Hacking Your ADHD
ADHD can be a struggle, but it doesn't always have to be. Every Monday, join William Curb, as he explores ways that you can work with your ADHD brain to do more of the things you want to do. If you have ADHD or someone in your life does and you want to get organized, get focused and get motivated then this podcast is for you.
Navigating the Tangle of ADHD and OCD with Natalia Aiza
Navigating the Tangle of ADHD and OCD with Natalia Aiza
Hey Team! In this episode, I’m thrilled to welcome Natalia Aíza, a multilingual counselor and OCD specialist. Natalia is the founder and executive director of Kairos Wellness Collective, a therapy center that focuses on holistic care for clients experiencing OCD and Anxiety - located in Boulder, Colorado. They offer therapies including Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Neurofeedback. Obviously, we won’t get into all of that in our conversation today, but we do hit on a few of those. Also, separately, I wanted to mention that Kairos is the Greek word meaning “the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement; also weather.” And really, I just wanted to share that because I love words like that - I just find them neat. Anyway, in our conversation today, we dive into the overlap of ADHD and OCD - how they are similar and how they differ, and also the unique challenges each presents, especially when they are co-occurring. Natalia shares her personal and professional insights on distinguishing between ADHD distractions and OCD compulsions and how to approach treatment for each. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at Also before we get started, I wanted to let you know about my AMA on YouTube Live, happening the week this is released on January 31st at 10 AM Pacific - if you’re interested you can find that on the Hacking Your ADHD YouTube page, and subscribe to the channel - or if you want to submit a question ahead of time you can do so at The #1 ADHD Coaching app for teens and adults. Use code HACKINGYOURADHD for 30% of your first month! This Episode's Top Tips It’s important to remember that you need to approach OCD and ADHD treatments differently; techniques beneficial for one may exacerbate the other. Try to distinguish between compulsions and simple fidgets or stims—while symptoms can be similar, it’s essential to understand the root causes that characterize compulsions. Be proactive in seeking diagnosis and treatment if OCD symptoms appear; early intervention can prevent the condition from worsening.
Quitting Isn't Failing
Quitting Isn't Failing
Hey Team I was recently thinking about kids being picky eaters and how there is a movement where we’re not supposed to say picky anymore; we’re supposed to say they’re selective eaters. And you know what, I get that. I grew up as a picky kid, and… let’s be honest, I’m a fairly picky adult as well. Scratch that, selective adult. And I know it’s semantics, but I often find semantics are important. Because if we’re reframing this idea of being picky into being selective, it loses a lot of that negative connotation, and it gives a lot more power to the idea that what we’re doing is we’re making choices. In this case, making choices about food, but I think this is something we should keep in mind as we’re moving into the new year because a lot of us are going to find that we’re going to need to be more selective with our goals, especially in regard to New Year’s Resolutions. And this is the idea that we’re going to be exploring in this episode - what are the things that we really want to focus on doing - what are the things that we want to commit ourselves to, and then what are the things that we should be letting go of. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at This Episode's Top Tips You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. If something feels draining, unaligned, or no longer serves you, it’s okay to move on. Work on reframing quitting as a positive. We’re redirecting our energy toward something more meaningful and prioritizing those things that we really want. Focus on sustainability. If a goal feels overwhelming, reassess and try to find a more manageable way to approach it.
ADHD-Friendly Goal Setting with Chris Wang
ADHD-Friendly Goal Setting with Chris Wang
Hey team! Well, it’s 2025…. It doesn’t quite feel real yet; I mean, we’re a quarter of the way into the 21st century, but it feels like we got here fast. I’m not quite sure I’m ready, but regardless, time marches on. I know a lot of you are working on making plans for the year, so we’re going to be starting this year with Chris Wang, CEO and co-founder of Shimmer, an ADHD coaching platform designed to meet people where they are. I had a lot of fun in this conversation, where we covered a bunch of stuff about goal setting and how to make sure you’re doing the important stuff in your life. Along the way, we discuss the power of community, process-oriented goal setting, and what it means to live in alignment with your values. Of course we also discuss Chris’s coaching platform, Shimmer, but Chris does a great job bringing a lot of actionable advice to this conversation, so whether you’re looking for coaching or just want some extra tips to help with planning this episode’s got you covered. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at This Episode's Top Tips Work on setting process-oriented goals where your focus is on the actions you can control, like “exercise 3 times a week,” rather than outcome-based goals like “lose 10 pounds.” Make sure you are specific and write your to-do lists with clear, actionable steps to avoid overwhelm and decision paralysis. You want to know exactly what your next step is when looking at your to-do list. Leverage your support systems. You can use community and coaching to provide accountability, remove roadblocks, and refine your systems. Remember there is no gold star for toughing it out by yourself and it’s okay to get help.
