The Night Life
Everyone dreams. Sometimes it's just the pizza or our brains processing events from the day. But more often than we realize, our dreams are an invitation from God into deep realms of revelation that infuse our lives with passion, purpose and direction. Once you realize the gift that has been yours all along, you'll never go back to spending the night life "just sleeping."
piece of cake - mindset dreams
piece of cake - mindset dreams
Do you believe that God wants to reveal Himself to you and show you things in your dreams that you couldn’t otherwise know? That it’s possible to receive keys in the night that affect your actions and decisions during the day? Hopefully you do, and that’s why you’re listening to this podcast. Imagine where you will be months, years and even decades from now with consistent cultivation of your dream life. I have heard from many listeners who are just starting to pay attention to their dreams and when they do, their dream lives immediately begin to expand and flourish. Proverbs 25:2 is a favorite Scripture among dreamers: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. It helps to approach the mysteries of the night life with the mindset that the treasure is hidden FOR you, not FROM you. Like a scavenger hunt, this is supposed to be FUN! I’ve heard we all have a limited capacity in the amount of things we are able to focus on at any given time. Have you seen the invisible gorilla video? Sometimes we struggle because we are focused on the wrong thing, or because we need a new mindset in the way we see ourselves, others or situations we are dealing with. Dreams are one way God is inviting us into a new mindset: the higher realm of what He sees, what He thinks and what He is doing in each situation we encounter. Thanks to everyone who donated dreams for this episode! If you have dreams you’d like to share, please use the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
demonic encounter dreams
demonic encounter dreams
Have you heard Tucker Carlson’s recent interview about being attacked in his bed while sleeping? Demonic encounters in dreams are very common. We are spiritual beings and when we go to sleep, we encounter the spirit realm in ways we typically don’t while we are awake. This is one of the mysteries of the night life that fascinates me so much, and always leaves me longing to go further in right at the point I’m waking to what we may call “real life” – although to me, and many other vivid dreamers, THAT realm is the more real of the two! Today we will hear several examples of dark dreams, how to process them and what their purpose may be. Rather than magnifying the fear of these experiences, I hope to empower dreamers to bravely face them as an intriguing glimpse into the spiritual battle we all live amidst daily, whether we are aware of it or not. If you have dreams you’d like to share or would like to be interviewed on the podcast, please use the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
interview with kishore + julie
interview with kishore + julie
Today I’m excited to share my interview with fellow dreamers, Kishore & Julie, a couple with an extraordinary story of how God led them to move their family from India to the United States. I’ve been so touched hearing the details of their journey and how God has used dreams and prophetic words to guide them along the way. If you have dreams you’d like to share, please use the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
interview with beau cox
interview with beau cox
Today I’m excited to share my interview with a fellow dreamer, Beau Cox! Beau is married with two sons and lives in Boise. He is the founder of Strongfire Ministries, serves as a house church leader and on the prophetic team at RiverHouse Church. Beau shared several powerful dreams he has had and what they meant to him. We also had fun talking through interpretation, curiosity as to the purpose of certain dreams, growing closer to God in the process of engaging and learning how to rest in the mystery. It’s always inspiring hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
living the dream - dreams that come true
living the dream - dreams that come true
Have you ever had a dream that actually came true? In today’s show, we will hear from dreamers who have dreams that end up coming true. These are one type of prophetic dreams – those that offer insight into heaven’s reality. We all have two ways of seeing – natural eyes that see the physical world around us and another, mysterious, capacity to see into the spiritual realm – also called the unseen realm in the Bible. I’m sure we have all had experiences, whether we consider them spiritual or not, where we saw or knew or felt something that had no natural explanation. Dreams are a significant way we are invited to “see” into the spirit realm. The Bible is full of accounts of God speaking to people through dreams for various reasons and it is no different for us today. Thanks so much to Auburn, Heather and David for allowing me to interview for today’s show – it’s always inspiring and intriguing hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
let's be honest - personal dreams
let's be honest - personal dreams
