How Cody Allen Earned $8k Last Month with Boudoir Shoots
How Cody Allen Earned $8k Last Month with Boudoir Shoots
Welcome to this episode of Boudoir- From Passion to Pro. This week Michael chats with photographer Cody Allen of Auburn, Alabama. Cody and his wife recently made the decision to transition their photography business from wedding-based shoots to mainly boudoir sessions, and their results have been phenomenal. Cody talks more about the experience as a straight male boudoir photographer, growing his business and working hard to be able to put his day job behind him Michael and Cody also discuss: - Dealing with judgmental people who may not understand what you do - Transitioning from wedding photography to boudoir - Balancing his wife, kids, day job and a growing boudoir business - Going from free boudoir sessions to charging his first clients - Growing his offerings from a $200 per shoot to grossing $8k a month - Michael breaks down Cody’s website; the good and the bad. Hosted by Michael Sasser, Sasser Stills Boudoir Facebook Boudoir Community: