Across the Aisle
Your Facebook feed probably never disagrees with you. We will. We live in an increasingly segregated world. Major media like Fox News, MSNBC, Rush Limbaugh, and Rachel Maddow preach, earsplitting and vulgar, to the choirs of the left and the right. Everyone is told that God and George Washington is on their side, and their opponents are Hitler in high heels or Stalin in shorts. I’m right, you’re wrong, and all of America sleeps content in their goodness. Our friends, family and co-workers are increasingly judged quickly and entirely on who they voted for in the last election and disposed of if their answers don’t add up. Yet this has bred an increasingly dysfunctional society. Washington, even with one party in power, seems incapable of getting anything done. And Americans have begun to look on each other with fear, hostility, and even sometimes hate. But what if there is another way? Across the Aisle attempts to find it. We believe that discussion, persuasion, evidence, and compromise can find solutions to the problems of the 21st century that both left and right can agree on. We believe that things can’t stay as they are, so we need to find a new way forward. Won’t you come with us?