(self)center - b. real + heal
To (self)center is to pause and do a pulse check on how you are, be real, its okay no matter what you are facing/have journeyed through and how your're healing. Join Bri Gasper, an empath and vulnerably honest mental health/self care advocate, who lives to connect us through honest conversations to help normalize the journey and things we all feel. Join us in this space where it's okay to just b. real and heal!
EP. 11 - a story of resilience + peace
EP. 11 - a story of resilience + peace
In this episode, join me in an honest and inspiring conversation with Elle Davis. Elle and her daughters lives were forever changed when her husband unexpectedly passed away. As she shares her heartache she also beautifully paints a picture of how community held her up after working in social work and pouring selflessly into hers. Her pain and heartache led her to write a book about bouncing back, has inspired her to build community and resources for all of us to learn and live empowered by, and lead to her own powerful TedX talk. Her journey is a testament to the importance of building up resilience and choosing peace. It's about equipping yourself and tapping into resources like therapy and creativity to get through all that we live through. Elle reminds us that we have to have these dialogues, reminding us to share our stories, because it may lead to opportunities to significantly impact and support the world! 1:00 Meet Elle 4:20 the peacemaker 6:30 the joy of travel 9:20 finding purpose in social work 14:08 a regular day ending in heartbreaking loss 19:15 I'm sorry for your loss 24:35 life changed fast 27:35 my community showed up! 31:55 appreciate every moment 34:25 Easy Breezy Break 40:55 documenting her resilience 42:45 a book is born 44:35 get creative 45:50 TedX talk - resilience is my superpower 50:50 monthly selfcare days 55:20 John 14:27 Check out Elle Davis on IG at @elledavisspeaks and be sure to grab her book STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube. And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on IG @the.elevate.community
EP 10 - a story of holding steady though pits + peaks
EP 10 - a story of holding steady though pits + peaks
Join me and a very special guest, my husband Ryan in a milestone 10th episode, and as we celebrate our 18 year wedding anniversary. We share a conversation piece we use around our dinner table and in life called Pits + Peaks while reflecting on our last year. We share things that we try to focus on in our marriage including the importance of laughter, family time, and being a team. We give a little glimpse into a household of 7 and the rollercoaster ride balancing children's activities, dealing with health scares, and the impact of communication and community in our life. This episode lets listeners get to know me a little bit while emphasizing the importance of faith, communication, and trust in navigating difficult times and finding hope and acknowledging blessings along the way. 2:50 meet Ryan 5:00 reflecting on 2024 5:57 "pits + peaks" 7:49 laughter is good for the soul 10:00 being real about the ups and downs 13:20 the struggle with dividing and conquering 20:45 success + defeat in a house together 21:20 giving our kids space to talk 24:00 a struggle with accepting help 29:00 realizing each family members experience after trauma 33:00 leaning on community for support 38:00 faith over fear 45:20 taking a break to live 50:00 flashback to our youth through theirs 51:30 answered prayers and His unseen plans for us 54:20 goals for 2025 55:45 lead with love, grace and light 57:50 vulnerability can lead to beautiful connection 58:50 2025 well wishes! STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube. And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on IG @the.elevate.community
EP. 9 - a story of infertility, adoption + love
EP. 9 - a story of infertility, adoption + love
