The Conversations Podcast is sponsored by The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders located at Grace Theological Seminary in Warsaw, IN. The Center for Thriving Leaders assists local churches within the Charis Fellowship to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize.
Conversations with H.B. Charles Jr.: Live the Life, Preach the Word
Conversations with H.B. Charles Jr.: Live the Life, Preach the Word
In this episode of Conversations, H.B. Charles Jr. (Lead Pastor of ) touches on key issues regarding mentorship, leadership, and preaching. has been the Lead Pastor of in Jacksonville, Florida since 2008. He has written devoted to spiritual formation, pastoral development, and church revitalization. H.B. is also the host of , which is dedicated to helping pastors preach faithfully, clearly, and better. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Todd & Robyn Leyden: Fort Wilderness
Conversations with Todd & Robyn Leyden: Fort Wilderness
In this episode of Conversations, Todd & Robyn Leyden () share their family story and reveal some of the trials and tribulations they went through that shaped them in their journey with Christ and led them to an unexpected blessing in Fort Wilderness. Todd & Robyn both reside in Rhinelander, Wisconsin where they lead and manage Fort Wilderness Christian Camp. Todd & Robyn have been married for 40 years, and they are the parents of three sons – Payton (deceased), Blake, and Chase. Todd and Robyn are members of Zionsville Fellowship Church (Indianapolis) and St. Germain Evangelical Free Church (Wisconsin). To learn more about Todd & Robyn's faith journey, check out Todd's book: . This book is a story of hope, where Todd discloses important truths of God's provision and grace – uncovered to him through traumatic events that occurred in their lives. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Roger Holl: Never Give Up
Conversations with Roger Holl: Never Give Up
In this episode of Conversations, Roger Holl (President of ) shares his unique faith and ministry journey in Alaska, his connection to the Charis Fellowship, and encourages listeners to never give up on sharing the gospel and being a light in darkness. Dr. Roger Holl is pastor of and president of . Charis Fellowship Ministries, with ministries in church revitalization, Christian radio and African ministries. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Michael Graham: The Dechurching of America
Conversations with Michael Graham: The Dechurching of America
In this episode of Conversations, Michael Graham (Co-Author of ) shares insights on the studies gathered from his book, , which dissects the phenomenon of dechurching in America and how to fix it. Michael (MDiv, , Orlando) is program director for . He is the executive producer and writer of and coauthor of . He is a member at . He is married to Sara, and they have two kids. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Clay Burgess: Get Away and Get A Word
Conversations with Clay Burgess: Get Away and Get A Word
In this episode of Conversations, Clay Burgess (Executive Director of Spiritual Formation at ) shares what attributes are indicative of an effective preaching model and presents ways for pastors to have a more genuine connection with their congregants. Clay is a graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has earned advanced degrees from both Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, including a doctorate from the latter. He is on the executive board and teaches at Southwake Bible Institute. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Darrell Bock & Jonathan Armstrong: Virtual Reality Church
Conversations with Darrell Bock & Jonathan Armstrong: Virtual Reality Church
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert & Rock LaGioia call up Darrell Bock & Jonathan Armstrong (Authors of ) to discuss the pitfalls and possibilities of virtual reality church. Darrell Bock (BA, University of Texas; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen) has earned recognition as a Humboldt Scholar (Tubingen University in Germany), and is the author of more than forty books, including well-regarded commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus. Jonathan J. Armstrong is Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, where he lectures in New Testament studies and church history. He consults at the intersection of faith and technology and serves as the president of the Aqueduct Project (). This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Michael Cramer: Stay Faithful
Conversations with Michael Cramer: Stay Faithful
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert chats with Michael Cramer (Lead Pastor of ) about Michael's journey to the pulpit at New Life church, what he learned as a Pastor during the pandemic, and what he believes the church's role in culture is. Dr. Michael Cramer is the Lead Pastor of New Life Church in Osceola, Indiana where he has served in various roles for 20 years. In addition, Michael is also a character coach for local youth sports teams and a loving husband and father to his wife and three children. In February of 1985, Founding Pastor Dr. Mike Cramer preached for the first time at New Life church, which had only 23 people in attendance. However, Pastor Mike had a vision to effectively reach out with the gospel, and a burning passion to preach the Word of God. His confident belief that “with God all things are