Chronicles of Dragonlance
Join two fans of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance books, Jonathon Howard and Shivam Bhatt, as they read through the 100+ books in this vast and sprawling Fantasy World inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game.
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 7 & 8
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 7 & 8
Podcast Summary - After the events of the Whitestone Council, Laurana and friends try to decide what their next steps are. Laurana would prefer not to lead but her commitment to her friends overcomes any desires she has to find Tanis. We learn her testimony has cleared Sturm and he will become instituted as a full knight. Laurana will travel to Palanthas to relay this information directly to him and advanced Lord Gunther's plans. Fizban provides some final guidance to Tas. Elistan meets his maker? On the other side of the world Tanis and Caramon steal some enemy uniforms in order to secure passage for them and the rest of the Companions out of Flotsam. Then, while trying to purchase supplies for their sea voyage Tanis is nearly killed by a grief-crazed elf. Only to be rescued by a Dragonlord, who just so happens to be a dear old friend?! You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 5 & 6
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 5 & 6
Shivam provides all the info one could ever want on gnomes and their place, not only in Krynn and D&D, but in the fantasy genre. Fizban and Tasslehoff experience the wonders of Mt. Nevermind, with special attention being given to innermountain transportation. The reader is introduced to Gnosh, the gnome in charge of investigating the dragon orb, and a bit about Gnomish culture. Fizban uses the orb and delivers ominous news. The Council of Whitestone, where the good people of Krynn have gathered to organize their defense against the threat of Takhisis, immediately breaks down into bickering. Tas takes things into his own hands, and right as all hope seems lost some old friends bring good news and a titular object! Content warning - light swearing You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 3 & 4
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 3 & 4
Raistlin wrestles with the Dragon Orb and perhaps wins out. Caramon wrestles with his feelings for Tika and she definitely loses out. We learn that the twins both lost out when Raistlin took the Test of High Sorcery. Lord Gunther of Solamnia is visited by Fizban and Tas. We learn a great deal about Gnomes their relationship with the Knights of Solamnia. Most important for this story though is that we learn knights have handed the dragon orb over to the the gnomes for study?! Content warning - drug use, addiction, sexual references You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 1 & 2
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 1 & 2
We are reunited with Tanis, Raistlin and the rest of the Companions who we last saw leaving Silvanesti. We meet up with them in Port Balifor tired and road weary. Raistlin’s sleight-of-hand and magic ensures they eat and lodge for free. It also becomes the means by which the Companions raise enough funds to travel safely to Flotsam and book passage on a ship to Sancrist. We are also reunited with Sturm, who has not been as lucky as Tanis and Company. Instead, he is put on trial by accusations from Derek, and while he escapes with his life and a chance to save it, he is stripped of his father’s armor. Oh, and made third in command of the Silmarian Army…? Content warning - Swear words You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 9 & 10
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 9 & 10
As the rest of the party slumbers under Silvara’s spell, Tas sneaks his way into Dragon Castle and rediscovers that good dragons exist, and that the evil dragons were defeated with their help and the dragonlances. In the midst of these (re)discoveries Fizban miraculously appears! The frazzled wizard and the kender reunite, Tas fills Fizban in on what has transpired since his apparent death. The two return to Huma’s tomb, Fizban awakes the party and everyone learns what Silvara has been attempting to do all this time. Hope and despair abound. The secret of the dragonlances may finally be revealed! You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 7 & 8
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 7 & 8
Silvara, under increasing suspicion, leads Laurana’s group deeper into the mountains of Southern Ergoth. Their goal? The secret vale of Foghaven, known only to Silvara’s people. The party arrives there under the light of Luminari to this fog laden valley. To reach their destination the party must cross a strange, massive bridge over boiling hot springs. When they finally do, Silvara leads them to Huma’s tomb resting under the shadow of a giant dragon carved into a mountain!? Just as some of the party come to startling realizations they fall prey to a spell… Content warning - swears in the bonus segment You can also find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include getting the podcast early, show notes, and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 5 & 6
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 5 & 6
Shivam was at this year’s GenCon for Dragonlance's 40th birthday! He talks about what happened at the convention and what is coming for Dragonlance fans. Then we get back to Dragons of Winter Nights. Silvara leads Laurana’s group up the river until they can travel by water no longer. Gilthanas and Silvara learn something about each other under the moonlight. The reader also learns some things about Silvara. They all learn the Kagonesti will not offer any support to them. The Wild Elves believe it was Laurana and company who brought the draconians to their island. They flee by foot into the mountains. Laurana’s suspicions of Silvara grow. They are pursued. Silvara convinces them to split the party. Derek and Sturm take the dragon orb and head to Sancrist. Silvara leads the rest away to draw off their pursuers. Everyone’s suspicions of Silvara grow. Content warning - language, discussion of nudity You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Discord - Facebook - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 3 & 4
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 3 & 4
Laurana and Gilthanas are reunited with their family. It goes poorly, especially for Laurana. The rest of the party are prisoners in everything but name. The Elves decide they will be keeping the Dragon Orb. Laurana decides staying with her family is not an option. So, with the help of Silvara and Theros (the blacksmith from Solace who we are reintroduced to here) Laurana and company immediately flee into the wilderness with the Dragon Orb. On the way we learn an old folktale about Huma, and Laurana becomes ever more suspicious of Silvara, and the Kagonesti in general. Content warning - language You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Discord - Facebook - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 1 & 2
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 1 & 2
We connect back up with Laurana’s group as they return from their successful outing to Icewall. Aboard a ship bound for Sancrist with a Dragon Orb in their possession. Their trip is interrupted by a dragon. We learn a lot about white dragons, much of it uncomplimentary. Lucky for the Companions, white dragons are bad at their job! So, while it ends in a shipwreck almost no one is hurt. Stranded on Southern Ergoth, Laurana and company are quickly picked up by Elves. Which should be good news, but all is not well in the Elvish world. In fact, it appears things are very bad! Three races of elves, all of them hating each other just a little less than they hate everyone else. This is sure to go great! You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Facebook - Discord - Support us on Patreon! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 11 & 12
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 11 & 12
Tanis and friends wake up from their nightmare only to find that the awful dream has an all too real effect on Silvanesti and its king, Lorac. The once beautiful Elven home now resembles the nightmare with twisted, bleeding trees and animals, the Tower of the Stars looks more like a melted candle than anything else. King Lorac reveals how all this came to be and dies. Alhana vows that she, and her people, will heal this forest as penance for their pride. Half a continent away Laurana and the rest of the Companions wake up from their shared dream, shudder, and wonder what all it could mean. Raistlin claims the Dragon Orb. Plans are made for the future. You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @h ttps:// Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 9 & 10
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 9 & 10
Alhana with Tanis and Company in tow reach Silvanesti. Their rides refuse to take them into the Elven homeland though. Alhana has regrets. Lots of them. Talk of Dragon Orbs and what they might do. They enter the forests of Silvanesti, and a nightmare. All of the Companions are reunited in a horrific, twisted vision of Silvanesti. And in that Nightmare most of them perish. Raistlin has further dark dealings. Tanis races to the Tower of the Stars and the Dragon Orb. The reader sees portents and signs of the future… Oh, there’s also a very large, very evil green dragon, the Nightmare ends. Tanis awakes. We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details are here: Thank you to our $5 patrons: Alexander Louis, Nicholas Campo, and Swar Dango Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada Midroll music: Ancient Markings by Weston Gardner (@arcaneanthems)
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 7 & 8
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 7 & 8
In this month’s episode we learn Sturm is a poser, The Companions’ party is more permanently split up. The long flight from Tarsis. Raistlin enters a fugue state. Everyone learns about the history of the Dragon Orbs and Krynn. Tanis and half of the Companions are conscripted into the Silvanesti Defense Force. We learn the location of a Dragon Orb. And, finally, Sturm and his half of the Companions are okay. Oh, and Sturm and Alhana share a secret, special bond, that doesn’t bode well for anyone. We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details are here: Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 5 & 6
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 5 & 6
Tanis and his half of the Companions experience the hatred of the people of Tarsis, lose Tas, and meet the leadership of the city, which isn’t much better than the mob. Their own judgment is interrupted when another elf is presented, the princess of the Silvanesti elves, Alhana Starbreeze. Raistlin and Laurana get to know each other and the reader learns about the Family Majere. On the way to prison Tanis and friends meet actual Solamnic Knights, learn Sturm isn’t one, and find Tas. We learn a little bit more about Alhana and the Silvanesti Elves. They’ve fared about as well as everyone else has it seems. We would learn more about Dragon Orbs too, if it wasn’t for those pesky dragons who decide now is the best time to invade, really just destroy Tarsis. We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details are here: Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 3 & 4
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 1, Chapters 3 & 4
Tarsis the Beautiful! The Companions finally arrive at this fabled city only to find out it ain’t so beautiful. Oh, and those ships that were going to carry the refugees from Pax Tharkas away to someplace else? Not a lot going on with those ‘white-winged’ beauties either… Despite this apparent set back the Companions head into the city, the reader gets a little history lesson on Tarsis, and the Cataclysm. Then, the party decides to split! With perfect timing too, as they’re also getting arrested. Also, one of your hosts is getting confused.