In this episode, join me in a vulnerable and hopeful story with Bree. Bree will take us on a journey through letting go of control of her lifelong dream to become a mother. Through trials of infertility, loss, and then the bold brave love present in choosing to open their home to fostering and all of the moments of trust, struggle, and fear along the way. She helps verbalize all of the feelings women navigate and all of the hard interactions and conversations they often face within infertility. Bree is a beautiful soul full of so much love and now finds herself as a busy mom to three adopted girls. You will hear many moments of peace beyond any understanding, whispers of faith throughout, and an inspiring united couple in this love story. 2:00 meet Bree 4:45 a dream of being a mom 7:30 starting to prepare to become a mom 9:43 worry, frustration + navigating questions 13:00 advocatinng for yourself and navigating infertility 17:00 community is everything 19:00 sharing vulnerably online 24:00 IVF journey begins 25:00 overcoming fear and regaining control 29:00 choosing joy in a weekend of love and loss 33:00 sharing our story 34:00 starting the foster/adoption process 38:30 living in the unknown 39:00 a false call but joyful date 41:30 "Easy Breezy Break" 45:10 Pain doesnt have a score 46:30 Joymail 49:05 healing, art and joy 50:00 it is a gift to be seen 52:20 a tiny blessing 53:40 Love with your whole heart 57:40 another call 1:00:00 We were on the right path, together! 1:03:00 a beautiful prayer and inspired faith 1:06:30 letting go of control 1:10:00 a full house STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube. And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on IG @the.elevate.community
EP. 8 - a story of community + healing
EP. 8 - a story of community + healing
In this episode, meet Tina Lopez, a life coach, writer, paddleboard instructor, yogi, and fitness coach. Tina has spent much of her time pouring into others to help them become the strongest version of themselves always encouraging healing and selfcare along the way. Her own personal desire for community, helped shape how and where she created it always as a safe place for people to fully be empowered and to hold people up in their hardest times. Little did she know she would need her community to help her face her own healing journey and next chapter in life as she navigated divorce. Listen in as we walk through her journey as she rediscovered herself and worked to heal so she could continue to help and heal others! 1:00 meet Tina 2:22 community creator, writer, fitness instructor, paddleboard coach, lifecoach 4:14 a mentor of great impact 5:15 leading a session on overcoming overwhelm 6:42 finding ways to help others outside of the gym = lifecoaching 8:00 changing your self talk and the story of " I was always" 9:17 helping all the people in ALL the ways 10:00 the need for community 11:43 a floating community 13:25 empowering people to have a voice 14:11 "Heal to Lead" 17:18 getting introspective into my own issues/healing 19:27 as a coach, looking to heal to be able to coach better 20:23 real talk about the moment/decision of divorce 25:30 alone, but a chance to find love again 27:40 looking at alcohol, if it is disconnecting you then it is a problem 29:40 "Easy Breezy Break" 32:54 best advice 34:20 accepting your whole self 36:00 worth vs the weight of guilt 38:05 selfcare tool: nature 43:37 theres no supplement that can fix diet, and theres no diet that doesnt need supplementation 45:00 "alone we dan do so little, togehter we can do so much" -Helen Keller Check out Tina's book, lifecoaching and IG page at @coachtina_waterwoman or through her website STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube. And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on IG @the.elevate.community
Ep. 7 - a story of dancing through Joy + Grief
Ep. 7 - a story of dancing through Joy + Grief
In this episode, meet Lisa Bullis, someone who is a pure light of joy in this world, just like her mom, who she lost in high school to a breast cancer battle. As another tribute to breast cancer awareness month, Lisa takes us through that time in her life and how she danced through it all. Today, finding great gratitude in becoming a mama of 3 littles, she feels closer to her mom and has been on a journey to find community and work through some of the things that she carries from that experience. 1:15 meet Lisa - mother, wife, nurse, lifelong dancer 4:00 dance team days 5:20 spark of a community event for breast cancer 6:45 team mission to give back and a first event is born 8:00 Lisa's mom diagnosed 9:51 dancing through it all 12:00 treatment journey and recurrence 14:15 bucketlist trip to Germany 17:00 journey to healing 18:12 bringing 100 + breast cancer fighters together 21:30 being in community 23:24 a healing experience 25:35 a domino effect of causes, events, and a non profit mission 26:04 "easy breezy break" 29:00 continuing to dance 30:33 needing to find something for myself again 32:50 keeping joy and refilling your cup 35:40 joy - just like her mama 37:55 gratitude for motherhood 40:05 dancing through it all. 1:15 meet Lisa - mother, wife, nurse, lifelong dancer 4:00 dance team days 5:20 spark of a community