Mark shares the best story ever, of why you need to throw a little dash of “creepy,” into you interviewing process! Until You Learn To Master Leadership, You Will Never Succeed As An Entrepreneur! I always share from Over 15 Years of EXPERIENCE, building my company from the ground up, literally starting with my office in a barn in 2007, and everything about my life, my Bussiness, my team, my services, my finances, my marriage, my parenting, went from sucky, to freakin AWESOME, as I learned LEADERSHIPS are BUILT (not born,) and Spent Over a Decade Building My LEADERSHIP SKILLS….. Overtime, I started TEACHING others on our team, the SKILLS to transform into the best of the best LEADERS, and the ripple effect continues to blow my freakin mind! I had no idea this would lead to me having other owners of organizations, successful bussiness, high performance professional speakers teams, and even freakin Hollywood directors and producers — GREAT LEADERSHIP is UNIVERSAL to The Success of EVERYTHING (and I’m so freakin honored, to be reminded of my WHY, everytime you all share with me how learning this has Elevated your organizations in ways we never could of imagined (the financial gains are incredible, and so is each story of when you tell me how it’s made you a better person , in all areas of your life , and how you are now sharing what you’ve leavened with others .) It’s more important now than ever, we continue to TEACH the SKILLS, and build up true SERVING LEADERS Across The World! Thank you all for continuing to purchase , and share my book: 16 Reasons Why Your Business Sucks: How To Be Freakin’ Awesome At Every Level of Your Business, Leadership, Finances, & Build Your Own Dream Team! 🎧On Audible : 📕Paperback on amazon : Also, thank you all for making our podcast Elevating Beyond with Mark Minard, in the top #100 on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify , and In over 52 difference countries : 🎙️🎙️ Pls reach out to me anytime , about our select leadership , in person services here :✅ (these are on a case by case basis, due to such high demand - which I still can’t even comprehend how much this still shocks me - that so many of you , hire me, when you have built up an already , incredibly intimidating amount of succes, and I’m truly HUMBLED! P.S. I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️ — now get your butt back out there, and do your thing, my fellow LEADERS (my brothers and sisters in arms - United we CHANGE THE WORLD🌎, One Beautiful Mindset at a Time! 🔥🔥 Connect With Mark Minard Here: Facebook Twitter Instagram TikTok Linked In Check Out Mark's Best Selling Book, The Story Of YOU, Transforming Adversity Into Adventure, Taking Your Dreams To The Next Level & Beyond