possible” helped the people gain a positive perspective. Pastor Mike challenged the congregation to embrace a fresh vision for reaching people. He helped them look through the “eye of faith” and see things not simply as they are, but how they could be through the power of God. On the first Sunday in June 1985, that handful of people asked Pastor Mike to serve as their pastor as a strategic ministry vision was cast for the future. The strategy included building on the solid foundation of: Biblical preaching with life applications, dynamic worship, a family friendly emphasis with vital youth and children’s ministries, a focus on positive Christianity, and special events to “build a bridge” to the community. In just a few short years, the church out grew its landlocked facility in Mishawaka. Consequently, eight acres were purchased and the church campus was relocated to McKinley Highway East (U.S. 20) in Osceola. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Kathy Koch: Reaching Today's Kids
Conversations with Kathy Koch: Reaching Today's Kids
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert talks on the phone with Dr. Kathy Koch (Founder of ) about her passion for teaching, the 8 Great Smarts and how to use that knowledge to advantage yourself and others, and finding margin in life. Dr. Kathy Koch (pronounced “cook”) is the Founder and President of , based in Fort Worth, TX. She has influenced thousands of parents, teachers, and children in over 25 countries through keynote messages, seminars, chapels, and other events. Dr. Kathy offers practical, relevant, and spiritual-centered insights and strategies for parents and educators, so they increase hope in God, celebrate kids as Jesus did, and guide children to develop biblical character and healthy relationships so they flourish in life. She is proud to be represented by the Premiere Speakers Bureau. She is the author of seven books published by Moody Publishers: 8 Great Smarts, Screens and Teens, Resilient Kids, Start with the Heart, No More Perfect Kids (with Jill Savage), Five to Thrive, and her most recent book, Parent Differently: Raise Kids with Biblical Character that Changes Culture. Dr. Kathy earned a PhD in reading and educational psychology from Purdue University. She was tenured as an associate professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, served as a teacher of second graders, a middle school coach, and a school board member before founding Celebrate Kids in 1991. She has loved Jesus for years, and her faith and desire to serve and glorify God is the foundation of her ministry. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Justin Keeler: Financial Planner
Conversations with Justin Keeler: Financial Planner
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert talks on the phone with Justin Keeler (Financial Advisor for ) about Justin's faith and ministry journey, his transition into becoming a financial planner, and how ministry leaders can be better stewards of their finances by using simple tactics like budgeting and diversification. is a membership-owned holistic financial services organization that believes money is a tool, not a goal. is committed to providing financial advice, investments, insurance, banking, and generosity programs to help people in Federal Way, WA make the most of all they've been given. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Bob Vitoux: Unsung Heroes
Conversations with Bob Vitoux: Unsung Heroes
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Bob Vitoux (President and CEO of ) to talk about the importance of faith, practicing personal reflection, and the qualities that make up a good leader and team. Bob Vitoux joined OrthoWorx as Chief Executive Officer on July 18, 2022. Bob previously served in finance and management positions with Zimmer, Biomet, and DePuy, and most recently served as Chief Financial and Chief Commercial Officer for Dovetail Brands LLC, a unit of Fort Wayne-based Ambassador Enterprises. In addition to his experience in the Indiana-based medical device cluster, Bob has served in several varied management roles, including President and CEO of Warsaw-based Seymour Midwest; Global Finance Director for Lifescan, a Johnson & Johnson business based in Scotland; and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Steinway Musical Instruments, based in New York City. Bob graduated from Manchester College with a degree in accounting and has completed executive programs at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business and the University of Notre Dame. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Kathy Steele: Striving for Authenticity
Conversations with Kathy Steele: Striving for Authenticity
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Dr. Kathy Steele (Professor of Counseling at ) to talk about the mental health issues people encountered during the coronavirus lockdowns and how to remedy them, how to handle depression, and when to be vulnerable. Kathy Steele is a Professor of Counseling at . Dr. Steele is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an LPC and LMFT Approved Supervisor. She is the immediate past chairperson of the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners. Dr. Steele and her husband lived in Central America and served as IMB Missionaries for 20 years. Dr. Steele currently is the Director of the Counseling Training Partnership between NOBTS and the R. Ocaña Baptist Seminary in Havana, Cuba. Dr. Steele holds the MAMFC, as well as the PhD in Psychology and Counseling. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Deb McEvoy: Pastoral Care in Ministry
Conversations with Deb McEvoy: Pastoral Care in Ministry
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Deb McEovy ( at Grace College) to talk about her current role with Grace, what she's seen change in recent years in the area of mental health, and the balance between biblical counseling and psychological science in mental health care. Deb McEvoy holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a Certificate in Group Work from Adler University; a master’s in counseling from Grace College; and is licensed in the state of Indiana as a mental health counselor (LMHC). Deb has been at Grace College since 1994 working with students as part of Residence Life, Graduate Counseling and currently in the counseling arena. Deb has experience with a wide variety of populations and settings, including but not limited to children in an elementary school setting, college students, adolescents in a juvenile detention center, grief groups and community mental health. She has assessment experience working with and evaluating adolescents as well as completing parenting evaluations. Deb has had particular experience in the areas of anxiety, depression, transitions/life changes, trauma, anger management, parenting and groups. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Eric Miller: Youth Ministry - Be Present
Conversations with Eric Miller: Youth Ministry - Be Present
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert calls up Eric Miller (Executive Director of Ministry at ) to hear about his role with Momentum Ministry Partners, his perspective on how youth ministry has changed over the years, and gives the secret ingredients to connecting more holistically with the next generation. After 17 years of pastoral ministry, Eric Miller joined the staff of Momentum Ministry Partners as their Executive Director. It's Momentum's goal to partner with the local church to provide ministry equipping experiences in an effort to help raise up the next generation of leaders. Eric is passionate about developing leaders who develop leaders. He wants nothing more than to assist churches in equipping students and adults to passionately pursue Christ and point people to Him! This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Gary Colledge: The Importance of Hermeneutics in Pastoral Study and Preaching
Conversations with Gary Colledge: The Importance of Hermeneutics in Pastoral Study and Preaching
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert calls up Gary Colledge (Faculty Support Specialist at ) to talk about the importance of using your god-given gifts, how to accept and deal with change, and the importance of hermeneutics in pastoral study and preaching. Dr. Gary Colledge took his PhD at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and currently teaches and oversees faculty at the Akron, Ohio campus of . Gary is also an adjunct professor at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and at Walsh University in Canton, Ohio. He wrote his dissertation on Dickens and Christianity. Colledge is the author of Dickens, Christianity, and and contributed several articles to the . This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Tony Coffman: The Butter Knife
Conversations with Tony Coffman: The Butter Knife
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert calls up Tony Coffman (Pastor of in Winner, South Dakota) to discuss his unique path into ministry, how he's seen growth in the churches he's pastored, and the inconspicuous utility of a butter knife. Tony Coffman began serving the role of Pastor of Winner Methodist Church on October 16th, 2023 after serving three years at a church in Rugby, North Dakota. Prior to a stop in North Dakota, he was the pastor of a church in St. Paul, Neb., for four years. He received his master’s degree from Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Jenn Avey: Charis Women
Conversations with Jenn Avey: Charis Women
In this episode of Conversations, hosts Trent Lambert and Julia Peattie (Administrative Assistant of the ) sit down with Jenn Avey (Executive Director of ) to hear how she found her place in ministry, what her day to day is like as Executive Director of Charis Women, and what she sees as most important in today's context when it comes to equipping and discipling ministry leaders. Jenn Avey previously served as the Director of Leadership Development of Charis Women. Jenn is a church planter who has led women's ministries and loves to teach God's Word. She loves to marry her passion for teaching and equipping with her desire to see women utilizing their unique and varied gifts to impact the church. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Tiberius Rata: Nuggets of Wisdom
Conversations with Tiberius Rata: Nuggets of Wisdom
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Tiberius Rata (Associate Dean of the at Grace Theological Seminary) to hear his take on altar calls, what inspired him to become an author, and what he's learned over the years in pastoral ministry. A native of Romania, Tiberius Rata is the chair of the Biblical Studies Department and professor of Old Testament Studies at Grace College and Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Institute for Biblical Research and has presented papers at the national conventions of the Evangelical Theological Society This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Denny Wilson: God Has not Released me From My Call