event for breast cancer 6:45 team mission to give back and a first event is born 8:00 Lisa's mom diagnosed 9:51 dancing through it all 12:00 treatment journey and recurrence 14:15 bucketlist trip to Germany 17:00 journey to healing 18:12 bringing 100 + breast cancer fighters together 21:30 being in community 23:24 a healing experience 25:35 a domino effect of causes, events, and a non profit mission 26:04 "easy breezy break" 29:00 continuing to dance 30:33 needing to find something for myself again 32:50 keeping joy and refilling your cup 35:40 joy - just like her mama 37:55 gratitude for motherhood 40:05 dancing through it all. If you've lost you mother, we want to remind you to look for grief support groups in your community through local churches and community pages, It's never too late to start therapy to talk through some of the confusing things we carry and hold onto. Also, check out these books: The motherless daughter book - a legacy of loss, Motherless Mothers - how loss shapes the mothers we become. STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube HERE And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @the.elevate.community
EP. 6 - a story of breast cancer + fearless courage
EP. 6 - a story of breast cancer + fearless courage
Listen in as I chat with my friend Trisha, who takes us on her journey from breast cancer diagnosis, to advocating for herself in her treatment, and now how she pours into non profits and dreaming of helping others who will sit in her same spot. She shares when her journey began and Bri passed along a "fearless" giving key necklace all the way through to celebrate this October (breast cancer awareness month) being 1 year clear and dreaming up new ways to "create" light in this world. It's not a heavy conversation, it's honest and funny. Sure it shares the hardest things she faced but her light shines through every step of the journey....listen in..... 4:45 cancer is better with friends 5:20 a fearless key 8:15 a weird pain 10:52 extra imaging 12:45 "it looks like cancer" 17:20 saying "I have cancer" 18:50 spinning physically on the teacups 20:19 we're gonna beat this 25:00 you took my hair 29:00 the kids reaction 33:28 Easy Breezy Break Segment 39:53 no time for cancer 41:00 life after cancer 43:00 scanzity 44:40 be your own advocate 49:07 supporting others in BC 55:00 support for spouses 57:00 fearless 59:00 time to create STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube HERE And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @the.elevate.community
EP. 5 - a story of Hearthache + Heartwork
EP. 5 - a story of Hearthache + Heartwork
Join me and my friend, a brilliant light in this world Mary Carrillo. We met through a chance email 2 years ago. Her beauty, light and butterfly affect in this world is undeniable and her perspective and story is heartbreaking yet inspiring along the way. Listen in as we learn about her heart's mission through the Calvin Preston Foundation as well as some of her experience of navigating her son's 11 month cancer journey and the butterfly affect and impact he left within this world and her heart. 3:30 an email connection 5:12 sweet Calvin 7:00 a cancer diagnosis 10:00 a hard question for the doctors 12:00 advocating for your child 14:50 holding onto hope 18:35 allowing yourself time to feel and release 21:50 simple gestures when you don't know what you need 25:20 easy breezy questions 30:00 after the bone marrow transplant 32:32 another trip to the hospital 37:50 there's nothing else we can do 40:40 "I will do amazing things for you" 42:00 Calvin's wish to give toys to the oncolcogy children 42:40 Calvin Preston Foundation was born 45:00 how can others support 49:20 the mariposa effect 51:15 a daughter is born and inspires another event 54:00 heartwork - greater than purpose + passion 56:30 wholehearted connection Learn more and consider donating to The Calvin Preston Foundation https://www.calvinprestonfoundation.org/ STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube HERE And don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @the.elevate.community
EP 4 - a story of Heaven + Hope - PART 2
EP 4 - a story of Heaven + Hope - PART 2
