(15) A Conversation with Journalist, Author, Podcast Host, Religious Explorer, Magician, Film Critic, and Albert Einstein Avatar – Benyamin Cohen
(15) A Conversation with Journalist, Author, Podcast Host, Religious Explorer, Magician, Film Critic, and Albert Einstein Avatar – Benyamin Cohen
In this episode, we speak with Benyamin Cohen, , author of “: A Rabbi’s Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith,” named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly, “: How the World's Favorite Genius Got into Our Cars, Our Bathrooms, and Our Minds,” and a man of diverse and fascinating interests and explorations. In our brief film discussion, I recommended “” as my favorite Jewish movie of the past decade. Check it out and let me know what you think. In our "What Do You Want to Know?” segment, we discuss some findings from our just-released report “” - Beliefs, Practices, Attitudes and Priorities Across the Jewish Community With a Focus on U.S. Modern Orthodox and Haredi (Chasidish and Yeshivish) Sectors. Specifically, we discuss how some communal priorities have shifted significantly in recent years, and how there are some significant priority differences between the Modern Orthodox and Haredi sectors. We want to hear from you, so you can contact us at this link to offer comments and questions about the Jewish community: Thanks to Leora Trencher for designing our logo, and to Elana Trencher and Aliza Levy for their audio support. Orthonomics is produced by Scott Kahn of JCH Podcast Productions ().