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 2 rebroadcast)
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 2 rebroadcast)
This is the second part of the series on how to better manage your smartphone with your ADHD - you don't have to have listened to part 1 to listen to this episode, but if you like this episode I'd definitely recommend going back and listening to last week's episode as well. In that episode, we covered how we can limit the distractions that our smartphone can present and also how to make it easier on our ADHD brains when we're setting up our smartphone. This week we're going in a bit of a different direction - while smartphones can be easily distracting and endless entertaining, they also provide us with some great tools to help us manage our ADHD. In this episode I'm going to be discussing a number of the apps I use to help me navigate my day - since I use the iPhone that means most of the apps I specifically discuss are going to be iPhone apps; however, I do try and provide alternatives for Android. Find the Full Show Notes at: Today's Top Tips 1. Make use of reminder apps on your phone - make sure to use lots of different sounds and to create recurring reminders for things that you need to be reminded of frequently. 2. Use your calendar as a reminder app as well - for important events make sure to have reminders well in advance so that you can plan for them ahead of time. 3. Get a good note-taking app for your phone and create a reminder to also look at the notes that you take throughout the day or week. 4. Take advantage of shortcuts on your phone so that you can do complicated tasks without getting distracted.
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 1 rebroadcast)
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 1 rebroadcast)
I've been carrying around a smartphone in my pocket for more than 10 years - I started off with the first iPhone and have since gone over to Android, dabbled with the Windows Phones for a few years and then ended back up with an iPhone again. Through my years with my phone I've learned that it can be a great asset and help me with a number of my ADHD difficulties; however, I've also felt the dark side of the phone as well. Games, social media, email and all those notifications. ADHD makes it really easy for us to get off track so we want to be making sure that we're not letting our phones dictate our next actions. Through trial and error phone designers have been making it harder and harder for us to put down our phone. Since we have ADHD this means that it is almost too easy for us to get distracted when we pop open our phone to just check the time. The screen lights up and suddenly we're hit with a hundred different ways our attention should go. This week we'll be focusing on ways to set up your phone to be less distracting and we're going to work on setting up our phones intentionally to make sure that we're paying attention to what apps we have on our phone and where those apps are located. We'll also be looking at other ways to reduce the constant stream of distractions that our phones can produce. Find the full show notes at: This Episode's Top Tips 1. Purge any apps that you don't need on your phone - both unused apps and also apps that pull you in too much. 2. Organize your apps so that your most useful apps are easy to open and your distracting apps are hidden. 3. Turn off most of your notifications and make use of your Do Not Disturb feature. 4. Check out your phone's screentime feature and set some sensible restrictions on how much time you are spending on your phone.
How to Get Refocused After Your Vacation (rebroadcast)
How to Get Refocused After Your Vacation (rebroadcast)
Last week was all about getting there and this week we're focusing on what to do when you get back. Travel disrupts our routines and habits - and we should take those disruptions seriously. One thing that I've had to learn over and over again is that ADHD makes transitions hard - and coming back from a trip is a big transition. This Episode's Top Tips Identify your routines and habits before your trip so that when you get back you know where to pick things back up. Make sure you are paying special attention to your While you are traveling try and keep up as many of your habits and routines. If you need to, you can make small tweaks to them to make them easier while you are away. Make sure you are planning your days and regularly checking that plan once you get back. You can use a habit tracker to make sure you are follow through with all of your intentions. Find all the show notes at
Focused and Balanced: ADHD Strategies That Work w/ Skye Waterson
Focused and Balanced: ADHD Strategies That Work w/ Skye Waterson
Hey Team! This week we’ve got Skye Waterson of Unconventional Organization back on the show to talk about the book she’s working on, Focused, Balanced Days with ADHD. Skye is an academic and ADHD coach with over seven years of experience in adult education. She has studied various fields, including Psychology, Sociology, and Public Health, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Population Health. Skye also hosts "The ADHD Skills Lab" podcast, where she discusses research-backed tips and advice to help individuals navigate life with ADHD. Today, as I mentioned, we’re going to be getting into her serialized book that she’s releasing chapter by chapter as she works through them on Substack. Our discussion today focuses on what’s already been released, regarding Skye’s ADHD story and executive function but we also get into a whole host of other things from systems and calendars to burnout. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at If you’d like to checkout Unconventional Organization or sign up for that newsletter go check out This Episode's Top Tips Avoid overcomplicating your organizational tools, and try to rely more on basic principles, such as having a capture space, a prioritization system, and a scheduling system. Aim for 80% consistency with your systems and give yourself grace to bounce back after setbacks. No one will ever follow any system perfectly, so work on choosing tools and systems that can adapt to missed days without derailing your progress entirely. Don’t forget to prioritize at least a little fun in your planning. Building dopamine into your day through enjoyable activities can help you stay consistent and avoid burnout.