In this episode, I finish my conversation with Shawn, who was purposefully introduced into my life about 1.5 years ago. Shawn shares how a life threatening accident at 7 years old brought about challenges but also brought a message of Hope to be shared. Shawn shares his story and how he has tried to learn from his experience in the way he lives each day, finding ways to help others, as well as be who he is meant to be in this life, a messenger of Hope. 2:00 - surgeries and decisions for his parents 3:00 - stares from strangers 5:00 - struggle around me 7:30 - no limits and keeping spirit alive in sports 9:00 - powerlifting 11:30 - how to help others who struggle 16:30 - planting seeds 18:10 - where to start in faith 21:38 - intention 26:30 - the importance of discipline 28:00 - favorite health tools - lifting + the best supplements 32:00 - my moment seeing the light at 7 36:00 - gratitude for all of his suffering and his experience STAY TUNED for more episodes coming soon... And check us out on YouTube HERE And follow us on Instagram @the.elevate.community
EP 3 - A story of Hope + Heaven (part 1)
EP 3 - A story of Hope + Heaven (part 1)
In this episode, I sit down with friend Shawn, who was purposefully introduced into my life about 1.5 years ago. Shawn shares how a life threatening accident at 7 years old brought about challenges but also brought Hope to so many. Shawn shares his story and how he has tried to learn from his experience in the way he lives each day, find ways to help others, as well who he is meant to be in this life, a messenger of Hope. 2:00 - how we met, not a chance introduction 4:18 - who is Shawn? 9:30 - discipline of spirit, mind and body 12:25 - intention with his story 13:50 - a tragic accident 20:12 - grandma Emma 21:41 - the purest light 23:23 - a message from grandma 25:10 - "I am" 28:10 - a powerful enough word for this episode - Hope 32:58 - a message to be Hope 33:33 - the fear of his 30th birthday 37:00 - grace and forgiveness 38:40 - Easy breezy questions with Shawn 44:36 - best advice - sacrifice and suffering STAY TUNED for part 2 to be released next week.... And check us out on YouTube HERE And follow us on Instagram @the.elevate.community
EP. 2 - a story of Purpose + Postpartum
EP. 2 - a story of Purpose + Postpartum
In this episode, I sit down with a good friend Diane, who is also one of our board members for the non profit. Diane shares how she experienced and faced postpartum OCD and anxiety and when it all came to a head. Her journey was challenging but she wants to help normalize how important it is to listen to what we need and that sometimes our struggle can lead us to great purpose as well. *how we met *a sleep deprived third delivery in a new hometown *a call for help *an angel who made her feel seen *heavy weight lifted and a return to accept help and heal *easy breezy break with Diane *all things selfcare and let’s normalize healing *an idea to turn pain into purpose To find out more about Diane's postpartum doula services follow her on IG or check out her website at STAY TUNED.... more episodes to drop soon! And check us out on YouTube And follow us on Instagram
EP 1 - OK, b. real - what the heck is this (self)center movement all about?
EP 1 - OK, b. real - what the heck is this (self)center movement all about?
Where did the idea for the B. Real + Heal podcast come from? And what exactly does (self)center mean?? In our first episode meet Bri Gasper, founder of the Elevate Community, a non profit focused on giving back, building community and normalizing mental health journeys while on a mission to reprioritize self care. Listen in as Bri vulnerably shares a peek into her postparttum journey, end of a decade long identity and a surprise diagnosis that all lead to living more in her purpose by creating this self(center) movement. Friend, therapist and board member, Jenna Free takes the reigns of interviewing Bri to get a look into her story as she is the first guest to b. real + heal with us! Watch for more episodes with everyday lights in this world as they bravely share peeks into their stories, tragedies, struggle, purpose and perserverance. You don't need to feel alone in anything you are facing and we'll be sure to shine light on the things that help us get through these seasons. Stay tuned, breathe and take a break to (self)center. Watch for more episodes to drop soon! And check us out on YouTube . And follow us on Instagram .
(self)center - b. real + heal trailer
(self)center - b. real + heal trailer
Welcome to (Self)center - b. real and heal. I’m your host, Bri. I’m not an expert, but I’ve navigated lifes trials and I'm passionate about connecting people through vulnerability and normalizing the hard things in life. Self Center means to pause, its a pulse check, it’s a movement to reprioritize self care and normalize mental health journeys. Welcome to a space where it's safe to be real and heal. Stay tune for episodes dropping soon! And check us out on YouTube .