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Across the Table

In Across the Table, I sit down with figures from the nerd community to discuss themselves and their passion. Thanks for listening!

info_outline Mental Discipline 10 - Stuck on land and out of control 11/18/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 9 - Siege Rhy-Nope (I think we have an episode title) 11/07/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 8 - #Bestowlo 10/22/2014
info_outline Across the Table 38 - Newly Resurrected Jason Thurston 10/15/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 7 - As snug as a Sultai in a Temur 10/13/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 6 - Hopeful Liedolon (The Almost Lost Episode) 10/06/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 5 - Flipping the switch...everywhere 09/01/2014
info_outline Across the Table 37 - Foretold, Rise of a God from GenCon 08/22/2014
info_outline Weekly Huegle 1 - Laundry and GenCon 08/12/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 4 - Deadshot Minotaur. Can't lose. 08/08/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 3 - WWWWWWWWWWWinning the Goblin Game 08/06/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 2 - #adorbz 07/25/2014
info_outline Mental Discipline 1 - Introductions, Goals, and M15 07/18/2014
info_outline Across the Table 36 - Vintage Connoisseur Robert Vroman 03/20/2014
info_outline Across the Table 35 - Financier Jason Alt 03/06/2014
info_outline Across the Table 34 - Cubist Usman Jamil 02/13/2014
info_outline Across the Table 33 - The Deck Tease's Erin Campbell 01/30/2014
info_outline Across the Table 32 - Walking the Planes' Nathan Holt 12/14/2013
info_outline Across the Table 31 - Good Times Games' Rob Gruber 12/06/2013
info_outline Across the Table 30 - GP Detroit Champion Josh McClain 11/21/2013
info_outline Across the Table 29 - GP OKC Finalist John Penick 11/15/2013
info_outline Across the Table 28 - Writer Adam Styborski 11/08/2013
info_outline Across the Table 27 - Writer Titus Chalk 10/24/2013
info_outline Across the Table 26 - Brainstorm Brewery's Marcel White 10/18/2013
info_outline Across the Table 25 - A Compilation 10/04/2013
info_outline Across the Table 24 - Ogre 09/26/2013
info_outline Across the Table 23 - Level 1 Judge Michael Arrowsmith 09/19/2013
info_outline Across the Table 22 - Legion Events' Steve Port 09/13/2013
info_outline Across the Table 21 - Writer John Friggin' Rizzo 09/05/2013
info_outline Across the Table 20 - Artist John Matson 08/29/2013