Conversations with Denny Wilson: God Has not Released me From My Call
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Denny Wilson (Founding Pastor of ) to discuss how he started WCC, how to deal with transition in the church, and how pastoral ministry has changed over the years. Denny Wilson gave his life to Christ in 1979 “after living for myself for 21 years.” While he was at Ohio University on a baseball scholarship earning a bachelor’s degree in communications, Denny sensed God’s call to ministry. He went on to earn a Master of Divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary. After beginning his ministry in Dayton, Ohio, he and his wife Cookie moved to Indiana to serve at a local church. Together with some friends, Denny started Warsaw Community Church in 1993. As founding pastor, he is one of the primary teachers at WCC. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Freddy Cardoza: Build Your House on the Rock
Conversations with Freddy Cardoza: Build Your House on the Rock
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Freddy Cardoza (Vice President of ) to talk about his journey in getting to know Christ, the work God is doing at Grace Theological Seminary, and the changes he sees happening in Higher Education today. Dr. Freddy Cardoza (Ph.D., Southern Seminary) is Vice President of Grace Theological Seminary and Dean of the School of Ministry Studies at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. He serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership, overseeing his schools' respective bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees that are offered on campus, online, and on site. Freddy is the founder of, a service preparing scholars for higher education careers through live events, webinars, and on demand courses. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Jim Swanson: The YMCA Connection
Conversations with Jim Swanson: The YMCA Connection
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Jim Swanson () to discuss the importance of soft skills, being together, and how the YMCA makes an impact on its local community. Jim Swanson served on the Kosciusko Community YMCA Board of Directors for 2 years and is now the present CEO of the YMCA in Kosciusko County. Swanson served 22 years at Grace College, most recently in the role of vice president of student affairs from 2007 to 2016 where he had oversight of several departments and 200 employees. Previously held positions include associate vice president of Student Affairs and dean of students. Jim earned a Doctor of philosophy in educational leadership in higher education from Western Michigan University, a Master’s degree in counseling and personnel guidance from Eastern Michigan University, and a Bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from William Tyndale College. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Ken Locke: God Never Gives up on Us
Conversations with Ken Locke: God Never Gives up on Us
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Ken Locke () to talk about the importance of relationships, the concept of adaptibility, and planting seeds in people's lives. Ken Locke is passionate about serving other people, especially those caught in the cycle of poverty. His longstanding career in welfare and ministry showcases his heart for others: he was a Chaplain's Assistant for the Salvation Army, Adult Services Coordinator for the Cardinal Center, and for the past 27 years he's been involved with the Salvation Army as a Pastor. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Jeff Gill: Adaptive Leadership
Conversations with Jeff Gill: Adaptive Leadership
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Jeff Gill (Discipleship Pastor at ) to talk about his journey in Christ, how things are going at Mission Point, and adaptive leadership. Jeff Gill is an experienced pastor and educator with twenty-five years serving in a local church and sixteen years serving as a vice president, dean and professor in a theological seminary. He's educated at the doctoral level in both ministry leadership (Doctor of Ministry) and educational leadership (PhD). Jeff enjoys teaching, coaching, mentoring, and equipping the next generation of leaders. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with James Emery White: Hybrid Church
Conversations with James Emery White: Hybrid Church
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with James Emery White (Author of ) to talk about Church 3.0 and how covid has affected ministry strategies today. James Emery White is the founding and senior pastor of in Charlotte, North Carolina; president of Serious Times, Inc., a ministry that explores the intersection of faith and culture and hosts this website, that features his messages and blogs; former professor of theology and culture at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he also served as their fourth president; and author of more than twenty books that have been translated into ten languages. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Lonnie Anderson: Love Before You Lead
Conversations with Lonnie Anderson: Love Before You Lead
