Episode 019 - It Goes Nicely In An Ass / Who Do You Want To Be Raped By? / Please Don't Hit Me
Episode 019 - It Goes Nicely In An Ass / Who Do You Want To Be Raped By? / Please Don't Hit Me
You get what you pay for with our audio quality. Sorry. RJ found his collar after many months, our live schedule on Pride 48, smart people turn us on, who we want to be raped by, Big Fatty Online iPhone app, RJ almost hits Chris, Eureka, V, Glee, lubes, and much more are talked about in this episode. We got a question from our listener, David, and we give our feedback on dildos and how we feel about them. Thank you, David, for the question! If you have any questions for us, please ask. Links in this episode:Fort Troff (BDSM seller): Cocktails and Creampuffs (podcast): LA Times Lube-HIV Article: Music in this episode:The Dwarves - Fefu