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The Angie Lee Show

From entrepreneurship & wellness to sex and period poops—Angie covers it all. Basically everything you talk about in the girl’s bathroom. Angie cuts through the BS with topics and guests - asking the burning questions you want the answers to. There will be giggles, there will be tears. There will be everything in between. A college & corporate dropout, Angie decided to screw the rules & forge her own path. Building an 8 figure brand and a community of loyal BabyGrandmas, Angie shares the realities and hilarities of womanhood and entrepreneurship. Honestly it feels like calling your silly goose best friend for a long overdue catch-up. Get a big sister pep talk that will light a fire under your booty or listen to the hotline where Angie will give you no-bullshit advice on going for your dreams, womanhood, wellness or if you should dump sucky Chad. Submit your question or story to the hotline at www.AngieLee.com Let's dive in, BabyGrandma! @AngieLeeShow www.getsoul.com

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info_outline I overdosed on magic mushrooms. BTS of writing a speech, having a menty b and my inner child freaking out. 09/21/2024
info_outline LIVE HOTLINE: “how do I have more fun in my life?!” 08/19/2024
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info_outline The Girl’s Bathroom: Aging, acne and skincare. What about botox and retinol? Are HIIT workouts making you break out? Acne triggers, pore clogging ingredients and how to get glowing skin with Clearstem Founders. 03/26/2024
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info_outline LIVE HOTLINE: “How to date as a BabyGrandma? Joy tips? How do I edit IG Reels? Should I keep podcasting when I want to give up? 01/07/2024
info_outline Butt Implants & Orthorexia. Your Crazy Crash Diets From The Hotline! What Is REAL Wellness? 12/29/2023
info_outline Inauthenticity Is Exhausting. How To Own Your Weird & Create A Stand Out Brand On Social Media! 06/24/2023
info_outline Girls Don’t Poop, Parasites & You’re A Cucumber Rolling On A Ball So Just Go For It! Your Hilarious Hotline Stories Exposed... 06/19/2023
info_outline 💍PROPOSAL STORY: Same Ding Dong Forever. Societal Pressures On Women To Get Engaged & My Very Honest Feelings On Waiting For The Ring. 06/18/2023
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info_outline Breast Implant Illness. Why I REMOVED MY BREAST IMPLANTS + Why Thousands Of Women Are Waking Up To The Truth That The Plastic Surgery Industry Won’t Tell Us. Part 1 06/16/2023
info_outline ADHD - Angie & Chalene Johnson Chat ADD & SLEEP! Did You See The Epic Collab We Just Did!? Our New Gummy, Sleepi, Has Launched! 06/10/2023
info_outline Meet My MOM! Momma Lee Spills The Beans On Parenting An ADHD/Neurodiverse Child + My Most Embarrassing Moment. 05/19/2023
info_outline Dying To Be Beautiful. Non-Toxic Beauty, Botox & Deodorant. Best Hack For A Puffy Face & Stinky Armpits. Sweating, Lymphatic Drainage, Enemas & Fertility. 05/09/2023
info_outline Your Guide To More Energy, Cutting Cravings & Fat Loss! How To Balance Your Blood Sugar To Help Your Mood, Fertility & PCOS. The Breakfast You SHOULD Be Eating To Feel Amazing. 05/09/2023
info_outline Lymphatic Drainage 101: Acupuncture Instead Of Botox? What Your Tongue Says About Your Health + How Stress Affects Your Face. 05/07/2023
info_outline What The Heck Do I Eat!? How To Balance Your Blood Sugar with Kelly Leveque! My #1 Hack For Energy, Focus + Cravings. Elevate Your Morning Routine With The Fab 4 Smoothie! 05/01/2023
info_outline Fertility Chat, Baby! How To Prep Your Body To Make Superbabies With Dr. Cleopatra. Egg Freezing? Does Stress Affect Fertility? How Do I Know When I Am Ovulating? Does Pull & Pray Work? Does Age Matter? 04/10/2023
info_outline MDMA Psychedelic Therapy With Tucker Max. WOAH. This One Is Going To Blow Your Mind. Healing Traumas + How MDMA Changed His Life. 01/20/2023
info_outline Hotline Q&A | ADHD Tips For Kiddos (AND adults!) 10/23/2022
info_outline Hotline Q&A | Self Care Habit Stacking For BabyGrandmas 10/12/2022
info_outline “What helps your ADHD, Ang? Should I Take Meds Or Supplements?” This Is For My Squirrelfriends! #AskAngie 08/10/2022
info_outline Butt Stuff 101 (Enemas!): Coffee Enemas For Clear Skin & Mental Clarity? Answering All Of Your Juicy Enema + Detox Questions! Pooping Out A Barbie Shoe!? 08/10/2022
info_outline Turning Lemons Into Lemonade: What It Really Took To Build An 8 Figure Wellness Brand. What Mistakes Did We Make? What Is My Role At SOUL? What Was Our First Failed Business? My Top 3 Physical Product Tips! 08/09/2022
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info_outline (Part 1) Natural Unmedicated Birth. Meet My Doula And Birth Coach Nicole Lakin! Let’s Openly Talk About Taking Our Power Back As Women + The Fears And Anxieties Around Giving Birth. 06/17/2022
info_outline Your Permission Slip To PIVOT. How To Get Out Of Your Head & Make Decisions From Your Gut. Embrace Being Multi-Passionate And Loving CHANGE! 04/29/2022