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55 Voices for Democracy – The Podcast

How can democracy be renewed and defended today? A collaboration of the Thomas Mann House, the Goethe Institute, Wunderbar Together, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.

info_outline Patty Jenkins on the Power of Storytelling 09/27/2024
info_outline Clint Smith on Cultures of Remembrance in the U.S. & Germany 12/14/2023
info_outline Marina Weisband on What Gets us Through the Crisis 11/30/2023
info_outline Lynne Thompson on the Role of Poetry in Democracies 10/19/2023
info_outline Bill Wiggins on African-American History & Historically Black Colleges and Universities 03/23/2023
info_outline Teresa Bücker on Time as a Political Resource 03/02/2023
info_outline Roberto Lovato on the Tenderness that Survives the Terror 02/16/2023
info_outline Antonia Juhasz on the Impact of Fossil Fuels on Democracy 01/05/2023
info_outline Raul Krauthausen on Inclusion and Accessibility 12/08/2022
info_outline Sarah Jaffe on Working Conditions & Labor Movements 11/22/2022
info_outline Geraldo Cadava on the 2022 Midterm Elections & 'the Latino Vote' 11/10/2022
info_outline Boris Dralyuk on Poetry, Translation and Émigrés 10/20/2022
info_outline LaTosha Brown on Fighting Voter Suppression 10/06/2022
info_outline Doris Kleilein on Changing Definitions of Urban Architecture 09/22/2022
info_outline Christoph Bieber on Hate Speech, Deep Fakes and Other Challenges of the Internet 08/25/2022
info_outline Veronika Fuechtner on Thomas Mann's construction of "Germanness" 08/11/2022
info_outline Ulrich J. Schneider on Libraries as Democratic Spaces 07/28/2022
info_outline Rosecrans Baldwin on Los Angeles as a City-State 07/14/2022
info_outline Christine Landfried on the Democratic Potential of Citizens' Assemblies 06/30/2022
info_outline Matthew Continetti on Populism and Conservatism in the American Right 06/15/2022
info_outline Diana Garvin on the Political Implications of Food 06/02/2022
info_outline Craig Calhoun on Nationalism & Protest Movements 05/19/2022
info_outline Ruben Neugebauer on Sea Rescue and the Crisis on the Mediterranean Sea 05/05/2022
info_outline Lawrence Douglas on Fixing the Electoral System 04/21/2022
info_outline Mohamed Amjahid on the Protection of Minorities 03/10/2022
info_outline Aurora Almendral on the Political Situation in the Philippines 02/24/2022
info_outline David Kipen on the Renewal of the Federal Writers' Project 02/10/2022
info_outline Birte Meier on Equal Pay 01/27/2022
info_outline Sonia Faleiro on Political Oppression in India 01/06/2022
info_outline Daniel Ziblatt on Resilient Democracies | A Collaboration with the German American Conference at Harvard 12/16/2021