Reflections on the 2024 International ADHD Conference
Reflections on the 2024 International ADHD Conference
Hey team! Feels like it’s been a while for me but hopefully I was able to prepare enough material ahead of time so that you didn’t have to notice. And the reason it’s been a bit for me is because of the 2024 International Conference on ADHD which is a collaborative event put on my CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association), and ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization). The conference caters to adults with ADHD, educators, coaches, organizers, clinicians, therapists - really anyone who is effect by ADHD either directly on indirectly. There are all kinds of presentations at the conference - workshops, peer-to-peer discussion groups, networking opportunities, and there’s also an exhibit hall. And this year was my first year presenting at the conference. So in this episode I’m going to go into some of my reflections of attending this years conference - things I did, things I learned and of course some stuff about my presentation. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at
Madeline O’Reilly and Jonathan Hassall
Madeline O’Reilly and Jonathan Hassall
Hey Team! This week I’m joined by Madeline O’Reilly and Jonathan Hassall to talk about their new online program called Decoding Doing that is based on a book they wrote with the same title. And that’s fair, Decoding Doing is a great title when we’re talking about procrastination. And just a little background, Madeline is a clinical psychologist with a Masters in Clinical Psychology. Additionally, Madeline is a member of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association along with the Australian Professional ADHD Association and the Australian Association for CBT. Jonathan is an ADHD and Executive Function coach and also is a board member of the ADD Association (ADDA USA). In our conversation today we go through the their five-stage model for working through procrastination. We’ll explore how our perception of motivation can often hold us back, and more importantly, how understanding our emotional and cognitive needs can help us break free from the procrastination cycle. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at You can also subscribe to our This Episode's Top Tips When planning a task visualize the steps. Don’t just think about the goal, picture the process of how you’ll get there. And be prepared for interruptions or barriers. When they come up, pause, analyze the problem, and choose your next step. Don’t just rely on time management—factor in your energy and emotional capacity when planning your day. While time plays a factor in what you can get done, your energy levels are an equally important factor to consider. Often when you’re procrastinating, it’s a signal that something else—like rest, food, or movement—is needed. When you find yourself in a cycle of procrastination try slowing down and seeing what else might need to be addressed.
Neurofeedback and ADHD with Sean Brock
Neurofeedback and ADHD with Sean Brock
Hey Team! We’ve got another exciting guest teed up for this week. I’m talking with Sean Brock, a neurofeedback expert and the owner of Neuro Colorado. Now I’ll be honest that I had a lot to learn in this interview because I wasn’t terribly well versed on the science behind neurofeedback. In the interview, Sean shares the fascinating history behind neurofeedback and how it’s evolved from training cats to helping humans regulate their brain waves. We get into how neurofeedback works and its longer-term benefits. Also, we end the interview by taking a turn and talking about EMDR therapy and how it is somewhat similar but distinct from neurofeedback. Then, we get into Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), which I think is just a fascinating form of psychotherapy. Now, as I just mentioned, I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on neurofeedback going into the interview, and a lot of that stemmed from some of the controversy surrounding its effectiveness in treating ADHD. As Sean is the owner of a neurofeedback facility, it is quite understandable that he is very bullish on the research showing its effectiveness. And based on my conversation with him it seems well warranted, especially with the caveat he gave in the interview that neurofeedback is not a magic process but requires guidance from a qualified practitioner. That said, while I think the science of neurofeedback looks very promising at this point, take the interview with a grain of salt and be aware that not everyone is convinced of its level of effectiveness. While promising neurofeedback isn’t for everyone and it’s general accessibility still has a ways to go. Also, this isn’t a case of doing one thing or the other; neurofeedback can work alongside medication and other therapies as well. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at This Episode's Top Tips Neurofeedback works by teaching you how to regulate your brainwaves, which can help you build focus when you need it. Over time, it appears that neurofeedback can lead to long-term changes in brainwave activity, reducing ADHD symptoms and potentially decreasing the need for further interventions. It’s important to find the right neurofeedback practitioner who actively engages with you during sessions for the best results. Also, remember that a multi-modal approach is key, combining neurofeedback with medication or therapy to optimize your treatment.
