Bob Pecor Music: Stories Behind the Words
Bob is a singer songwriter and retired professional speaker and trainer. He shares the stories behind the words and music of original songs he has written.
Hope and Trust
Hope and Trust
This song was inspired by a workshop I did on Motivation in the Workplace. It is about moving from Hope to Trust. Lyrics: There is a line that I’ve been watching to take me across to the other side. It’s the line that separates try and do And requires commitment that’s for sure Chorus For I want to learn the difference How trust changes hope. For I want to learn how to do it To trust rather than hope To trust rather than hope Hope has a home to aspire for goals To make you stretch to dare to grow To give inspiration to all that you share To build a foundation for dreams I know hope is a wish and dream thing Mostly about emotion and thoughts While trust is an act of execution Based on talents and grit. When I do well what know I can do It builds my trust and erases hope For hope doesn’t work well with those Who want to see action and not just talk I work everyday to grow my talent Building up my toolbox of skills I’m steady with doing and am trusted That makes me stronger for me and you Trust has its place with special people It makes you the kind of person to love It grows relationships based on knowing you will always be there on the spot Trust builds confidence before the work starts And leads others to want you in the crowd To do what you do with extra passion And be a model for all
Call Me An Arizona Girl and Seek The Mountains
Call Me An Arizona Girl and Seek The Mountains
These songs are the first songs specifically written for and about two influences in my music develpment. Lyrics: I may spend some time in the north part of the country Making my home in the fields called Dunn I may practice my passion with the Maple Ridge But, call me an Arizona girl I can be found at Heritage, Grace or Dove Singing with the Blue Sky Band Playing Bluegrass at the Senior Center jam But call me an Arizona girl. Chorus Just get me south as soon as you can Don’t let the cold freeze my bones My friends are waiting to hear my singing voice They call me an Arizona girl I’d rather be playing those three chord country twangs At the jams around the Junction everyday Knock the dust off that fiddle for fast paced tunes Call me an Arizona girl. I’ll sing solo when my turn comes around or squeeze that old accordion When the music starts I could have my Uke in hand Call me an Arizona girl Seek The Mountains We noticed you always seek the mountains Taking on the hardest trails. It seems you find the satisfaction You share with others this way. You seek the mountains this way You seek the mountains this way It’s not just the hiking—that’s hard enough It seems to be a life style choice You’ve never been seen without a smile No matter the how warm, wet or cold. You seek the mountains this way. You seek the mountains this way Chorus You seek the mountains with passion and purpose and make it look like fun and games And we guess it isn’t but that doesn’t matter you want us to think that way. You seek the mountains this way. You seek the mountains this way. I’m guessing this steels you for other adventures As Mom, Grandma, worker and spouse. To build the strength to answer the calling No matter the need, wish or want You seek the mountains this way. You seek the mountains this way. It’s not uncommon for people like you to underestimate all that they do And tell everybody who asks the questions …you can do all of it too. You seek the mountains this way. You seek the mountains this way
Go Gentler Into Life
Go Gentler Into Life
This song is another aspiratonal story to change how you approach life. It's really about creating relationships. Lyrics Life is a mosaic of tension and pressure with deadlines to always behest. It’s a challenge to keep the proper perspective and steer yourself focused and true. Go gentler into life my friend Go gentler into life my friend. It’s easy to catch yourself chasing the latest and watching that shiny new toy While letting the urgent capture your energy and overlooking time to enjoy Go gentler into life my friend. Go gentler into life my friend. Get out of the habit of physical possessions it’s the stuff that just gets used up. And dig into relationships, intellect and talents they get stronger and grow. Go gentler into life my friend. Go gentler into life my friend. Gentler means to challenge your senses and truly smell, see, hear and feel. To let your emotions carry your intellect where you’ve never been before. Go gentler into life my friend. Go gentler into life my friend. You’ll know you’ve gone gentler when a bunch others / notice, comment and smile. And then the people who are closest to you tell you they’d like more of that style. Stay gentler in the world my friend Stay gentler in the world my friend Stay gentler in the world my friend
Another Word for Happiness
Another Word for Happiness
This was an exercise to write a song from a list of synonyms. The word was happiness and the list had 74 suggestions. I used 47. I tell the story. Lyrics: Synonyms is such a big word It gives you options some words to choose So pay attention and listen close to me Happiness seems so hard to find Maybe your not looking in the right place Here’s a list of answers to start your trip. Are you ready….. Bliss, contentment, delight and joy. Elation, enjoyment, euphoria and glee Exhilaration, jubilation and cheer Laughter, optimism and peace of mind Pleasure, prosperity plus well being Cheerfulness, delirium and mirth Blessedness, beatitude and felicity Ecstasy, enchantment, exuberance Gaiety, good spirits and lightheartedness There you go with some selections to make You better do it for your own sake If you missed them here’s just a few more. Are you ready… Hilarity, hopefulness and merriment Gladness, vitality, plus joviality Paradise, playfulness, cheeriness Rejoicing, good humor, vivacity Eudemonia, ( U-da-monia) amusement and fun Good liquor, now we’re in seventh heaven! Now don’t you tell me you can’t decide If that’s the case, you better run and hide Cause happiness will chase you word by word. My first choice is Eudaemonia Let’s end singing Eudemonia Eudemonia, Eudemonia
