The Lazy Ass Podcast Episode 87
The Lazy Ass Podcast Episode 87
The trio has survived another week, and hopefully will continue to hold it down for the human race. Corona virus has caught steam during the last few days. Some of us are starting to panic. The Lazy tier is corona virus inspired as we rank our survival chances in some of the best movies virus/epidemic movies. Only one we confidently all agree on making it out of, which one did you choose? St Paddys day took a backseat to the virus, so we decided to show some green love since the bars are all shut down. We give a little taste of Jorges new bit "this or that", let us know what you think...and any this or that scenarios you want us to answer! Asking for a friend is getting out a long ass conversation, how do you do it without being rude?! All this and some wormholes as per usual, on a all new infection episode! Hopefully we will be back next week with another recording, either way we ask all of our fans to stay safe and healthy. Wash ya hands and asses, and try not to bump boots unless absolutely necessary! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @thelazyasspodcast and subscribe to our YouTube page here: