(#7) There is no "divine timing": How I used reality recoding to manifest a trip with my Twin Flame to meet Manifestation Babe in Phoenix
(#7) There is no "divine timing": How I used reality recoding to manifest a trip with my Twin Flame to meet Manifestation Babe in Phoenix
In this episode, Eline Mets shares how the next level of conscious creating: reality recoding works now as we are stepping into New Earth. On this level, you are truly able to embody the Universe and recode your existence on multiversal and quantum planes and this is different from how reality creation used to be. So if you feel you "have lost it", it may actually mean you've spiritually outgrown your techniques! Eline shares examples of how she used this technique of next level reality recoding to manifest a trip to Los Angeles with her Twin Flame and to subsequently meet Manifestation Babe, Kathrin Zenkina in Phoenix. Eline also talks about how many Starseeds may now be feeling that they don't even have free will, since the mission timeline has taken over. But you always have a choice! Therefore, there is no "divine timing" as this divine timing is always orchestrated by YOU, the Universe embodied. So on this stage of evolution, it is YOUR CHOICE, that drives the thing that was previously known as divine timing. Because when you embody your higher self and therefore the Universe, the timing is under your control. Enjoy! If you liked this episode or if it was helpful, please leave a review - thank you! Resources: Activation to connect to your home planet: Connect with Eline Mets: