How to Know Where You Rank in Search Engines SEO Summer Part 6 {Ep 124}
How to Know Where You Rank in Search Engines SEO Summer Part 6 {Ep 124}
Full Shownotes: Brooke's note - shownotes take time, please be patient if they're not up quite yet. I wanted to get the episode to you ASAP, done is better than perfect! Brooke's SEO Starter Pack (FREE): You've gone through 6 episodes total so far when it comes to content and SEO, and today is the last part of SEO Summer: how to actually know where you're ranking. And yes, I said 6 episodes total and today is the 7th, although I didn't count content pillars as part of SEO Summer, even though they're very closely tied in. Really, why bother working on SEO if you don't know where you're ranking, so you can see growth or decline? If you need more reason to keep track of analytics, check out episode 115, where we talk all about measuring them. This episode is going to be all about how to tell where you rank with search engines, so you can keep track of the NOW, and watch for the growth you're going to see when you start implementing everything you've learned in SEO Summer! If you're putting in the work, we want to see results, right? Listen in, and let me know your biggest ahas and takeaways! You can share them in the community at , OR you can take a screenshot and tag me on social @boldwithbrooke pretty much everywhere. Either way, I want to help - ask questions, get insights and share what you're working on. 🩷