Navigating ADHD Facts and Fiction w/Dr. Stephen Faraone
Navigating ADHD Facts and Fiction w/Dr. Stephen Faraone
Hey Team! This week, we’ve got an incredible guest, Dr. Stephen Faraone, one of the world's foremost experts on ADHD. Let me just give you a quick rundown of just how influential Dr. Faraone is: He has authored over 700 journal articles, editorials, chapters, and books Listed as the eighth-highest producer of High Impact Papers in Psychiatry from 1990 to 1999 as determined by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). In 2005, the ISI listed him as the second-highest cited author in the area of ADHD. In 2019 and 2020, his citation metrics placed him in the top 0.01% of scientists across all fields. In 2002 he was inducted into the CHADD Hall of Fame Currently, Dr. Faraone serves as a distinguished professor of psychiatry, physiology, and neuroscience at SUNY Upstate Medical University and president of the World Federation of ADHD. So yeah, this guy knows what he’s talking about when it comes to ADHD and if you only listen to one episode of the podcast this year, I’d suggest this one. One of the focal points in this conversation is the ADHD Evidence Project, which Dr. Faraone started to help fight misinformation about ADHD and give free access to the information we have about ADHD. On the site - which can be found at - you can find the International Consensus Statement, which provides 208 statements strongly supported by ADHD research. In the episode we get more into what went into the process of making the statement and the standards of research. In the episode, we also discuss evidence-based treatments, debunk common myths, and discuss what really works when managing ADHD. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at This Episode's Top Tips Stick to treatments that have been proven effective through rigorous studies. Large studies and meta-analyses are more reliable than small studies when determining ADHD treatments. Not all ADHD treatments you find online are helpful—be cautious of sources that aren't peer-reviewed. Beware of misinformation as well as misleading information that can lead you down the wrong treatment path. While some alternative treatments may help, their effects are often significantly smaller compared to standard stimulant medication. When thinking about approaching what we do to help manage our ADHD, we want to think about the magnitude of the effect and do the things that will help the most first.
Hey Team! This week we’re following up our last episode on misinformation—and this is going to be our last episode in the research saga that I’ve been working on for the last… couple of months? Yeah, I think I’m ready for something new as well although as a preview for next week, I had an amazing researcher as a guest and we do cover a lot of similar topics, but don’t worry, it’s a fantastic episode, great capstone to the series. But today we're diving into a topic that’s critical for navigating life with ADHD—understanding and protecting ourselves from myths and misinformation. There's a big difference between outdated myths like, 'ADHD is just laziness,' and actual misinformation, which can mislead us into making risky choices about treatment. In this episode, we’re getting into how to spot these traps, why myths stick around, and what makes misinformation so tricky. If you'd life to follow along on the show notes page you can find that at This Episode's Top Tips ADHD myths tend to be long-standing cultural beliefs, while misinformation often appears more credible and is linked to misinterpreted research or can be part of a specific agenda. There are a lot of pitfalls to watch out for when consuming information about ADHD. Oversimplication, sensational headlines, anecdotal evidence, secret information and even how the information is framed can be indicators that you might have to double check the information. Avoid spreading misinformation by verifying where your information comes from, especially if you see it on social media or from non-expert sources.
