#53: 12 ways to fill up your cup on busy days
#53: 12 ways to fill up your cup on busy days
When life gets busy, it's easy to neglect your wellbeing. It’s easy to push your needs aside in favour of conquering your to-do list. We’re so worried about disappointing others that we often convince ourselves there’s no time for self-care. We convince ourselves that rest is not an option, our needs can wait, and everything on our to-do list is urgent and must get done today. Sound familiar? I have fallen into this trap many times before too, so you’re not alone. What helps me most when I find myself leaning into that narrative is reminding myself that I’m a better mum, partner, daughter, friend when I’m actively filling up my cup. Everyone benefits when I prioritise my wellbeing. I’m here to remind your needs matter, and they deserve to take a front seat. You deserve the same love and care that you so freely give to others. I know what you’re going to say - but there’s no time… Except that there is. There IS time to recharge, even on the busiest days. It’s just about discovering simple self-care habits that fit seamlessly into your life. So let’s replace the deadly “I don’t have time” excuse with 12 simple ways to fill up your cup.