Out Into the Cold
Out Into the Cold
This is the first blues song I wrote. It's a mostly true story with a few embellishments that my wife questioned. Lyrics: I’m sitting here watching / watching the temperature go down I’m sitting here watching / watching the wind blow around And, I’m too tired to go out into the cold I got my blanket pulled up around my nose I got my wool socks covering all of my toes and I’m too tired to go out into the cold I got my dog waiting sitting next to the door I got my boots and my hat by him on the floor And I’m too tired to go out into the cold I filled my beverage and made it a double shot Put a log on the fire to make sure it stays hot And I’m too tired to go out into the cold. It’s time to go to bed and join my lady up there The dog will join us and she won’t notice or care Cause I’m too tired to go out into the cold
Give Me A Reason
Give Me A Reason
This song is a request/plea to provide the powerful "why" as a reason to take action. Lyrics: Just give me a reason to believe that it’s true. Tell me how that all works out. Then give me a reason to expect it again. When it often turns out worse. So give me a reason a story to believe. So hope can be my guide. Where the best stuff comes freely to those who have need. To fill every wish and hope. Chorus Oh, yes, it’s all we need. Oh, yes, it’s time. To get a good reason for things we see wrong. then making them right again. Just give me a reason to give my support. Show me how your fix will work. Then give me a reason to change how I live. So others will be better off. And give me a reason that gives me a push. To mentor others like me. Cause the answers we need come from working together. And making change as a tribe. Chorus And give me a reason that gives me a push. To mentor others like me. Cause the answers we need come from working together. And making change as a tribe
Things I Should Do Better
Things I Should Do Better
This song is a wish list for myself to do things better. Lyrics: I’m thinking I should be more attentive and listen when people talk. Be more present and engaged when dealing with daily encounters. when dealing with daily encounters. Work to be nice and less grumpy as I grow wiser and old. I will exercise my kindness and give more when I see chances. and give more when I see chances. I’ll call a friend who once wasn’t so kind but now has earned my forgiveness. Be a bit more humble but you know the old saw about perfect - I’m not. the old saw about perfect - I’m not. Some situations would be much better with a large dose of sincerity. My tolerance could use some elevation to a level that engages acceptance. to a level that engages acceptance. Silence might be a solution and goal when tested with things I deem odd. I must be more passionate to achieve for myself and others to achieve for myself and others It will test me to express compassion as it has it never come naturally to me. And lastly, I’ll work to be grateful for that which I do —with intent. for that which I do —with intent.
Live My Life In Questions
Live My Life In Questions
The song in this episode is about questions and the value they can create for making better choices and solving problems. Lyrics I want to live my life in questions. And let the paradox be. I won’t hand my views to others. Not all questions need simple answers. Not all questions have simple answers. I don’t excuse myself from mistakes. Re-learning what I thought I knew. We need a language for differences. The cost of knowing is high The cost of knowing is high Chorus How do you practice doubt in life And discourse about our views I walk the line between what I know. And what others say I am. And what others say I am. Chorus Too much of the world is divisive And shouting just to be heard. Can we live the best of ourselves Cause wisdom is really a verb. Cause wisdom is really a verb. I
Four Words of Happiness
Four Words of Happiness
This is the first song that I ever wrote. The story is in the episode and was a baby step to what has led to a life time, I hope, commitment to song writing and sharing through this medium. The lyrics are below: Four Words of Happiness Bob Pecor I’ve been thinking about what it would take to make me happy for the rest of my life An answer to all of my problems and a reduction of most of my strife. I don’t think the answer is money nor a great big pile of stuff But whatever it is that's the answer right now I don't have nearly enough. So I asked the old man at the restaurant who’s smiling most of the time. How do you get to look so content and it’s such a big mountain to climb It’s such a big mountain to climb So I'll give you four words to help you put the pieces of the puzzle in place They'll give you a decent chance of success to find happiness in your space. One’s to forget and the next to connect then let purpose and attitude work. If you forget the past and connect for love you got purpose and the right attitude. You got purpose and the right attitude. So, asked the old man to teach me how to look at mistakes from the past. He said it’s not to reframe but remember those things don’t last The need to connect with the ones that you love is the next place to get a start. And friend’s that you have in every role are the next one’s to play a part And go for purpose to fuel the day and give reason to get on the move. It’s action and deadlines and things to do that get you into a groove. And finally the old man with coffee in his understated way to explain Told me its mostly about your attitude and your choice to get into the game
Welcome to this short intro to the concept and format of full episodes to follow. This podcast is about the stories as much as the music. The songs are all original music and lyrics written by me (a couple exceptions noted and attributed in later episodes). The performance of the music is "in my living room" style with no editing or over dubbing. A few live recorded versions of music can be found on as Bob Pecor Music.