Dragons of Winter Night: The Hammer, Book 1 Chapters 1 and 2
Dragons of Winter Night: The Hammer, Book 1 Chapters 1 and 2
Welcome to Dragons of Winter Night, the 2nd book of the Dragonlance Chronicles. We’re just starting but this book is already so much darker and somber than the first! And all the characters get surly! In this first episode of our second season we go over the opening prologue and the first two chapters of the book. Shivam reminds us that he dislikes poetry. Jonathon wonders why a dwarf writing an epic of the reclaiming of the Hammer of Kharas is talking about a character the reader hasn’t been introduced to. We marvel at Elistan’s recovery from dying old man to ripped Silver Fox. The Companions are off to a city no one from the north has seen for 300 years in the hopes of finding a new home for the refugees from Pax Tharkas, we eavesdrop on an unknown Dragonlord and their blue dragon mount and get hints at their evil plans. We now have a Patreon for those who want to help defray the costs of hosting and editing. Details are here: Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Interlude - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Interview
Interlude - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Interview
In this special interlude episode Shvam and Jonathon are joined by Dragonlance creators and authors, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman! We learn about how the two found themselves at TSR and how the world of Krynn was created. Some of these stories we believe have never been told before! This was literally a dream come true for your hosts and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it. We now have a Patreon for those who want to help defray the costs of hosting and editing. Details are here: Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Interlude - November 2023
Interlude - November 2023
Sometimes things are just out of your control. Scheduling issues and family illness prevented a recording this month. We'll be back in December with Dragons of Winter Night. Very excited to share our thoughts and feelings with you all then! Until then, please join us on the Facebook group: Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 14, 15, and The Wedding
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 14, 15, and The Wedding
We’ve reached the end of Dragons of Autumn Twilight! And the Companions have nearly reached the end of this tale! The Companions encounter Flamestrike, Tanis holds her off while they move the children out into the courtyard. Ember and Verminaard show up, ruining the escape. Fizban dies. Chaos reigns. Ember meets Flamestrike, Verminaard meets the Companions, neither of them is better off for the encounter. The traitor is revealed and almost just as quickly killed. The Companions and the prisoners escape. Riverwind and Goldmoon are wed.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 12 & 13
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 12 & 13
While Tanis and the majority of the Companions conspire with the slaves of Pax Tharkas Tas and Fizban explore its secrets. Taz learns, and then forgets, the truth of Dragonlances. Laurana converts one high seeker to the old faith with a parable. Tas and Fizban learn who the traitor is. Tanis wishes he knew, as everyone who could possibly be the traitor is suddenly not where they are supposed to be! Despite everything the plan to free the slaves moves forward. Tas and Fizban save Sestun only to reveal themselves to Verminaard and Ember. The three flee with the dragon in pursuit. The dragon is wrecking the fort as he pursues them. That giant chain is broken,that ancient cog starts moving. Fizban, Tas, and Sestun fall into darkness...
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 10 & 11
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 10 & 11
After the harrowing encounter with the giant slug the Companions are forced to take the path through the tombs of Kith Kanan’s royal guards. Goldmoon’s holy powers ensure they don’t have to fight a horde of zombies. Flint and Tasselhoff find secret doors. The Companions find an evil Drow spirit that splits the party. Your hosts have a discussion of whether there are or are not Drow in Dragonlance. Tas and Fizban “meet” Verminaard and his dragon, Ember. There is little love lost between the two. We learn of the Queen of Darkness’ plans within plans. We get an update on Fewmaster Toade and Sestun, it isn’t great for either of them. The rest of the Companions work out their “plan” for freeing the enslaved families held in Pax Tharkas. The spy connects with his masters.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 8 & 9
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 8 & 9
Content Warning - Discussions about sex and the many cultural rules around it. Tika receives a royal gift, and the Companions leave Qualinost bound for Pax Tharkas. On their way they find an old battle site, amongst the corpses of goblins and humans they find a survivor, Eben, he joins them. Draconians appear, Tika creates a new form of combat in the aftermath of the fight she kisses Caramon. They resume their journey. Suspicions grow. They reach the outskirts of Pax Tharkas. Head towards the secret entrance. More suspicions. Eben recommends a frontal assault on the fortress. The party is followed. They enter the secret passage. Goldmoon and Caramon have “The Talk.” They search for hidden doors only to find a giant slug. The follower is revealed. Tanis receives a royal gift. The Companions have to take another path. It can be a little confusing when we're talking about the Sla-Mori and which paths they took when and where the giant slug came from, etc. I thought this map from the Dragonlance Atlas would help. The Companions camped at the first intersection after the Secret Entrance. Raistlin felt the evil come from the western tunnel. The door that the slug came out of is opposite (west) of Kith-Kanan's throne.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 6 & 7
