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Bad At Keeping Secrets

I can't remember the first time somebody told me that I was bad at keeping secrets. When I met someone new, I'd have to tell them that unless they tell me something like: "Please, Carissa, don't share this with anyone" I would just assume that it's safe to say. There's something about saying everything you feel out loud that's freeing, and also connective. If I'm feeling this way, chances are other humans are, too. I want to talk about these things with you. Hi, I'm Carissa Potter, and this is Bad At Keeping Secrets, a podcast where we create closeness, understanding and acceptance by sifting through the beautiful emotional mess of life and trying to make sense of what it means to be human. Through intimate conversations between people who spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to be human right now in the scientific, creative, and therapeutic disciplines, we weigh into the gray areas, letting go of conclusions and judgments when we can, in hopes of feeling a little - just a little bit more whole, a little more okay with what is. Exploring things that are deeply meaningful, not because they have a capitalist value, but a human one.

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