Deborah Ellinger: Women in Leadership & Florida Initiatives
Deborah Ellinger: Women in Leadership & Florida Initiatives
As our world has become increasingly complex and interconnected, board members think deeply about how board oversight and governance practices may need to evolve to address significant economic, geopolitical, and societal factors and revolutionary technology transformations. Women Corporate Directors (WCD) is proud to introduce our newest form of programming, the Boardroom Beyond podcast, featuring WCD's CEO, Jennifer Reynolds, who will regularly sit down with global leaders to discuss board oversight. In the debut episode of Boardroom Beyond, Jennifer Reynolds, WCD's CEO, and Deborah Ellinger, Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group; Former CEO and Board Member of Multiple Companies, including Tupperware and iRobot; Board Member, Women Corporate Directors; WCD Tampa, break down the strides and challenges in achieving gender and ethnic diversity in boardrooms. 00:00 Intro 01:15 Why is progress slowing for women on boards? 04:15 What can be done to support progress? 07:10 How are board recruitment strategies changing? 08:25 Progress for women in leadership roles 11:03 Florida's Women of Color Pipeline Initiative 13:33 Increasing diversity of candidates 15:20 Why WCD? 16:45 Outro