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Imagine living to one hundred years or more! Thanks to technological advances, a 25-year-old living in the United States today is likely to do just that. Sustaining this extended lifespan presents all kinds of challenges — and compelling opportunities. Younger generations will have to “re-boot” professionally every few years. What will it mean to support and sustain multiple livelihoods? What tools do we need to see the disruptions that are coming, and what resources are out there to help us adapt? It’s time to reimagine what we mean by “career.” In each episode of Learn/Earn/Relearn, University of Washington Continuum College Vice Provost Rovy Branon and UW Communication Leadership Co-Founder Hanson Hosein explore with national experts the essential skills, credentials, and vocational credibility necessary to thrive throughout a longer life.

info_outline Episode 7: A Conversation That Can't Wait About Higher Education 05/14/2024
info_outline Episode 6: Learn/Earn/Relearn/Our Turn — Team Reflections 11/07/2022
info_outline Episode 5: End of the Beginning — The Genesis of Our New Future 11/01/2022
info_outline Episode 4: Learn for Life — When is it Time to Go Back to School? 10/25/2022
info_outline Episode 3: Reskilling & Upskilling — Learn Long and Prosper 10/11/2022
info_outline Episode 2: Tech, AI, and the Speed of Change 09/27/2022
info_outline Episode 1: (Re)Skills Lab — Andrew Scott & The 100-Year Life 09/13/2022
info_outline Introducing Learn/Earn/Relearn 08/04/2022