Baby Talk with Katie & David
Welcome to your source for practical and experience-based discussions on babies, births, pregnancy, and early parenthood. Listen in each week as Katie DaMota, a postpartum doula and IBCLC-certified lactation consultant, and David Arrell, Men’s Coach and author of Welcome To Fatherhood, get together and bring real world experience and authentic voices to all things Baby. Get straight talk, down home perspectives, interesting experts, and honest opinions on real questions, concerns, challenges, and successes that come up frequently along the pregnancy to parenthood journey.
Better Partners Make Better Parents - Season 3 Wrap Up
Better Partners Make Better Parents - Season 3 Wrap Up
Katie & David wrap up Season 3 here by each sharing their Top 3 Tips for helping new parents better connect in the midst of new parenthood chaos. We both firmly believe that Better Partners Make Better Parents and really get into some (hopefully helpful!) specifics here in this episode. Katie unpacks: 1) Sharing the Care right from the start 2) Trying to be Curious vs assuming and arguing 3) Leaning into Joy - where can we find the "yes"? David walks through: 1) Building Bridges of connection through Shared Agreements 2) Embrace the Suck so you can Own the Outcome as a way to get unstuck and move from "victim" to "Leader" 3) There is no Bouncing Back, only Bouncing Forward Helpful links to some of David's previous Blogposts and Youtube Videos that further explore some of the ideas mentioned in this episode: Becoming a "Leader IN" your relationship - Shared Agreements - Building Bridges - Bouncing Forward - New Dad Blues Busters Video - ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
When Parenting Styles Differ
When Parenting Styles Differ
What happens when parenting approaches differ? How do our own unconscious patterns influence our ability to show up grounded and focused when things get tricky? How much variance in parenting styles is "normal," and how can those differences be navigated as a team? Listen in this week as we explore these questions and more. Topics covered include: How our own unconsciuous energy and issues often come up under the pressures of parenting How unhelpful patterns and processes can pull us, and/or our partners, away from our plans The power of self-compassion as an entry to better connecting Asking for a "re-do" when we don't show up as our best self in conflict Dad Tip #27 - Fathers Don't Mother Big Idea #10 - Be Attentive, Be Calm, Be Competent (in that order!) Shared agreements and bouncing forward ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Baby's Parental Preferences - The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
Baby's Parental Preferences - The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
This week we talk about Baby's parental preferences, why they are understandable and healthy, and share a few tips for helping better connect with your partner over this tricky topic. Items covered include: Familiarity and Safety needs drive Baby's behavior The Hierarchy of Attachment Balancing Baby's preferences and parental abilities Bostering your own abilities to share the load, and lots more Special tips for Dads struggling in this space And no, weaning is not the answer! Article Referenced: Hierarchy of Attachment- ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Breastfeeding and Weaning Support
Breastfeeding and Weaning Support
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, Katie leads the way in our conversation about Breastfeeding and Weaning as a whole family commitment. How this commitment looks and what challenges are faced vary from the planning and beginning stages of Breastfeeding, to the ongoing efforts to sustain it, and to the inevitable concluding process of Weaning. All of these stages have emotional, relational, and practical components, so listen in this week as we discuss: Helpful tips for getting off to the best start to your Breastfeeding jounrey The importance of your Village for support and comfort Partner focused tips for connecting and supporting the journey every step of the way and so much more Reference links for this episode include: Katie's weekly support group: Previous Breastfeeding episode: Previous Partner focused perspective: ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Biological Differences between New Mothers and New Fathers
Biological Differences between New Mothers and New Fathers
Join is this week as Katie & David explore and discuss some of the profound and powerful differences in the biology of new Mothers and Fathers. How do their respective brains change and adapt to parenthood in different ways? How does knowing about various neurotransmitter levels and activations help us see our partners in a more understanding and compassion light? How can we appreciate these differences as attributes rather than flaws? Topics covered include: How Mom Brains and Dad Brains are wired differently What this wiring looks like and how it shows up in attention and behavior What feedback loops are heightened, and how these circuits shape parenting Testosterone, Oxctocin, and other hormonal influences Specific tips for new Moms and Dads for better connecting to each other Bringing more space, grace, and understanding into how parenting styles differ Articles reference in this episode include: ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Making the Invisible Work Visible
Making the Invisible Work Visible
This week Katie & David tackle one of the touchiest topics out there in the new parenthood space, and one that is sure to resonate for those with children of any age - Invisible Work. What is this so-called "Invisible Work"? Why is it such a touchy topic? For Moms and Dads alike, what really "counts" here, and how can we help our partners understand and appreciate all that we do? And equally as important, what can we do to better understand and appreciate what they do that may be invisible to us? Areas covered include: How new parenthood brings on a lot of new "work," most of which needs to be done in the moment How that work can remain hard to quantify, but still add up to a lot How each partner has an unconscious list, or caretaker ticker, that they keep track of and manage Comparing lists to share the load Turning unexpressed hopes into concrete plans Letting go of perfection Communication, teamwork, collaboration, and so much more ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Redefining Intimacy
Redefining Intimacy
What does intimcacy look like in early parenthood? And how can we redefine it together to help us connect with more care, compassion, and empathy and we try to bounce forward and strengthen our relationship? Intimacy issues are one of the most energized topics that come up in the new parent support groups that we both host, and here in this episode we share some of common barriers that new parents face as well as strategies and options for overcoming them. Bouncing forward into parenthood is the name of the game here, not trying to bounce back to your pre-baby relationship dynamcis. Topics covered here include: Physical & Emotional challenges common to new Moms and Dads Emotional challenges like loneliness, confusion, and Self-honesty as a prerequisite for clear requests of your partner Us time vs Me time Resentment is a thief Sharing "brakes & accelerators" Love Language application "Stratitude of Gratitude" Space & Grace ... and so much more Reference links: ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Season 3 Begins - Parenting & Partnership
Season 3 Begins - Parenting & Partnership
Season 3 is finally here! Our theme is going to be Parenting & Partnership and here in the intro episode we talk about our plans for exploring the most common concerns and challenges that we each hear from from the new Moms and Dads in our support groups. We hope that these weekly discussions can help cultivate more awareness, empathy, and understanding for ourselves and our partners. We aren't here to take sides, but to build bridges and foster greater connection and collaboration in all of our efforts to be the best parent and partner possible. Topics we'll cover this season include: Redefining Intimacy in Early Parenthood Biology of Parenthood in Men and Women Fathers Don't Mother Making the Invisible Work Visible Understanding and Appreciating Partnership Managing Differences in Parenting Styles and Values Working With Baby's Preferences Breastfeeding as a Family Commitment And so much more! ***** Katie continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Katie & David Better the Birth Space with exciting updates and offerings!
Katie & David Better the Birth Space with exciting updates and offerings!
Katie and David wrap up Season 2 and share some exciting updates and offerings from both The Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood in their own efforts in Bettering the Birth Space. Katie also continues to offer her FREE weekly Embracing Parenthood Postpartum support meetup via Zoom every Thursday at 1pm PST. Katie runs these herself, so please drop on in to experience more of her wisdom, grace, and compassion in person. ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Katie & David
Getting better prepared for a Hospital Birth with the Hospital Doulas Lisa Collins & Marnie Lea
Getting better prepared for a Hospital Birth with the Hospital Doulas Lisa Collins & Marnie Lea
Since 98% of US births happen in the hospital then there needs to be a better way to get prepared for Hospital Birth and lower the rates of trauma and preventable interventions that many folks want to avoid. Tune in today to hear how Lisa & Marnie, The Hospital Doulas, have put together some programs focused on supporting this vast majority of parents to have amazing birth outcomes beyond the Hospital's minimal standards of "healthy Baby and Mama." In this episode we discuss: - You don't know what you don't know - and how to see past your blindspots - The BRAIN acronym and its usefulness in labor and delivery - Their unique approach to working together with your Hospital team - The importance of treating your birth team as individual people to help you get treated as an individual person - A positive birth experience is much more about empowered decision making than external events - "Routine Care" can be VERY different than "evidenced-based care" - The true role of us Dads in the delivery room ... and so much more. Helpful links: Main page: Free PDF of 100 questions: Their Masterclass registration: ***** To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST - check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: The Hospital Doulas
(Part 2) Perinatal Mental Health & Postpartum Thriving with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Part 2 of 2
(Part 2) Perinatal Mental Health & Postpartum Thriving with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Part 2 of 2
Today's Part 2 continues last week's Part 1 of our interview with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Perinatal Therapist and CEO of ASK Therapy, former doula and childbirth educator, and transformational coach. We pick right up from where we last off last week entering the 4th Trimester Postpartum space of home with your new baby. This 4th Trimester Postpartum timeframe is inherently disruptive, discombobulating, and disregulating, especially in our larger culture and it's unrealistic demands. The real question then isn't how to avoid these challenges, or how not to "catch PPD" or other "mood disorders," but how to approach this new phase of life in Motherhood with a growth mindset and the tools to weave oneself back together into the new you. And of course, she shares some tips for Dads and partners too! Topics covered include: - What does healthy reintegration look like? - The importance of connection & community - Allowing care and support to flow in - Shifting from a story of wounding to a story of wisdom - A journey of healing, celebrating, and claiming power - Compassion for the difficulty and suffering that can impact the process - The Surviving System vs Thriving System - and so much more! Quick links to Jennifer Summerfeldt's full range of offerings: Main page: Her books: Ask Therapy: Blog post on Postpartum Thriving: ***** To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST - check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Jennifer Summerfeldt
(Part 1) Perinatal Mental Health & Postpartum Thriving with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Part 1 of 2
(Part 1) Perinatal Mental Health & Postpartum Thriving with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Part 1 of 2
This is the 1st of 2 episodes with Jennifer Summerfeldt - Perinatal Therapist and CEO of ASK Therapy, former doula and childbirth educator, and transformational coach. She shares her DEEP insight, compassion, and wisdom regarding the challenges and opportunities that come with childbirth and the postpartum space in our culture today. In this 1st half of our conversation about perinatal mental health we discuss: - The importance of understanding the power of the childbirth experience in shaping the trajectory of postpartum integration - Postpartum mood disorders are not simply "caught", like a virus, but instead can grow out of a rich complex of external factors and internal processes - Ounces of prevention heading into and through childbirth are powerful preventative measures for getting ahead of postpartum challenges - But beyond just support on the front end is the necessity of informed support for processing, metabolizing, and integrating all aspects of the Birth Story on the back end. - Postpartum Thriving isn't just about healing the body, but is about growth and transformation of the full being into Motherhood - The R's of Resources, Reflection, and Regulation for riding the waves of existential challenges - Co-regulation vs Self-soothing in the face of survival stress and disregulation - and so much more! Quick links to Jennifer Summerfeldt's full range of offerings: Main page: Her books: Ask Therapy: Blog post on Postpartum Thriving: ***** To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST, and David's FREE monthly Zoom Dad support group - last Thursday of the month at 6pm PST check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Jennifer Summerfeldt
Katie & David: Friends, Family, and Festivity planning with new Baby
Katie & David: Friends, Family, and Festivity planning with new Baby
Katie rejoins the booth this week and together we share some tips for getting through the Holiday mayhem with your peace of mind intact and coming out the other side stronger. Topics covered include: - Healthy boundaries - "No" is a complete sentence - Intentional planning with your partner - Owning your needs, but looking for common ground - Baby is your wingman for easy outs - Creating your own new traditions - Cultivating allies to help you - and so much more! ***** To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST, and David's FREE monthly Zoom Dad support group - last Thursday of the month at 6pm PST check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Pexels
Intentionality + Ownership = Empowerment w/ Aly McClain
Intentionality + Ownership = Empowerment w/ Aly McClain
Aly McClain is a certified Doula, Registered Nurse, and host of the Empowered Birth Podcast. Listen in this week as we dig into how intentionality and ownership can combine to create empowerment for a more successful childbirth, however you define it. Topics covered include: - Intentionality as first factor you can control - Owning that power and making choices and decisions from it leads to empowerment - Buy the hospital ticket, get the hospital ride - Communication & Connection - The importance of investing in you relationship - Meeting Dads where they are, and then guiding them for loving support ... and so much more! For more info on Aly check her out here: IG: @empoweredbirthpodcast Website: Podcast: Empowered Birth Podcast on Spotify, Apple and Sticher ***** To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST, and David's FREE monthly Zoom Dad support group - last Thursday of the month at 6pm PST check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Aly McClain
The Body Ready Method of preparing for Childbirth w/ Doula Jo Ann Bishop
The Body Ready Method of preparing for Childbirth w/ Doula Jo Ann Bishop
The Body Ready Method is gaining in popularity in the Birth Space due to its explicit focus on helping pregnant Mamas prepare for an easier childbirth and recovery period through a combination of exercise, stretching, and movement focused on the core, back, and pelvic floor. Get ahead of the game, and set your future self up for success, by listening to Jo Ann and I explore this contribution to Bettering the Birth Space. Topics covered include: - The importance of ownership and empowerment approach to chidbirth preparation - Prenatal work is the best investment you can make now for better childbirth and postnatal outcomes later - - The importnance of 4th Trimester rest and recovery And so much more! Contact Jo Ann directly at Visit her here - ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Jo Ann Bishop
Changing the "Language of Failure"
Changing the "Language of Failure"
Katie is back in the booth this week with so much wisdom and grace to share on this topic that is so close to her heart. We talk about how the Language of Failure permeates the Birth Space and inherently undermines our collective aspirations for better experiences for everybody. We speak frankly about the complexity of the topic, the challenges of understanding all perspectives in and on childbirth in our culture, and the importance of providing encouragement, education, and empowerment into all our conversations around pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Specific topics covered include: - Importance of mindfullness of our language - Speaking up & taking ownership - Name to reframe - Navigating the invisible system of our culture - Importance for post-partum story-telling for connection, healing, and closure - The 4 Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz - - Ownership vs Overwhelm To learn more about Katie's FREE weekly Zoom Postpartum Support Group - Thursday's at 1pm PST, and David's FREE monthly Zoom Dad support group - last Thursday of the month at 6pm PST check us out here: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Pexels
The Power of Community with Amelia Protiva & Anja Health
The Power of Community with Amelia Protiva & Anja Health
My guest this week is Amelia Protiva, Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula and Head of Community over at Anja Health, a cord blood banking resource. Amelia particularly passionate about the positive power of community - in pregancy, childbirth, and into parenthood. Topics we cover today for Bettering the Birth Space include: - Doula mindset of partnership with all people in the birth team circle - Facilitating collaboration as the connecting motive - Epidemic of lonliness in pregancy and postpartum (men too!) - Cord Blood Banking - Her Better Birth Initiative in supporting Birthworkers through automating work flow, template library, and other business support - Connection, Continuity, and Community Find out more about Amelia and her amazing work here below: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Amelia Protiva
Rehumanizing Childbirth with Anne Margolis and Home Sweet Homebirth
Rehumanizing Childbirth with Anne Margolis and Home Sweet Homebirth
Anne Margolis is our featured guest today. She is a Certified Nurse Midwife with almost 30 years of experience, author, birth educator, Instagram maven, and so much more. We chat today all about how she has been working towards Bettering the Birth Space since before her first baby was born and how that first childbirth experience led to her to launching Home Sweet Homebirth and everything that has followed. Topics covered include: - Importance of rehumanizing the entire childbirth experience - How the Midwifery model of care renormalizes chidlbirth as beautiful and sacred - Home Sweet Homebirth is a mindset you take with you to wherever you give birth - The built in continuity of care that comes with Midwifery model of care - How Anne puts her Dad clients in the center of her practice next to Mama and Baby You can find out more about Anne and Home Sweet Homebirth at Free mini course to birth planning Store for my online Guides to Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum signature courses ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Anne Margolis
Trauma 101 - Prevention & Care in the Birth Space
Trauma 101 - Prevention & Care in the Birth Space
Katie's back! She introduces the very important topic of Trauma in the Birth Space and shares her experiences in seeing how it shows up in her practice and how a big part of "Bettering the Birth Space" starts with more awareness on Trauma in general. Together we discuss: - Minimizing Trauma - Trauma-informed care - All Birth workers can hold space for trauma, regardless of their lane of expertise - Building Resilience -Post-traumatic Thriving - and so much more Important links from today's show: Dr. Gabor Mate - Dr. John Vervaeke - ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
The "Home Birth Mindset" with Matthew & Sarah Bivens from Doing It At Home
The "Home Birth Mindset" with Matthew & Sarah Bivens from Doing It At Home
Matthew & Sarah Bivens from Doing It At Home have over 400 podcast episodes published on their show sharing stories, anecdotes, and interviews all about the homebirth expereince. But more than just an experience, "homebirth" is a mindset that puts you and your relationship at the center of the conversation as the true "home" you take with you wherever you go. Listen in this week as we cover: - Matthew & Sarah's 7-year journey in the homebirth space - How their ongoing 2nd pregnancy has been such a different journey than their 1st 7 years ago - Family focused care and the homebirth mindset - Your relationships with yourself and your partner are where the real work begins - Deepening your roots and building bridges of connection - and so much more! Reach out to them directly at: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Matthew & Sarah Bivens
Team Building and Connection with Doula Samantha Marvels
Team Building and Connection with Doula Samantha Marvels
Our first guest in Season 2 is Samantha Marvels, a birth Doula, childbirth educator, and Doula agency owner working in Austin, TX. Samantha joins me today to discuss her work towards Bettering the Birth Space, how she works with her network to increase continuity of care for her clients, and how she treats her Dad clients from day 1 as an equal part of the birth team. We get into: - the role curiosity and intentionality each play in setting up the conditions for a better birth - the importance of "making things fun" as much as possible along the pregnancy journey - co-parenting can work for everybody - team building and connection - and so much more To learn more about Samantha and her work please reach out to her directly below at: Website/Social Media links: @samanthamarvels – Instagram – Birth Agency – Doula Training + Shop ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit: Samantha Marvels
Bettering the Birth Space
Bettering the Birth Space
Welcome to Season 2 of Baby Talk with Katie & David! Our theme for this season is "Bettering the Birth Space," and here in episode 1 of Season 2 Katie and I talk a bit about what we each prioritize in that framing as well as share our "origin stories" for getting into birth work. Fun Fact: We'll be bringing in other birth professionals for interviews all season long to hear more from the front lines of how folks are "bettering the birth space" too! Here in Ep. 1 Katie and I discuss: - Katie's 2 focal points for bettering the birth space: -- Continuity of care from pregnancy through postpartum -- Normalizing the inherent power of childbirth, independent of the amount of drama and/or trauma that might be present. - David's 2 focal points: -- Helping Dads-to-be and new Dads better connect to their partners & better prepare for what comes next - Katie's journey from starting as a postpartum doula to founding the Nest Family Resource Center 10 years ago where she is growing it today and tomorrow with online and onsite support for families in all phases of the pregnancy to parenthood journey David's story and creating Welcome To Fatherhood Our mutual focus on parenting and partnership, and much more! ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
David's Tips for Moms-to-be
David's Tips for Moms-to-be
David goes solo in season 1's final episode and shares 5 tips for Moms-to-be looking to better connect with Dad-to-be in their pregnancy journey. Although his book and work is directed at the Dads out there, David is often approached by Moms-to-be seeking advice on how to get their partners further on board in the pregnancy journey. They've purchased Welcome To Fatherhood, but it sits unread on the bedside table - now what?!?! Topics covered include: Separate journeys, same destination How to build bridges across the chasms Why options are easier Dud Zone misses March Madness and Baby names Power of presence and patience
Unexpected Feelings in Early Postpartum, Pt 1
Unexpected Feelings in Early Postpartum, Pt 1
From extreme joy and bliss to rage and resentment, the new and powerful emotions and feelings of early postpartum can be quite unexpected. This week Katie & David start this the conversation on this topic as a lead in to the deeper waters coming up next week in part 2. Items covered include: - All journey, no destination - The illusion of stability - "Full time" has a whole new meaning here - The core of feeling resentment - Letting go and letting be - Demands of parenthood as catalyst for change and growth - Acceptance and gratitude
Own your power in pregnancy, parenthood, and partnership
Own your power in pregnancy, parenthood, and partnership
"The System" is pretty great, except when it isn't. Where do you have choices and options? How can you build your birth team to best support you? How do you respond to our larger "culture of dismissal," and how should you respond when you catch yourself dismissing the expereinces of those around you? Join in this week as Katie & David discuss the "cultural conveyor belt" that is the standard pregnancy to parenthood journey and learn more about where you have the power to choose to do things differently. Topics covered include: - Dads and their expereince being ignored or dismissed is the "standard policy" of The System. - Moms too! - Owning your role and understanding your choices - Intentional Birth Team building - Your immediate culture of support is more important than The System - Culture coming to us vs coming through us - Invitations vs demands - Asking and offering a Redo is best practice to build on! ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Birthing a Parent
Birthing a Parent
Baby's arrival heralds your birth into Parenthood and all the changes that come with it. Katie & David bring some interesting perspectives and anecdotes into this bigger conversation in this week's episode. Topics covered include: - The transformative impact of Baby's arrival - Hormones add volume - The myth of consistency - Change being the only constant - Weekly check ins & clean ups - Getting ahead of resentment - Culture of dismissal - Mothers' deeper connections with Baby - Curiosity vs Anxiety - Sharing experiences vs solving problems ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Sacred Individuality
Sacred Individuality
What things connect and support your core identity, your "Sacred Individuality" underneath the new roles and responsibilities that can take over your life once Baby gets here? How can you "bounce forward" into Thriving and stay connected to these core parts of your identity? Listen in this week as Katie & David chat about this Sacred Individuality and how it needs to be seen and supported as a key ingredient in any effort for Thriving. Topics covered include: - Balancing roles and responsibilities with active self care - Avoiding getting stuck in the "woulds and shoulds" - Obligations vs offerings - Give and take of self care - Buliding your village of support - Intention + Curiosity = Thriving - and much more! ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Finding joy & letting go of perfection
Finding joy & letting go of perfection
This week Katie & David talk all about the challenges of finding joy in the moment, and how letting go of perfection is a great first step in that direction. Topics covered include: The phrase "All joy, no fun" No one right way to do anything, especially in finding joy The need to drop our "woulds and shoulds" and connect to the present moment Our own "inner high chair" mindset and how it never helps You can't struggle your way to joy Cultivating joy, and then sharing it Intention and attention = joy ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Trust & Vulnerability in Postpartum
Trust & Vulnerability in Postpartum
Katie & David discuss the importance of establishing trust across relationships in early Postpartum, especially with Dad, support partners, and other folks in your Village. Vulnerability and emotional intimacy are extra important here, tune in to hear more about: Agreements & accountability Self reliance & community How to show up in helpful ways Simply being present Baby resets the ground rules Relationship thriving in Postpartum ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Photo credit:
Infant Feeding Pt 2 - Partners, Pumping, and Planning Ahead
Infant Feeding Pt 2 - Partners, Pumping, and Planning Ahead
Katie & David continue the infant feeding conversation from last week and get into partner support, pumping, and planning ahead. Topics discussed include: Pumping basics Pumping as a part of breastfeeding plan and tool for success Pump types and reasons for choosing them Looking for the funny as a way to get comfortable Great way for Dads to pitch in and help Bouncing forward into new reality Dad Tips for feeding success Shift sleeping Health consciousness vs size consciousness Comfort cart basics for Dads Back to work and pumping options Teamwork is the plan ***** Like what we have to say? Subscribe to the channel, like this show, and come see us over at the Nest and Welcome To Fatherhood! For more information on Katie DaMota and Nest Family Resource please visit: For more information on David Arrell, his book Welcome To Fatherhood, and his other coaching and consulting offerings please visit: ***** Podcast music credit for The Road Ahead: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YQSX0VF4MX6S3N8K Episode Artwork: <a href="">Parenthood photo created by wayhomestudio -