How to ADHD with Jessica McCabe (rebroadcast)
How to ADHD with Jessica McCabe (rebroadcast)
Hey Team! We’re kicking off 2024 with the incredible Jessica McCabe - creator, writer, and host of the award-winning YouTube channel How to ADHD. I’m sure a lot of you are already familiar with Jessica’s work as her YouTube channel has more than a million subscribers, but for those of you who haven’t, her channel contains a wealth of knowledge about ADHD and is one of the things that kicked me in the pants to start taking my ADHD more seriously. And now she’s coming out with a book: How to ADHD: An Insider's Guide to Working with Your Brain (Not Against It) - which is coming out on January 2nd - so tomorrow if you’re listening to this when this episode comes out. In our conversation today, Jessica and I discussed how we want to go from surviving our ADHD to thriving with it, to get past some of our issues with executive function and universal design. We also get into a lot of stuff about her book and how she was able to use a lot of the strategies that she wrote about in the book to also help her write that same book. Honestly, this episode was a blast to record and I hope you enjoy as much as I did putting it together. Be sure to check out to find Jessica's book Feel free to ask me a question on my Find the full show note at This Episode's Top Tips When we want to move from surviving to thriving we want to start looking at not just how we can get more things done, but what’s worth doing. Even projects we’re interested in can be difficult for us to work on, so it's important for us to keep them exciting with variety. When planning out those big projects, work backward from where you want to be to figure out all the steps in between so that we can see that path to done. Effort for us is not the problem, so trying harder is not the answer.
200 Episodes In: Reflecting on Podcasting with ADHD w/ Brendan Mahan
200 Episodes In: Reflecting on Podcasting with ADHD w/ Brendan Mahan
Hey team! This week we’re celebrating a milestone for Hacking Your ADHD - 200 episodes… also 5 years of running the podcast. I honestly don’t know exactly what to say about how far this podcast has come. It’s been an incredible run so far and I have a lot of plans for the future as well, which, honestly is a little scary, but also exciting that even with ADHD I’m sticking with it. For this episode, I’ve invited Brendan Mahan, the voice behind the ADHD Essentials Podcast, to help mark the occasion by interviewing me on the ins and outs of podcasting with ADHD. We talk about the early days, what has changed, and how past failures have paved the way for success. It’s a bit more of the behind-the-scenes look at the podcast and how I got here. If you’d like to send me a question answer on the show feel free to head over to and click the orange button Support me on Ask me a question on my Find the show notes at This Episode's Top Tips Allow past failures to become stepping stones to success. Learning from “crappy rough drafts” makes getting started on what you’re currently doing so much easier. It’s incredibly important to allow for empathy for yourself when trying to work with your ADHD. Viewing your problem-solving through the lens of “I have ADHD, and I need to account for my ADHD” can make finding that next step so much easier. Go check out Brendan’s podcast, ADHD Essentials. While his podcast focuses more on parenting and ADHD, I haven’t listened to an episode without getting something out of it, truly excellent stuff.
The Art of Misinformation
The Art of Misinformation
Hey Team! This week we’re talking misinformation which is an interesting topic because it feels like it should be something where its easy to define and identify. We’ve all seen stuff online where we looked at it and felt, “how the heck does anyone fall for this kind of stuff?” And that’s actually something that plays right into the hands of falling for misinformation. When we think we’re immune to something, we’re not on the lookout for it when it isn’t quite as straightforward. It’s the stuff that rhymes with the truth that is often the easiest for us to get trick by. While it is easier than ever for us to get access to ADHD information it also means we’re exposed to more misinformation about ADHD than ever as well. But with a little bit of caution I think we can muddle through fairly well. And what I mean is that we just have some rules that we should apply when we’re evaluating the information that we’re presented with. If you’d like to send me a question answer on the show feel free to head over to and click the orange button Support me on Ask me a question on my Find the show note at This Episode's Top Tips Always verify the credibility of the information, especially when it relates to health - it’s easy for misinformation to spread, especially when it’s got some aspects of the truth to it. Be aware that misinformation often stems from oversimplifications or well-meaning errors, not malice. This doesn’t mean it can’t still cause harm, but it does mean the need to be extra vigilant even when it comes to trusted sources. We all mistakes, I know I do. Use the question, “compared to what?” to help you understand the full context and relevance of advice. Try and focus on implementing wins instead of focusing on the minutia.
Decoding Research
Decoding Research
Hey Team! We’re diving right back into the world of ADHD research, continuing on from what we were talking about a few episodes back. In this episode, we’re going to be more focused on what goes into making ADHD research reliable. I go in-depth into what you can expect to find when reading a study and then also into what thing to look out for when trying to determine what’s really going on in those studies. We’ll discuss how to navigate the sometimes confusing world of peer-reviewed journals, why sample sizes matter, and what to watch out for when it comes to conflicts of interest (I mean, everyone is interested in how ADHD research is funded, right?). This piece was also initially going to cover misinformation, but with how much ended up going into everything else, I’m saving that for next week. If you’d like to send me a question answer on the show feel free to head over to and click the orange button Support me on Ask me a question on my Find the show note at Check out This Episode's Top Tips The first step in examining a research paper’s credibility is to ensure that it is peer-reviewed. The peer-review process will cover many of the other steps that we discussed in this episode. While there is value in some non-peer-reviewed work, it’s important that we approach it with a skeptical lens. However, with that first tip, we should also know that we shouldn’t view peer-reviewed journals as a beginner’s source. They are written with the expectation of other experts as the intended audience, and without the prerequisite knowledge, it can be easy to misinterpret what is being said. One of the largest concerns about ADHD research comes from worries that pharmaceutical money will introduce bias into many of the studies; however, most research is actually funded through government grants, and the peer-review process is designed to help identify conflicts of interest and eliminate any bias that may be present.
Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Dr. Judy Ho
Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Dr. Judy Ho
Hey team! This week, I’m talking with Dr. Judy Ho, a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist with a PhD in clinical psychology. She focuses on mental health, ADHD, and various psychological disorders. She is triple board-certified and is a tenured associate professor at Pepperdine University, where she teaches graduate-level psychology. In our conversation today, we talk about how ADHD can impact self-esteem, the importance of understanding your brain’s wiring, and practical ways to manage attention and relationships. Dr. Ho shares insights into how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help train your attention and how reframing your thoughts can reduce self-sabotage. In our conversation, Dr. Ho also shares some of her favorite strategies for improving focus, managing emotional regulation, and mindfulness to tackle ADHD challenges. Whether you’re struggling with self-sabotage or finding it hard to keep up with tasks, this episode is packed with tips that will help you thrive with ADHD. If you’d like to send me a question answer on the show feel free to head over to and click the orange button Support me on Ask me a question on my Find the show note at This Episode's Top Tips Train your attention like a muscle. Use a simple task and set a timer for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to strengthen focus. You can also work on capturing distracting thoughts by keeping a notepad nearby while working, jotting down distractions without letting them derail your task. Try using multimodal mindfulness, which involves engaging multiple senses to stay focused, such as reading or taking notes, and then combining those activities with visual or auditory elements. If you’re procrastinating, ask yourself why and address the underlying reasons—whether it's fear of failure or overthinking. Often, procrastination is a sign that you have some need that is being unmet. Addressing that need can often help to get you unstuck.
Understanding ADHD Research
Understanding ADHD Research
Hey Team!This week we’re going to look at what is entailed in ADHD research—what it is, how it works, and what it all means for us.Before we get going though I wanted to start with a brief explanation of what really drove my thinking about this topic—which now looks like is going to end up as a multi-part series.So there’s an idea called the illusion of explanatory depth, which occurs when people believe they understand something but, when asked to explain it, realize that they don’t quite un...
Unapologetically ADHD with Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright
Unapologetically ADHD with Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright
Hey Team! I’m excited to bring you my conversation with Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright, hosts of "Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast."If you haven’t checked out their podcast before, Nikki and Pete have been a mainstay in ADHD podcast realm with over six hundred episodes across twenty-nine seasons - if there’s an ADHD topic you’re interested in, they’ve probably covered it. And Nikki and Pete recently released their new book, Unapologetically ADHD, A Step-by-Step Framework For Everyday Plann...
Hey Team!It’s that time of year again where I feel like I need a kick in the pants. My kids are back in school and it feels like I have a glut of time available. It feels like I should be knocking things off my todo list left and right.But I’m not. I’m tired and I’m not getting things done. And it’s frustrating because it feels like now that I have this time, I’m wasting it. It feels like if I take this time for rest that I’m going to look back later and regret that I didn’t push myself hard
The Dichotomy of ADHD
The Dichotomy of ADHD
Hey Team!I was recently thinking about some of the ways that ADHD can manifest in seemingly opposite ways. One moment, we're laser-focused, and the next, we're completely derailed by the tiniest hiccup.In this episode, we’ll be exploring the idea of the dichotomy of ADHD. How it can feel like even our symptoms are inconsistent. We’ll be looking at how our ADHD brains can take us from hyperfocus to total distraction, from being impulsive to utterly paralyzed, and why sometimes we thrive in cha...