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Lonnie Anderson (Senior Pastor of ) to discuss changes they've seen in recent years in the local church and the power of loving people. Pastor Anderson holds a dual B.A. in Christian Education and in Pastoral Studies from Selma University, then continued his studies there, earning an M.A. in Biblical Studies. He has since earned an M.Div. in Pastoral Ministries from Grace Theological Seminary, where he presently serves as an adjunct professor while pursuing his D. Min., in Church Leadership. As a resource, check out Lonnie Anderson's book - . CTBD is a straightforward, easy-to-use, interactive resource designed to help empower the local church with a guide to move members from membership to discipleship. The challenge to recommit to the Great Commission and pursue The Kingdom’s agenda is tactfully interwoven through its chapters. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Tim Elmore: Understanding Gen Z
Conversations with Tim Elmore: Understanding Gen Z
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Tim Elmore (Author of ) to discuss the quirks and potential of Gen Z and the best ways to connect with the rising generation. Dr. Tim Elmore is founder and CEO of Growing Leaders (), an Atlanta‐based non‐profit organization created to develop emerging leaders. His work grew out of 20 years serving alongside Dr. John C. Maxwell. Elmore has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, USA Today, Psychology Today and he’s been featured on CNN’s Headline News and Fox and Friends to talk about leading multiple generations in the marketplace. He has written over 35 books, including Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes, Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership, and his latest A New Kind of Diversity: Making the Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Bart Curtis: Faith, Football, and Leadership
Conversations with Bart Curtis: Faith, Football, and Leadership
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Bart Curtis (Head Football Coach of Warsaw Community High School) to get his perspective on faith and leadership as a leader of young men in the sport of football. is a high school located in Warsaw, Indiana, near Grace Theological Seminary. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Mark Mitchell: Church Therapy
Conversations with Mark Mitchell: Church Therapy
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Mark Mitchell (Licensed Therapist and Behavior Consultant) to discuss the importance of transparency, relational safety, and community in the church. At , they aim to provide a safe therapeutic environment that promotes a deeper understanding of self, others, and faith. Their therapeutic approach is anchored in the Christian world view. Their goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques, they will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Brandon Holler: Balanced Ministry
Conversations with Brandon Holler: Balanced Ministry
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Brandon Holler (Senior Pastor of The Chapel) to discuss how to balance family and ministerial work amidst busy and difficult seasons of life. is a non-denominational church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Chapel is organized around 4 primary purposes: Believe, Grow, Serve, and Change Your World. They hope each person that comes through their doors experience these 4 purposes: that they would come and BELIEVE Jesus is God and follow Him as Lord, GROW in their relationship with Him through studying His Word and Christian community, SERVE the church body, and CHANGE THEIR WORLD by connecting others in the community with Jesus! This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Steve Dewitt: Seize the Opportunity
Conversations with Steve Dewitt: Seize the Opportunity
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Steve Dewitt (Senior Pastor of Bethel Church) to hear his perspective on leadership, technology, and the exacerbation of loneliness in today's post-covid society and how to counter it. is a non-denominational church that has multiple campuses across Northern Indiana. Bethel Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. They believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God's glory. Pre-order Steve Dewitt's new book - Releasing May 7th, 2024. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.
Conversations with Mark Oelze: Resolving Conflict and Finding Peace
Conversations with Mark Oelze: Resolving Conflict and Finding Peace
In this episode of Conversations, Trent Lambert sits down with Mark Oelze, author of , to discuss the process of dealing with and resolving relational conflict. Mark Oelze has a Master’s in Biblical Counseling. He has been a marriage and family counselor and communicator in Wichita for more than 30 years. Mark is the author of The PLEDGE of a Lifetime—Her Hope for Connection and His Guide Through Conflict. He is also the creator of PLEDGEtalk, a model for healthy communication and step-by-step guide to process conflict. The family has also created several other resources for the PLEDGEtalk communication process: an online course at ; a children’s book (editing stage), and a grade school curriculum (K-5) currently used as a pilot program in Taya’s grade school in Tulsa. This podcast is sponsored by based in Winona Lake, Indiana at . assists local churches to flourish by serving church planters and helping local churches renew and revitalize. The Charis Collective Center for Thriving Leaders is based in Winona Lake, Indiana at Grace Theological Seminary.