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I Am Roe, Hear Me Roar

Welcome to I Am Roe, Hear Me Roar! I'm your host, Kelley Keller. This podcast recounts the journey of Jane Roe, Henry Wade, their cataclysmic meeting in the United States Supreme Court, and the ensuing aftermath. The show will focus on asking and answering the following questions: What exactly does Roe say? What exactly does Roe NOT say? What is the state of the law now? Where do we go from here? What actually happened to Roe and Wade? So, please join me on this fascinating journey as we unpack the ongoing fight for abortion rights in America that no one actually seems to be winning.

info_outline 5: Abortion Law and the Rise of Regulation 07/15/2022
info_outline 4: The Day That Roe Died 07/01/2022
info_outline 3: The Case That Changed Roe: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) - Part 1 06/24/2022
info_outline 2: What Does Roe v. Wade Actually Say? 06/03/2022
info_outline 1: Introduction to I Am Roe, Hear Me Roar 05/05/2022
info_outline I Am Roe, Hear Me Roar - Podcast Trailer 04/01/2022