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Book of Last Resort - a subversive guide for artists - special annotated audio edition

This is the special annotated audio edition of The Book of Last Resort - The Book of Last Resort: A Subversive Guide for Artists in the Digital Economy. The main audio version provided here is narrated by Rajeer Alford. Jon Reed may add special annotations over time as well. This book is exactly what it says: a Book of Last Resort. But if you're an artist toiling without traction, it may be time for something different. The goal? Turning hard truths about the digital economy into a methodology that artists can use. And yes, this book does address the impact of AI on your creative pursuits. AI is an unfolding part of this story that will pose additional obstacles to creators, both in terms of finding audiences and monetization. Is free content a potent marketing tactic, or a trap? How do you effectively build an online audience, as exclusionary algorithms cater to deep pockets or push vacantly viral memes? Until you unravel your creative identity, success is a trap. But your true creative power is found in your scars - and imperfections - that you might try to mask over. The episodes will get into all these topics and more - and fuse them into an action plan of sorts, that artists can appropriate and apply to their own lives.

info_outline The Book of Last Resort - book foreword - how did we get here? 12/29/2023
info_outline Embrace your subversive creative power - section 2 12/28/2023
info_outline The social noise threatens our creative endeavors - section 3 12/28/2023
info_outline Rise above the noise, and find your greatness - section 4 12/28/2023
info_outline Unplug or all is lost: filter or fail - section 5 12/27/2023
info_outline Pull gold from the feedback loop, and lose the BS - section 6 12/27/2023
info_outline Your success better be weird enough - section 7 12/26/2023
info_outline Make your own social media rules - section 8 12/26/2023
info_outline On art in dangerous times - section 9 12/26/2023
info_outline The necessary redemption of losing your illusions - section 10 12/26/2023
info_outline Epilogue - the impact of AI on artists, and the reckoning with greatness 12/25/2023