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LessWrong Curated Podcast

Audio version of the posts shared in the LessWrong Curated newsletter.

info_outline "Survey advice" by Katja Grace 08/26/2022
info_outline "Toni Kurz and the Insanity of Climbing Mountains" by Gene Smith 08/23/2022
info_outline "Deliberate Grieving" by Raemon 08/22/2022
info_outline "Humans provide an untapped wealth of evidence about alignment" by TurnTrout & Quintin Pope 08/08/2022
info_outline "Changing the world through slack & hobbies" by Steven Byrnes 07/30/2022
info_outline "«Boundaries», Part 1: a key missing concept from utility theory" by Andrew Critch 07/28/2022
info_outline "ITT-passing and civility are good; "charity" is bad; steelmanning is niche" by Rob Bensinger 07/24/2022
info_outline "What should you change in response to an "emergency"? And AI risk" by Anna Salamon 07/23/2022
info_outline "On how various plans miss the hard bits of the alignment challenge" by Nate Soares 07/17/2022
info_outline "Humans are very reliable agents" by Alyssa Vance 07/13/2022
info_outline "Looking back on my alignment PhD" by TurnTrout 07/08/2022
info_outline "It’s Probably Not Lithium" by Natália Coelho Mendonça 07/05/2022
info_outline "What Are You Tracking In Your Head?" by John Wentworth 07/02/2022
info_outline "Security Mindset: Lessons from 20+ years of Software Security Failures Relevant to AGI Alignment" by elspood 06/29/2022
info_outline "Where I agree and disagree with Eliezer" by Paul Christiano 06/22/2022
info_outline "Six Dimensions of Operational Adequacy in AGI Projects" by Eliezer Yudkowsky 06/21/2022
info_outline "Moses and the Class Struggle" by lsusr 06/21/2022
info_outline "Benign Boundary Violations" by Duncan Sabien 06/20/2022
info_outline "AGI Ruin: A List of Lethalities" by Eliezer Yudkowsky 06/20/2022