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 6 & 7
We learn all about the history between Tanis & Laurana, how it lead to Tanis fleeing his home, and going out into the world. The plans of the Qualinesti Elves are revealed and we learn the role the Companions must play to enure the Elves' future. In order for the Elves to escape successfully, the Companions will have to sneak into Pax Tharkas and free the enslaved humans there, drawing the attention of Verminaard and a draconian army away from the fleeing elves. The Companions have the time honored D&D argument over splitting up the party, ultimately deciding, against Tanis’ wishes, to stay together. Doubts grow about Gilthanas, who will lead them on their journey to Pax Tharkas. Tanis tells Laurana she must grow up and find a reason to live and fight for.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 4 & 5
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 4 & 5
In this episode Jonathon and Shivam follow the Companions as Fewmaster Toede leads them towards Pax Tharkas. Tas makes a new friend, Toede’s servant, Sestun the gully dwarf. We learn from Fizban that dragonlances and Huma were real. The slave caravan is ambushed by an Elvish party, all the prisoners are freed. We meet Gilthanas’ brother and see again the tension that exist between the races of Krynn. Companions are lead to elvish city of Qualinost where they meet the the leader of the Elves and Tanis’ surrogate father. We also learn that the elves are leaving their home. The Elves are shocked by the return of the Gods and finally we meet one of Tanis’ loves, Laurana. Quite the action packed chapters!
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 2 & 3
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Book 2 Chapters 2 & 3
Content Warning: This episode contains discussions of rape. Discussion begins at the 58 minute mark. In this episode we return to Solace and see how the invasion of the Dragon Queen’s army has destroyed the town and its people. The Companions return to the Inn of the Last Home only to find it occupied by murderers, hobgoblins, and draconians. Tanis receives an icy reception from an old friend, and the party is captured. Goldmoon practices her sacred healing arts to the astonishment of others, and we meet an old, though familiar mage, who is clearly more than he appears.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapter 22 & Book 2 Chapter 1
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapter 22 & Book 2 Chapter 1
In this episode, Jonathon and Shivam follow the Companions as they escape Xak Tsaroth, witness a miracle, see Raistlin’s good side, and finish Book One of Dragons of Autumn Twilight. We discuss the D&D Dragonlance Modules a bit wondering how economical and good they still are. We then try to ease into Book 2 but it doesn’t let us, preferring to start with a devastating boom!
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 20 & 21
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 20 & 21
The Companions make their plans to sneak into and steal from the Dragon’s hoard. Their plans go horribly wrong. With disastrous consequences for the Companions, and the buried city of Xak Tsaroth. The Compansions disasterous retreat with what perhaps is the people of Krynn's only hope in their possession! We think... Shivam and Jonathon have a long conversation about canon,what exactly it is, and what purpose does it serve?
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 18 & 19
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 18 & 19
The Companions find another way down into the ruined city of Xak Tsorath with the help of their new friend Bupu. Oh, really she's only Raistlin's friend. This way is a little more complicated and a lot dirtier. They finally find themselves in the ruined city, somehow folded over on itself tucked into a giant underground cave. A discussion of strategy. Spying on a dragon. Finally, they meet with the leader of the Gully Dwarves, Highbulp Phudge the First and discuss how best to get the disks they seek without letting the dragon know. The Highbulp has other plans.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 16 & 17
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 16 & 17
Shivam is excited to talk a bit about the new Dragonlance book that came out this year, and his role in its writing. In these chapters Goldmoon meets a Goddess. The Companions witness a miracle. They descend into Xak Tsorath to claim the platinum disks for Mishakal. We meet Gully Dwarves and we have a lot to say about them. Rasitlin makes friends with the gully dwarves. The companions find a way down into the ruins of the city, but there is a complication.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 14 & 15
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 14 & 15
The party is imprisoned by the Draconians. The weird creatures celebrate their retrieval of the blue crystal staff. Tanis worries over the Companions, Tasselhoff and Flint missing, Raistlinpoisoned. Tasselhoff plans a rescue. Hijinks ensue. The Companions escape only to encounter true terror, a black dragon. Tragedy awaits one of them.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 12 & 13
Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chapters 12 & 13
Tanis chooses for the group. They will accept the task given to them by the Forestmaster. The Companions wonder at what exactly it is they must hunt down. The Forestmaster whisks them across the continent on pegasuses. Goldmoon and Riverwind experience serious trauma. Their acceptance of the blue crystal staff continues to have a high cost. The Companions hurry to meet the deadline set by the Forestmaster entering a dismal swamp. Before they can find the ruins of Xak Tsorath they're ambushed and defeated by Draconians