Have you ever heard of negativity bias? It basically means that bad things in life tend to hold more weight than good things in memory and attention. This is why bad news sells better than good news. Regarding dreams, there is a substantial benefit to bad dreams in that they get our attention in ways good dreams don’t. It’s very common to struggle to remember details from an average dream, yet vividly remember every aspect of a disturbing one. We may wish we could pick and choose our memories and just keep the happy ones, but there is actually so much treasure to be gained from negative experiences in life – and the same goes for dreams. We’ve covered several categories of dreams by now and I hope you’re inspired to keep searching for those glimmers of gold that are an invitation into further excavation. Every explorer is driven by the thrill of adventure, hope for what they will find and radical curiosity as they look for anything that could be a clue. Taking on this same perspective when mining our dreams, we ask all the probing questions: who – what – where – when – why and how, what did we think, feel or know? Who is the dream about, is it speaking to the past, present or future, what are the prominent themes and symbols, what message is being conveyed and how should it be applied? We’ve had several episodes about amazing dreams full of grace, encouragement, adventure and even tangible encounters with God’s love! In today’s episode, we will be talking about unpleasant dreams that require honesty as they pinpoint vulnerable areas that need attention in our lives. Trust me when I say there is so much gold in these that we don’t want to miss! As always, thank you for sending in your dreams – it is always inspiring and intriguing hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
made for love - Jesus dreams
made for love - Jesus dreams
In this episode I’m sharing a special dream where I encountered God’s love in a very experiential and personal way. Through listening, I pray that you receive a fresh revelation of Jesus and His perfect love for you. I recently heard an expression: don’t tell me how an encounter changed your life, tell me how it changed your day. We can’t give away what we don’t have, so if we have a hard time giving love, the root of the problem is that we don’t have love to give away. There is only one source of perfect love on this earth, and that is God’s love. I’m not saying we can float on a cloud of His love all day because it would be nearly impossible to get anything done and we all have important things to do! But what if we made it our goal to become so full of love that it spilled over into every area of our lives? This is my hope and prayer for all of us and truly the only way we can make the world around us a little more like heaven on earth through what we carry! As always, thank you for sending in your dreams – it is always inspiring and intriguing hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
the dream book by stephanie schureman
the dream book by stephanie schureman
I’m so excited for this interview with Stephanie Schureman on the podcast today. Stephanie is a homeschool mom of 6, author of 3 books, speaker, pastor, teacher and founder of Dwelling Place Ministries. I asked her to be on the show today to talk about her two books on dreams: The Dream Book and a guided journal called I Sleep but my Heart is Awake. I’m always seeking to learn more from others’ experience with dreams and these books are full of insight and wisdom with many examples of dreams and their interpretation, which I love! They are also simply written and accessible to dreamers at all levels. Please check out Stephanie’s website and books: I hope you enjoyed the interview and that you will check out Stephanie’s work! As always, thank you for sending in your dreams – it is always inspiring and intriguing hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
adventures in grace - empowering dreams
adventures in grace - empowering dreams
Some of you may know that the number five in dreams typically represents grace, so in this episode 5 let’s talk about grace dreams! For reasons we may not always understand, God created the world and everything in it as an unfolding, eternal drama into which we are all invited to play a significant part. Each of us are uniquely created for a purpose – a mission, should we choose to accept it – that we are perfectly designed for but that will require God’s grace to accomplish. One misunderstanding people can have about grace is that it should make things easy. But really, grace is the empowerment to do hard things – impossible things, even. There is a sweet spot where God’s grace and our effort combine and dreams can give us a beautiful insight into this mystery! Sometimes it only takes a subtle shift in our perspective to have great results. I see grace as a strong current that is flowing where we are being called to go. We have a choice to get into the current and multiply our efforts, to stay out of the current, determined to make it on our own, or in some cases, swim against the current and that’s never going to work out very well. As always, thank you for sending in your dreams – it is always inspiring and intriguing hearing from other dreamers! You can share using the contact button on the website . I also appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions, including episodes you’d like to see in the future. Music by AudioCoffee:
people & relationship dreams
people & relationship dreams
Have you ever seen those lists of the top things people on their deathbeds say they regret? Not surprisingly, wishing they had invested more in relationships is always at the top of the list. In this episode, we will discuss people and relationship dreams! The longer I live, the more I realize how complex life and people are – myself included! No matter how long I’ve been in relationship with someone, I’m always learning new things about what makes that person tick and where our sweet and sour spots are in relating to each other. We’ve all experienced harsh reactions from others that just don’t make sense from our point of view. Most likely we’ve pushed an unseen button – or stepped on a landmine – without even knowing it. Even the most emotionally intelligent among us can’t fully understand other people because we all have a private world inside of us that is largely hidden from others. While we will never hold every key to make every relationship smooth and problem-free, dreams can be full of helpful insights concerning people and relationships! Music by AudioCoffee:
calling dreams p1
calling dreams p1
We all thrive with clarity of purpose in every season of life. Isn’t it so helpful to know where to focus our time, attention and energy? Whether we are young or old, whether we have stayed on course or derailed at some point, we are always being called into the next chapter of our own, unique story. In this episode, we will explore calling dreams. Most God dreams are calling dreams, in a sense. God is calling - will we answer? Please submit any dreams you want to share on the podcast by using the contact button at Thank you so much for being willing to share your dreams with others. And for listening! Music by AudioCoffee:
just show up and you win - identity dreams
just show up and you win - identity dreams
The world doesn’t need more people trying to be like everyone else. It needs the unique divine expression that each of us carry. Dreams actually give us a profound glimpse into ourselves as we were truly created to be. Just like Michelangelo chipping away stone until the brilliant sculpted image emerged, we need constant revelation of who we are – and who we aren’t – so that we can show up confidently and offer our gifts to the world around us. I already mentioned that it helps to approach our dreams with a humble and receptive heart. I want to add honesty to that – and also vulnerability. Sometimes our dreams are empowering and encouraging and those feel wonderful! But other times, our dreams reveal insecurities, weaknesses, things we may be afraid, ashamed or embarrassed of, that aren’t part of our true identity and need to be chipped away. So be honest with yourself as you are reviewing the details of a dream, ask the hard questions like how does that make me feel and what could this be pointing to in my life? In this episode I'll share ideas on cultivating your own dream life and some processing and interpretation techniques. I'll also discuss different types of dreams and how to approach your dreams as if you are mining for gold. Please submit any dreams you want to share on the podcast by using the contact button at Thank you so much for being willing to share your dreams with others. And for listening! Music by AudioCoffee:
intro ... why do we do it?
intro ... why do we do it?
Thanks for listening to my first podcast ever!!! So why am I starting a podcast about dreams? My hope for this podcast is to inspire our generation to steward the revelation God wants to release through dreams – that He IS releasing. If we don’t create time and space to remember, record and interpret our dreams, the substance of this amazing gift will slip through the cracks of our busy lives. We will flounder unnecessarily if we are disconnected from the counsel God wants to release to us in the night when we are at rest, quiet and most receptive to Him. Do you believe God wants to speak to you? Do you believe God is excited to reveal things to you that you couldn’t otherwise know? I do! What if the night life was meant for so much more than just sleeping? What if it’s possible to receive keys in the night that affect your actions and decisions during the day? What if there are upgrades available for your life and it’s your choice whether you download the upgrade or just settle with the old version because it seems to be working good enough? THANK YOU in advance for sending in your own dreams and interpretations along with consent for me to share them on the podcast. Also, let me know if you would like them shared using your first name and/or general location, or anonymously. Submission can be made by clicking the "contact" button on my website: Just to get your wheels turning, here are a few of the upcoming episodes I need dream submissions for: - direction or guidance dreams - warning dreams - encounter / encouragement dreams - idea / invention dreams - recurring dreams - childrens’ dreams - people / places / vehicle dreams - running / flying / falling dreams - lucid dreams - healing / impartation / deliverance dreams - tormenting /demonic dreams I'm excited to hear your dreams and will do my best to work them into the podcast! As promised, here is a picture of my dream journals from 1995-2024: Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support! Music by AudioCoffee: