31. Reality Won't Allow Us to Dream Our Way Out of It
31. Reality Won't Allow Us to Dream Our Way Out of It
In the capitalist social model the house always wins, and not every individual who plays the game in the hopes of hitting big, of experiencing the windfall of all that capitalism at its height promises, is in fact going to win. The reality is that most don't, and that reality is looming every larger in the sights and mind of the collective—they are protesting this circumstance which capitalism has wrought upon the world, that the house, the system, always wins, and most individuals will end up with nothing, despite having given their life to playing the game. Is there another way of being, different from the fantasy which capitalism puts before all our eyes, which is in fact closer to, and more sustainable with, reality? This is one of the questions of our modern moment, no doubt. It's unclear who has the answer, if anyone does. Follow me on Twitter: