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The Befit Movement

The health and fitness industry is being continually inundated with new information. Join the Befit Physios aiming to break down the myths and stigma surrounding health, fitness, mindset and nutrition.

info_outline Ep 7: Dr Tom Cross: Adolescent Injuries 09/16/2022
info_outline Ep 6. Joel Adelman: Breaking Down Your Running Technique 07/29/2022
info_outline Ep5. Sarah Davis: Motivation, Discipline and Finding Your Purpose 06/24/2022
info_outline Ep 4. Nathan Parnham: Helping Your Child Train to Succeed 06/10/2022
info_outline Bret Contreras: Glute Training 101 05/20/2022
info_outline Sarah King: Exercise Addiction, Eating Disorders and Hypothalamic Amenorrhea 05/06/2022
info_outline Busting Myths in the Health and Fitness Industry (Part 1) 04/22/2022