivers and everyone in between. With every episode, we'll take a closer look how they got here, what their experience means to them and where they think public education is going. Join me every two weeks as we explore the inner-workings of our schools and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs within our education system.

info_outline Career and Technical Education 12/16/2024
info_outline Teachers, Turnover, and Tenants 12/02/2024
info_outline Cracking The College Code 11/18/2024
info_outline School Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old 06/07/2024
info_outline Jane's Sense of Self 05/23/2024
info_outline Moving On Up 05/13/2024
info_outline Let's Talk About Sex 04/28/2024
info_outline Show Up To Rise Up 04/12/2024
info_outline Game Time, Screen Time and Insights from High School Boys 03/28/2024
info_outline Where My Heart Was 03/15/2024
info_outline Perspective 03/01/2024
info_outline Hidden Gem Part 2 02/15/2024
info_outline Hidden Gem Part 1 02/01/2024
info_outline Repairing My Relationship with Learning 01/18/2024
info_outline Mother Knows Best 01/04/2024
info_outline Nature Nurtures 12/14/2023
info_outline Hoops and Dreams 11/30/2023
info_outline She Means Business 11/18/2023
info_outline Masterpieces In The Making 11/02/2023
info_outline Education In Our DNA 10/19/2023
info_outline Sweeping Success 10/05/2023
info_outline Sailing In Larger Ponds 09/21/2023
info_outline Last Man Standing 09/07/2023
info_outline The Wheels on the Bus 08/24/2023
info_outline Sent to the Principal’s Office 08/10/2023
info_outline Stardust 07/27/2023
info_outline You Can Always Come Home 07/13/2023
info_outline The End of the Line? 06/29/2023
info_outline Who’s the Boss 06/15/2023
info_outline Flipping The Tassel 06/01/2023