Outsourcing Executive Function with AI
Outsourcing Executive Function with AI
Hey Team!While AI has become a buzzword that has lost much meaning, there are still many use cases that can help with our ADHD. One of the places that I have been enjoying exploring is how I can outsource some of my executive functions to these applications so that I can save my brain for the important stuff.In today’s episode, we’ll first examine executive function so that we know what we’re really working with here. Then, we’ll explore a number of tools that we can use—from large language m...
Easy Mode
Easy Mode
While ADHD is described as life on Hard Mode, that phrasing got me thinking about what would life look on easy mode. And more importantly, how can we make our lives feel more like that?In this episode, we’re going to explore what life on easy mode might look like and discuss actionable strategies to shift the dynamic of living with ADHD so that it doesn’t always feel like an uphill battle. How we can take steps to shift our ADHD from making life a struggle to something more manageable. From s...
Dopamine Fasting
Dopamine Fasting
Hey team! I’ve recently been seeing a lot more stuff around the concept of dopamine fasting.Now, I’m going to start by saying that I’m entering this conversation with a bit of trepidation because it comes from a side of the internet that… well, they tend to have good intentions, but this basically amounts to bro science despite the backing it does have.The idea behind dopamine fasting is to reduce or eliminate activities that provide instant gratification and a quick release of dopamine....
Gardening with ADHD: Building Routines and Having Fun
Gardening with ADHD: Building Routines and Having Fun
Hey team!This week, we’re diving into another listener question.“Hi, William. I'm Emily, and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I'm a lifelong gardener and love growing flowers, veggies, houseplants, and more. As someone with ADHD, plant care is something I either hyperfixate on or procrastinate and ignore because of all the things that my plants need to thrive. For some reason, creating routines around plant care has been really challenging for me.”Hey Emily, I love this question because there are...
My Own Worst Enemy
My Own Worst Enemy
Hey Team!I was listening to the radio the other day when My Own Worst Enemy by Lit came on - a fine example of pop-punk from the late 90’s.And while I enjoyed the song, what stuck with me was thinking about the name of that song, My Own Worst Enemy. This is a feeling I have often felt with my ADHD. I seem to have an endless supply of maladaptive and self-destructive behaviors that stem from the condition.Poor time management, hyper-focusing on non-priority tasks, overcommitting, and procrasti...
Accessible Wellness for Neurodivergent Folks with Jackie Silver (rebroadcast)
Accessible Wellness for Neurodivergent Folks with Jackie Silver (rebroadcast)
Hey team,This week I’m talking with Jackie Silver about nutrition and wellness. Jackie is a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Nutrition Communications. She has a firm belief that neurodivergent and disabled people deserve to live a healthy lifestyle but found the opportunities for these communities lacking, so she decided to start her own practice, Accessible Wellness. Her area of expertise is in working with kids, teens, and adults with autism, ADHD, and those wi...
Bad Advice (rebroadcast)
Bad Advice (rebroadcast)
With ADHD we get to hear a lot of advice on how to get past our various symptoms. Sometimes that advice isn’t so bad, sometimes it’s pretty good - I mean that’s what I’m trying to do with this podcast. But more often than not the advice we get for how to deal with our ADHD is downright bad.In this episode we’re going to be exploring some of this unhelpful advice and what makes it bad and hopefully how we might be able to turn it around into something useful.Support me on PatreonAsk me a quest...
The Before We Get Started (rebroadcast)
The Before We Get Started (rebroadcast)
Hey team,I’ve recently been thinking about task initiation a lot, but while working on the first draft of this episode, I realized that there were a few ideas that were important to explore first.So in this episode, we’re going to be exploring some ideas of executive dysfunction, but then we’re also going to be getting into stuff surrounding our mental and physical health and then how we can work on our systems that help keep everything in order. Support me on PatreonAsk me a question on...
Decluttering and Self-Discovery w/Star Hansen (rebroadcast)
Decluttering and Self-Discovery w/Star Hansen (rebroadcast)
This week I’m talking with Star Hansen, a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO©) and Clutter Whisperer on a mission to help you banish your personal Clutter Monster. Her methodology focuses on helping you take control of your stuff and create a life you’re truly proud of. Star looks at the deeper meaning of your stuff to help you figure out why you feel overwhelmed by your clutter in the first place. Star’s best-selling book, “Why the F*#@ Am I Still Not Organized?”, has inspired countless i...